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Posts posted by ShawnGlade

  1. Lot's of good offers here, thanks to everyone reaching out, I appreciate y'all. Was a tough, long decision, but after a while I've decided to go with an easy choice and head back to where it all began


    14 hours ago, rory said:

    Welcome back @ShawnGlade

    I'm Rory and I'm the general manager for the Halifax 21st. We have a strong forward core coming out of the draft and would absolutely love to support them with your player! We can offer you top pairing minutes, including all the special teams time in the world. We'd obviously love to have your presence in the third iteration of the Halifax LR!!

    If you'd like to join the fleet, quote this and say "accepted"! 🦾



  2. 2 hours ago, InstantRockstar said:

    I didn't care for you going MIA and getting an attitude. I enjoyed your time here in your prime where your care actually showed. Now you've got this big head ego and attitude and it's kinda bullshit. You talk about toxicity, you talk about attitudes, you talk about "being owed" stuff and so on and so forth, what the heck is this article then? 

    All you've done is make more people dislike your actions, care less for your words and do nothing but be negative, inactive and toxic yourself. It's a two-way street my friend, and if you don't like how things work around here, no one is holding you hostage. 

    im aware, in fact you were one of the people i apologized to. I made efforts to fix my image. I did everything I possibly could to fix myself and all i was met with was endless shit for months. no fucking wonder i stopped caring

  3. 3 hours ago, TheLastOlympian07 said:

    you make me embarrassed to be named Shawn with this post. You cry about people being entitled to nothing but yet want to be a GM of a Alaska or Colorado team? maybe i read that wrong or maybe i just can't wrap my head around the stupidity of this post. I would say I feel bad for everyone dragging you, but I dont. I can't tell if this was a serious article or not. If you just wanted people to just pay attention to you for awhile. Either way, job done i guess. you got dragged and people paid attention to you. i bet youll come back and say this was a joke article now because of how hard you got dragged tho. cheer up. sim leagues are for fun.    

    you read it wrong

  4. 2 hours ago, Quik said:


    I mean, like I said, niches/groups...it's all what you make it. I don't game, I've been on VC once, but I can still find common ground with most everyone here because, surprise, most everyone here has at least some similar interests.


    With GMs/BOG - that's part of why we removed most GMs. Also, GMs have always known about expansion from the start of the season leading in. There may have been one time where we started/ended expansion talks fairly quickly mid-season, out of necessity, but we've always done our best to let the non-BOG GMs know as early as possible to prevent an imbalance of power. The only time GMs didn't know something before the rest of the league was when we let them believe it was a 2-team expansion last time, instead of 4, since it didn't really affect how they prepared.

    um, except i didn't know a full season before Quik I'm not even joking when I say I knew about Malmo 12 hours before everyone else. That's why I was so pissed off about it, because I had no time to prepare because while I appreciate the effort of letting people know ahead of time, in practice that's not how it went down

  5. 5 hours ago, InstantRockstar said:

    @ShawnGlade I just want to say how disappointing it is to hear you bash the VHLM GMs. For a guy that left Dil in the dark for months I think you have NO wiggle room to even contemplate bashing anyone for doing anything. You didn't help Halifax whatsoever and left Dil to do everything, and you just did nothing. 


    I do also want to say that there is a majority of us GM's that do our own recruiting, but of course we're going to ask the AGM to do it too, it a) helps them prepare for GMing and having to do pitching on their own and b) keeps them busy and engaged and more importantly c) helps them introduce themselves to new members. 


    It's really sad to see someone I looked up to as a GM back when you were actually active with Davos just shit on everyone. If you're so miserable, leave. But the VHLM GM's despite turnovers have been awesome overall, every single one. We may bicker, we may disagree, but at the end of the day you have NO right after your shitty track record to run ANY of them through the mud. 




    @VHLM GM ily all ❤️ 

    I was gonna deconstruct this, but nah. I tried to help dil, I really did. We very clearly have different thoughts on how to run shit and at the end of the day hes the GM


    you admitted yourself that you've never liked me or my GM style, but now you also looked up to me? which one is it dude

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