So last weeks was called "Thoughts on the season" which is gonna get old popping up once or twice a week. Call it corny, but "Dear Diary, it's me.. Blake Campbell" will be rolled out at least once a season and has about as catchy, corny and terrible of a name as every shit, reality TV show out there that has to do with people getting rich off the dumbest shit. Who knows - maybe come in time we'll fire up a podcast on here called "Keeping Up With The BlueTeam".
Cue in, darken the lights. Script reads:
@Beketov storms out of his room on his personalized 2.5M dollar yacht. Him and his city slicker boyfriend @Devise have bee at each others throats for the 3rd consecutive night on where they should hold their wedding. Bek would love to hold the wedding in Paris, France - in some beautiful flowered field, away from the noise and surrounded by beauty. Devise counters with a wedding in Vegas, taking out personal loans and trying to strike it rich while snorting cocaine and some other blue, chalked up substance off a transgender prostitutes butt.
@Higgins is shown sitting in his bed room in his upstate, New York condo looking through a shoe box filled with pictures of @Will. It's been almost 3 years since the disappearance of young William, yet his heart cannot find peace. While sipping on a gin and tonic, he remembers back to all the glorious, fun and kinky times the two had together while working at the Victory Hockey League and tears start to form in his eyes. Higgins collects the tears in a jar, which now sits 7 fl. OZ's full. He will use these tear to perform a ritual in hopes to locate, find and safely return Will.
I don't think I've ever enjoyed writing a more than today. Thanks, guys. Happy Monday!
+1 to whoever didn't claim magazine.