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About Fizzwidget

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  1. @AaronG_420 That's how you'll find me on Twitter.


  2. Wranglers Legion Reign Meute
  3. Reign 4 - 2 Dynamos
  4. Lol fizzing the fish as to puncture their air bladder? Nope... Think R.Y.N.O gun
  5. It would be an honor to back up and start my new journey
  6. Very excited to join the community.

    1. Exlaxchronicles


      Welcome aboard Fizz. If you need any assistance feel free to ask around, myself included.

    2. DollarAndADream
  7. Just Fizz is fine. Made him younger
  8. Player Information Username: Fizzwidget Player Name: Fizz Recruited By: Age: 22 Position: G Height: 74 in. Weight: 175 lbs. Birthplace: Canada Player Page
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