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Everything posted by Beaviss

  1. Now this is getting interesting..... going to waive?
  2. Defensive defenceman!? Quebec Meute in your future?
  3. Even I as a noob wasn’t that good.... @Reives beacuse you player page is so nice I’m throwing you your first like enjoy lol
  4. @Caleb Snoe welcome to the league! If you need any pointers or help let me know!
  5. Beaviss


    Liked everything in this thread cuz I don’t normally throw out likes like @Spade18 does so I have lots.
  6. Welcome to the league! If you need any help let me know!
  7. @Glebbread This is where VHLM GM’s will offer you a contract for the rest of the season. @Smarch @Gooningitup @iRockstar @Laflamme @diamond_ace
  8. Dont forget to add your 30 free stat points to add some uniqueness to your character!
  9. This is where VHLM GM’s will offer you contracts @cheidebrecht @Gooningitup @Smarch @diamond_ace @iRockstar @Laflamme
  10. Welcome! @cheidebrechtif you need any help getting started or anything feel free to let me know and I’d be happy to help!
  11. Have fun mines coming up soon aswell!
  12. G - Roger Sterling @Bushito I think we done
  13. There’s a name I haven’t seen in awhile
  14. Louth > Rayne Canada > USA Theirs a trend here
  15. D- Boner D-Dexter Lane @Lucky 2 Times
  16. Beaviss


    Lots of movement already I’m ok with this
  17. Just stay in the M till your ready for arkander to disappear
  18. Does that mean that arkander must retire?
  19. since they technically paid a pick for them when he asked me I thought it would be similar to my situation when I took over Quebec.
  20. Soooooo when’s the next game?
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