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Everything posted by Banackock

  1. A cap increase would be beautiful - just saying! Especially with the contraction of 2 teams, plus newer members and systems put in place. Would allow potentially deeper roster - whichever i feel we'll be seeing soon-ish and will allow for some form of organization stability. Ill crank out finances a little deeper tonight and send it your way @Beketov - though it's not quite set in stone with updates still likely to come in and I'm just talking off the top of my head!
  2. Woo
  3. Little bit longer of an off-season! Nice. I'll need it with the heavy lifting that'll be coming for myself and GM/financier etc.
  4. Oi. welcome. Feel free to PM me if you need anything (help, advice or dirt on someone)! good luck!
  5. Doesn't he have a gaming comp? If a long sig slows down the comp he needs to go buy a new one
  6. And wot I don't see sigs on mobile lol
  7. Got rep boubs good work and team world tho
  8. I don't! Lol it's gonna be a busy one!
  9. Are you not off on some sunny destination enjoying your 387287634 retirement yet?
  10. I didn't partake but wanted to say congratulations to everyone!
  11. Not gonna lie - both links I was shitting my pants.
  12. @Green atta boy!
  13. Thank good. Good game guys and solid performance @BluObieZ
  14. V2A has done really good for us
  15. It is what it is, son.
  16. Ouuuch
  17. Not too bad.
  18. Not too bad.
  19. We don't have Holik though @Beketov
  20. Go Team World!
  21. Isn't he in PEI? We don't want him then
  22. Thank Yu
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