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Everything posted by Banackock

  1. GOAT

    1. Nykonax


      nice of you to talk about dahlberg like that

    2. Bushito


      Gayest Of All Time


    3. BluObieZ
  2. Good luck @Eudaldkp and @Peace and the rest of Oslo and Saskatoon in the first round.
  3. Also, Victory Cup. Wonder what STHS has in mind for playoffs this season.
  4. Good stuff - I like it!
  5. Just means we’ll lose 4-0 in a series in the playoffs with all the regular season success. STHS has been too normal lately, playoffs are just in time for it to do whatever it wants.
  6. That’s okay ! We all know how playoffs go!
  7. There she be!
  8. New York still sucks
  9. I REALLY dig the logo though haha
  10. 599 - 1 more to go
  11. Very spread out game
  12. Cast, Thompson, Ironside for me!
  13. I haven't been this excited about the league in so long. I mean, the last time I felt this excited was when I made it to the finals with the Bears and went dancing all the way. Best moment of my time so far on this site and this expansion and everything else going on in both leagues is up there in my personal rankings. In the VHL, you got @Victor returning to GMing - while we can bump heads or whatever, I still like the guy, respect him and see him as an extremely valuable member to the VHL. It's fun to see him get another GM job and it's more fun and exciting to see the new team and logo. It's amazing. I love the location, logo and all the above. It's a place for sure I'd be interested in playing for, once I am outside of my GMing days. For the VHLM, you got Philadelphia finally getting a team after so, so long of preaching the love. The Reapers. Cool logo. I found it. Thank you, thank you. @Beketov made him looking heavily less obese too, so right on there. He saved members a lot of issues with not being able to not notice it once you had. The other, also my finding (pump those tires with air, boy!), is amazing. As the commissioner of the VHLM, I'll play for any team and love it - but I'd be lying if I said I Houston and their logo/management isn't a team I'd be most down for (wink, wink). Lastly, what I'm excited for, is the future. The league has grown so much and the @Recruitment Crew has done a really great job in bringing in a bulk load of members - with lots being amazing new members. What this means is one day we may very well be seeing expansion again - and maybe a lot sooner than some think with how great things have been. So, with all the buzz about the new locations, it's awesome to think about where we could go next time with expansion. My thoughts? Let's stay an ALL USA/Canada league Colorado or Denver - Always a good place to through a hockey team. For me, everything about Colorado spells hockey and their history is so rich with it! I think the name possibilities could be very fun and enjoyable and with that, you could come out with a very solid logo. It's central-isa USA and close to Vegas, but not too close. Thus, good flights and hopefully cheaper upkeep for the VHLM, hehe. Either way, I like Colorado/Denver as an option. Somewhere in Florida, or, Florida - We popped a team in Minnesota, Vegas, Houston, Philly etc. We're kind of keeping to the outside-sh areas or states of the USA. Or, they're more closer to an ocean, gulf or whatever, than the middle of USA. Keep the style going? Florida. Tampa Bay, Miami, Orlando, Sarasota. I think the logos and names could be amazing with this! Even if you added this and a 2nd expansion as Colorado - you are picking up good general areas of the map and basically being perfectly spread out and not too clustered with other teams. San Jose, LA, Anaheim, Oakland, Malibu - It's warm, there's no ice. I've never been - what's winter like? lol. -25 here today, feel bad for the suckers in Ontario and Winnipeg blah blah. -50? Shit. I love all these places and the two that stand out to me most would be San Jose and Oakland. Man, you could have amazing options for logos and names with both places and to me, Oakland ____ in the VHLM would be good shit. Either of for me would be interesting Edmonton - Calgary is in it. Don't be too generic and be like any other league who has both Calgary and Edmonton - though, I would never hate the blues for making the choice. EDMONTON needs a team! So, let's fuckin put er in the VHLM. I'm from around Edmonton. Sounds to me like we have a lot of members from around the area or in Alberta that they could get excited about this. Count me in for every player on a VHLM Albertan team. Winnipeg - Share the brotherly love, Canada. Especially if Edmonton got a team! (though, if we stayed Canada/USA and expanded 2 teams, we'd split CA/USA). Split the provinces up and bit and spread it out. Lots of guys from Winnipeg too and always lots of love for the hockey team - to me, not a bad idea. Also may warm their spirits up on the cool, fresh -50 c day! Montreal - Same thing. I don't love it much though for some odd reason, but as we seen Quebec move, it may be a nice tribute to add Montreal to the basket. The French need love too! We're a bilingual nation! North America - stick to it. Mexico City/Mexico - Really the only one of the top of my head, but it's cool to still branch outside of the normal CA/USA. Mexico isn't a hockey place, which maybe makes it better. That's so different. Members like @Trifecta always mention they're running out of stuff to talk about. I mean, some call him crazy but after doing it for so long (especially due to him having a new player every 3 seasons), it does tend to happen sometimes. I've struggled with writing. What better way than to change? Always has to be a hockey place, why not just have fun with it to some extent? Mexico is an amazing location and I really feel it's a team member would get behind and has the potential for an amazing, meaningful name and logo. International? Coming to you soon. Don't want to spoil all the fun and secrets right away. Where would you, as a member, like to see a VHLM team end up? Ideas and league opinions are always appreciated. It's a big reason why Philadelphia now has a team! 2 weeks - 28th to 3rd (12 TPE theme week) 4th t0 10th (6 TPE)
  14. QUE and RIG.
  15. Their 4th of 7 against Riga*
  16. @boubabi is turning over in his “ban” grave right now and really kicking up a fuss with this - I know that much.
  17. Predictions next game:
  18. Could be worse... USA, USA! Though, Mexico would be neat. As the league expands in the future, which I'm sure it will, there's a strong chance of once again branching off. Time will tell
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