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Jose Gonzalez

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Everything posted by Jose Gonzalez

  1. JGRS Review Information: 10/10 Give me one reason to give you lower Readability: 10/10 Again REALLY GOOD JOB PERFECT SCORE TOTAL 5
  2. JGRS Review Information: 8/10 I like that you told that something is happening, but wish you made a prediction of how to fix it Readability: 9/10 Nothing to complain about good job
  3. JGRS Review Information: 10/10 Holds a lot of good information dont think anyone will argue with it Readability: 10/10 REALLY GOOD JOB HERE... explaining all the stats stats and why they are important really good PERFECT SCORE 4th time ever
  4. I am Jose Gonzalez, LW for the Las Vegas aces, and I wanted to make this blog to talk about the VHLM playoffs and the VHL draft coming up. We as a team, have not played well against Ottawa that is simple. I am hoping that us being lead 3-1 will be the punch in the face to go "This is real they are a real opponent we need to go hard." I think very few players on the team including me have been playing as well as they could. I think we can beat Ottawa, but we need too play as a team in the regular season we could, but now we can't. I am currently projected 9th for the VHL draft, and I am excited for the night I get selected. I have enjoyed my time in the VHLM and playing for my local team in Vegas, but I am excited to join my next team where ever it maybe.
  5. 1. Playing for Ottawa what are you expecting from probably the most exciting series for this round? 2. Are there any players you have really enjoyed being teammates with? 3. Coaches are a very important role on any team, are the coaches in Ottawa more active then any other coach you have dealt with or how are they ranked? 4. Who on another team do you respect the most? 5. Who on your team do you respect the most?
  6. @Tagger how do I claim my recruitment and is it capped or uncapped?
  7. JGRS Review Information 9/10 I am so confused who wakes up and says I want to buy a house like that LUL Readability:8/10 Probably could be separated into paragraphs a little make it easier to read Roleplay: 10/10 I guess i will give you this but overall weird article
  8. JGRS Review Information: 9/10 I like that you are showing your goals (PS biggest story line this year the the VHLM is the Mertz Pepper rivalry so FYI) Readability:9/10 Nothing to complain about Roleplay: NA
  9. JGRS Review Information: 10/10 Good job (I always thought of it being Yukon Oklahoma but now that i think about it I am probably wrong) Readability:10/10 Easy to read and is a fun read Roleplay: 9/10 Good job
  10. JGRS Review Information 9/10 Holds a lot of good information Readability: 10/10 all of the information is well explained Roleplay NA
  11. Both Pepper's and Gonzalez's bootcamps with you players went very well. When we talked to Jose Gonzalez, he said that he is excited to see the future of Vegas hockey. "The players that came to the boot camp were amazing. Some I think could easily go into the VHLM, one kid named Barry Cole was skating around like no one his age I have ever seen. I think he could skate better then many VHLM defenseman." Gonzalez also attended Pepper's goaltender camp. "There were many young kids who could jump the crease pretty well. The future of Vegas hockey is definitely bright, and having Pepper being one of the best goaltenders in the league could help the development of goaltenders in Vegas. I really hope these young kids also get some LWs cause I don't want to be the best LW from Las Vegas." With the large amount of kids that signed up for the bootcamp Gonzalez will be holding a second camp after the playoffs have completed.
  12. Lol well bow you have an easy podcast for next week plus we have been doing camps in vegas
  13. Also from what I heard you missed the amazing story line if two friends from Vegas being drafted in vegas... you could of talked about it with sonnet and me soo
  14. My only suggestion is to get a better mic. I can't really hear you that well.
  15. JGRS Review Information NA Readability: 9/10 nothing to complain about here Roleplay: 10/10 REALLLLLLY GOOD JOB KEEP IT UP
  16. JGRS Review Information 10/10 Amazing job showing what happened to cause this run Readability 10/10 Cant complain really good job PERFECT SCORE
  17. JGRS Review Information: 10/10 Good job here not much to complain about Readability: 10/10 Still nothing to complain really good job PERFECT SCORE
  18. JGRS Review Information: 9/10 Good job showing a lot of information Readability: 8/10 I think you could separate a lot of it into paragraphs so it is a bit more inviting.
  19. JGRS Review Information 9/10 Holds a lot of good information Readability: 9/10 information is explained well good job
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