Summary: Bobby Bob, Stat: DC, Reset from: 87 to 95, TPA diff: 55
Summary: Catia Goncalves, Stat: PC, Reset from: 81 to 85, TPA diff: 20
Summary: David Rashford, Stat: DC, Reset from: 86 to 90, TPA diff: 20
Summary: Jacob Stone, Stat: OV, Reset from: 87 to 99, TPA diff: 95
Summary: Jarmo Ruutu, Stat: PC, Reset from: 87 to 92, TPA diff: 31
Summary: Jasper Davis, Stat: OV, Reset from: 87 to 95, TPA diff: 55
Summary: Keegan Gamble, Stat: SH, Reset from: 85 to 89, TPA diff: 20
Summary: Mark Calaway, Stat: OV, Reset from: 86 to 94, TPA diff: 52
Summary: Merome Dilson, Stat: RB, Reset from: 91 to 96, TPA diff: 42
Summary: Obuz Schneider Canet du Bocage, Stat: OV, Reset from: 94 to 99, TPA diff: 48
Summary: Owen Lazaro, Stat: OV, Reset from: 75 to 85, TPA diff: 40
Summary: Raimo Tuominen, Stat: SS, Reset from: 83 to 87, TPA diff: 20
Summary: Ronald Johnson MacWallace III, Stat: OV, Reset from: 86 to 90, TPA diff: 20
Summary: Snubbed Analfist, Stat: DC, Reset from: 84 to 95, TPA diff: 70
Summary: Viktor Jensen, Stat: OV, Reset from: 74 to 80, TPA diff: 17
Summary: YaBoi Oven, Stat: DC, Reset from: 86 to 90, TPA diff: 20
Please remember that if you are protecting your highest stat, you do not need to post here.