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Everything posted by Banackock

  1. In the end, we have the same success. A playoff series, cup - etc will all come in time
  2. Awe no. Damn huh! #LottyIguess
  3. I need one more decent pick. Enjoy!
  4. Good group of players so far!
  5. Yep. This is pretty damn good @solas
  6. I say give him 7 tpe for this piece of artwork. To hell with writing 600 words+ a week - I'm going on "paint"
  7. Can't spell teamwork without teamwork.
  8. Banackock

    Guntis Petenis

    6.7 – Reacquiring a Player Previously TradedA player may not be re-acquired by the same team within the next 2 seasons (including the one the player was traded in) via trade.
  9. Good luck with the next one! Hope you end up on SEA sometime
  10. Kick some, ass.
  11. gr8 career
  12. Id say a week ban and resignation form GMing. Maybe a suspension to one of his players for 16 games too. @jRuutu and nah, dude. You're a great member. So it matters to me
  14. @punkhippie Good.. win... er.. shit
  15. Well, It's always nice opening up game threads and seeing you didn't get thrashed by teams who should have wiped you out. Good game, Riggy.
  16. @Bushito teach me your ways
  17. @Laflamme Game WINNER! Time to get the Game threads rolling again
  18. Good luck! Looking forward to watching your player.
  19. Yeah, but come on, dude. Making fun of a miscarriage.. someone going through that kind of stuff. I don't care for Kendrick (It's not a secret). I respect him. He does a lot for the league, I just don't care for him. Wouldn't wish that on him though. Attack him or whatever, but show respect for yourself
  20. We need more people kicking around so shit like this doesn't happen... lol @Higgins a line was crossed today tbh .
  21. Amen. Anyway, @punkhippie go to sleep - have a Snickers bar or something. Go jerk off and relax. Come back tomorrow. eat a bowl of Captain Crunch. Don't piss away the VHL.
  22. Dude, log off and come back later lol you make good players and re active. We need that. You both need to take a nap. (My only issue on here ever Kendrick, generally involves you haha :p)
  23. So now Cologne and CGY?? @Higgins
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