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Posts posted by ShawnGlade

  1. 5MatnpB.png


    Hey @Funsley!


    Lemme get my licks in before you face an onslaught of copy-paste offers that other GMs have already offered to other new members but I won't speak on that. I'm writing this to you because I want YOU on the Halifax 21st.


    I won't lie, we're entering a rebuild of sort in preparation for future contention, so I can offer you a spot on our top pairing (I think tbh I need to check our lineup) and tons of ice time as well as experience in the best LR in the VHLM ! Plus look at that sexy logo, doesn't it look so CLEAN?


    If you have any questions or concerns or just wanna talk about routers, PM me here or on discord (Shawn#2567) or ask for my AOL link ;)


    If you'd like to accept, quote this and say "#RideTheWave!"

  2. 5MatnpB.png


    Hey @TinoManny !


    These silly billies are just copy-pasting their offers, and while some of them are good, they're not. I want YOU (and others ofc) to join the Halifaxian army. We're an averagely decent team who thrives on centers with big butts, and you're the type of guy we're looking for.


    Now, since we already have a bonifide stud at 1C, we can offer you second line minutes right away. Trust me, you'll have tons of great memories here. Wanna know where you won't have memories? Philadelphia. They literally said they leave their opponents DEAD. RUN. YOU WILL LITERALLY CATCH A FELONY AND NOT GET TO PLAY AGAIN.


    In all seriousness if you have questions or concerns or just wanna chat about large-scale cardboard manufacturing, please don;t hesitate to hit me up on the forums or on Discord (Shawn#2567) or maybe I'll give you my phone number ;)


    So if you accept, just quote this and say "#RideTheWave!"

  3. 5MatnpB.png


    Hey @TFX12 !


    Look, the thing about the offers you're getting are they're all copy-pasted from some word document. Seriously, look at all the other offers and tell me if you still feel special. Well well well my friend Kevin, YOU are what we want in Halifax. I'm typing this to you specifically, to show how much I want you on our team.


    Look, I'll break it to you bluntly. We're a middle of the pack team and you'd have to battle for minutes, but we're in need of 1 or 2 more good wingers to solidify our team and push us to the top. Why join a team like the Marlins? They're offering you a good reputation since they're rebuilding, but the only reputation you're gonna get by joining them is a bum that never won anything in his career.


    Our team is close-knit and we're always here to help you. If you have any questions or concerns or just wanna talk about bagels, please don't hesitate to reach out to me on the forums or on Discord (Shawn#2567) or hell, you can evern have my cell number if you ask for it.


    So if you'd like to join, let me know by quoting this post and saying #RideTheWave!

  4. Just now, diamond_ace said:

    You're allowed personality, as long as that personality isn't tricking a new guy into signing with you by claiming an error.

    (to be fair, there likely is an error - I doubt that's what he wants his player name to be, but that doesn't mean he has to sign with you to get it fixed).

    His issue is that he's not on a team, which i was gonna fix

  5. 7 minutes ago, diamond_ace said:

    You tried it in the first place. It's one guy, it's not going to break your team, but no, we're not in the business of lying to people to trick them into signing. Now you know not to try it.

    I told people as soon as i posted it that i was fooling around and i was gonna message him and explain if he did actually fall for it, but were not allowed personality here

  6. Just now, diamond_ace said:

    Halifax out of the running for this player. @Jdillah111 this is one of the VHLM commissioners here - Shawn is trying to trick you into signing for him. Please accept elsewhere. We will fix any errors outside of that - holding an error over your head as a means of signing is shady and will not be allowed.

    i literally edited my post to clear up confusion

  7. @Jdillah111


    hey bro, I noticed your player had an issue on the backend when creating, and wasn't sure if you meant to do this player. What i'm gonna do to fix it is put you on the Halifax team instead of the teams here because that's the only way to do it since they're structured differently. If you would actually like me to fix this then say "accept"


    but seriously nothing is wrong with your account, but if you wanna join halifax we're all about keeping it loose and having fun

  8. 5MatnpB.png


    Hey @Revo !


    As you can see you're being bombarded with silly copy-paste template offers, and that's because they actually don't care enough about you to write a personal offer for you specifically. I'm serious, go look at other offers they give new members, it's the exact same offer. Me however, I'm taking the next 10 or so minutes to write to you specifically, because I want YOU on the Halifax 21st.


    We're a competitive team this season in the middle of the playoff hunt, and could use another player such as yourself, ESPECIALLY centers (pls sign with us we have wingers playing center right now) You'll be able to immediately start on our second line and get some exposure to the VHLM in a high-impact role, and have fun doing so! Sure you'd get better spots elsewhere, but we're better. Horns up? Bro Houston is at the bottom of the standings, trust me. Plus I think their GM is a weeb, he owns an anime art website.


    Anyways, if you have any questions or concerns, or just wanna talk about different types of salt water, please don't hesitate to PM me here or on discord (Shawn#2567) or ask for my phone number and we can talk about cute boys we see or whatever


    So just quote this and say "accept" if you'd like to #RideTheWave!



  9. 5MatnpB.png


    Hey @Moose !


    Look, all these offers offers you're gonna get are copy-pasted from a template and tbh it's all just silly bs. Let's get real, I'm writing this for you personally moose-y, because I want you on Halifax. We're a competitive team who could use a small forward such as yourself to be an offensive machine. Now I won't lie, you'd have to battle for ice-time, but if you stick with it then you'll be a top player in no time.


    I'll say this before DoktorFunk and Ottawa have time to brainwash you with a lame offer, but YOU GET BACK WHAT YOU PUT INTO THIS LEAGUE. If you log on daily and make sure you're keeping up with your TPE, I will personally see it that you get more ice-time.


    (What do you call more than one moose? Moosi? Mooses? Meese?)


    Anyways, if you have any questions or concerns or just wanna talk about Sour Patch Kids, feel free to PM me on the site or on Discord (Shawn#2567) or just ask for my Phone number and we can talk and gossip all night ;)


    If you want to accept our offer, please quote this post and say "accept" to #RideTheWave!

  10. 5MatnpB.png


    Hey @Crosby1987 ! 


    Most of the offers your're gonna get today are generic, copy paste offers that have some fancy graphic and some elaborate pitch, but we're not like that. You see, I care about your success, and I wanna see you go far, much like Crosby in real life (is Patrick actually his middle name?) Our team locker room is buzzing and we like to joke around and in general keep things light and most of us have become friends outside of virtual hockey.


    We're a competitive team, but I won't sugarcoat things. You'd probably be battling for a spot on our top 2 lines, and the amount of effort you put in will result on what happens with your player.


    This is the case for other teams, they bait you in saying you'll play first line, but you almost always get put on the second line anytime someone else comes along, but I will personally make sure that isn't the case in Halifax.


    If you have any questions or concerns, PM either on the site or on discord (Shawn#2567) or hell just ask for my cell number and I'll help you there too. Just quote this post and say "accept" if you're ready to #RideTheWave!

  11. 5MatnpB.png


    Hey @Jhighway95!


    I won't copy paste a message here because I care about you on a more personal level. Here in Halifax, you'd likely start off on our second line, but with a bit of hardwork and determination, I think you'd make a great 1C this season. All these other teams offering you copy paste these messages but here in Halifax, we will personally make sure you're welcome and included, because you're someone we absolutely want


    As for the team, we're competing this season while even though we've had a rocky start, I'm confident in our group to turn it around


    If you choose another team I understand, but please lemme know if you need anything. Just PM here or my discord (Shawn#2567) or hell just message me and I'll give you my phone number lol


    Anyways, hope to have you on the team to #RideTheWave!

  12. eCWLasW.jpg



    1. Our first week has passed and we're off to a rocky start. What would you change?

    2. Do you think the lack of success recently is a sign of things to come or will it pass?

    3. Are there any teams that surprised you with their play this week?

    4. Are there any changes to our line-up that you'd make?

    5. If Halifax were to trade for any player in the league, who would you want it to be?

    6. How did your player do in our first few games?

    7. What's your favorite Doritos flavor?

    8. I go to school in Colorado and everyone pronounces it differently. Do you say it as Cawla-raw-doe, Cawla-raa-doe, or Cawla-rai-doe?

  13. 5MatnpB.png


    Hey @Nici!


    We just had our draft a few days ago which means you won't have the benefit of having as much TPE right out of the gate, but I'm more than confident in your abilities and I think you'll make a great player and member!


    So I'm the AGM of the Halifax 21st. We have a very rich history and are sorta known for being contenders year after year, and we plan on doing much of the same this season! The best part is, you can help us in our cup chase on the 2nd pairing! It's not first, but you'll have the chance to learn under seasoned defense men who can help you out!


    If you choose to accept our offer just quote this message and let us know you would like to join us! If you decide to pursue a different team, no worries at all! Just know that if you have questions or concerns about anything, don't hesitate to contact me (Shawn#2567) or @Dil (DilIsPickle#6969) on the forums or discord and we'd be happy to help :)


    So just let us know if you're ready to #RideTheWave!

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