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Everything posted by jack

  1. just reminded IR yesterday so whenever he sends them I'll upload everything
  2. not a fan of the text covering part of his face year. The color dodge fx seem a bit too intense. Nice colouring though.
  3. you're definitely getting your groove back. Sweet colouring. Could use a bit better lighting to isolate the render a bit, but nice work.
  4. Effort: 1.5/2 - you're better than this Look: 1.5/3 - coach said it all. What few stocks you do have are barely helping the flow, and text is too intense. Creativity: 1/1 - yessir Final: 4/6
  5. Effort: 1.5/2 - graders have said over and over again you need to add more. One, maybe two stocks is usually not gonna cut it. Look: 2/3 - main text is nice, and the bg text is as well, but the second render doesn't fit as coach said. Creativity: 1/1 - yeah FInal: 5/6
  6. Effort: 3/3 - yayaya Look: 2.5/3 - not feeling this 100%. Too bright right bside the render, and the sig could use a bit more height. BG and text are pretty nice. Creativity: 1/1 - yep Total: 5.5/6
  7. Effort: 2/2 - lighting, text, stocks etc Look: 2.5/3 - lighting is kinda off, could use a levels adj. layer on top to increase contrast a bit. Stock work is pretty good. Overall just lacks depth. Creativity: 1/1 - sure Total: 5.5/6
  8. Effort: 2/2 - easily Look: 3/3 - bar on the right is kinda weird but not enough to dock Creativity: 1/1 - trees and shit Final: 6/6
  9. attention all: the sens have won a game.
  10. Honestly, this sig is a large improvement from last week. There's tons of nice people here that will help him and I have no doubts solid sigs can be made in GIMP. The correlation I've noticed is that people that get GIMP are usually beginners anyway. A different program won't give you skills.
  11. completely up to you. I named some layers that might be hard to guess what was done for a beginner (high pass/other filters) but I didn't say anything about adjustment layers or stocks
  12. Reddit has a built-in feature that "fuzzes" the votes to combat bots upvoting things. The difference (upvotes - downvotes) is always accurate, but the total votes is changed. So it may have had 5 upvotes and 1 downvote to make 4 points. Not sure how the system discourages bots voting things, but that's what they say it's for.
  13. if you can't see Change theme hit the button on the bottom right to hide the chat.
  14. Okay, I've peeked around and have chosen a few that I would personally like to see in the pack. From boubabi, my recent favourites are probably these two: IR, Noah, and beketov Those are just my favourites, and if you would rather share a different sig for whatever reason no problem. Upload the .PSDs somewhere and I'll put the thing together. What sigs of mine would people like to see?
  15. How should we decide what sigs are included? I don't want the size to be too huge, but at the same time I'd like it to be a solid resource.
  16. very very nice, love the colouring.
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