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Everything posted by Banackock

  1. This is heavily abrupt. Crazy. Hmm. Hope to see you soon!
  2. Si.
  3. Yes!
  4. Yep!
  5. Good career!
  6. Good, loyal and amazing member. Someone I can count on for any sim league we cross paths in - and typically, we end up GMing one another. I really hope you come out swinging with this next player and make him big! Thanks for all the help, man. @Dangles13
  7. Close game - tons of shots.
  8. As an FYI, @BladeMaiden is the only GM for Philly and there will be NO Co-GM. Thanks.
  9. I gotcha, man.
  10. I got that. Its just the whole “I wanna be a shitty player and will be one but if you let me go for free I will become a star”. However, I know your background and excitement so I’m also somewhat understanding Well see what the future holds but I did send you a PM
  11. Ohhh, dirty move. I like it!
  12. GG. Happy it’s over and done with (all the prepping and planning of expansion). Now time to enjoy the rewards and future! Good luck and congrats to those involved! Solid work by everyone involved.
  13. Great game! Much better. Well played by everyone! LETS GO GUYS!
  14. This - but too close against a team that shouldn’t be. GG for new star Dragomir!
  15. Best of luck with Oslo!
  16. GOT EM! Good luck!
  17. Oh, si. Good luck!
  18. Wish I could help you, Asia. Please die a peaceful death!
  19. hattrick for dillhole
  20. GG by Davison
  21. EURO-Flexx
  22. The better country wins..
  23. OH CANADA!
  24. 10 more wins!
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