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Everything posted by Nykonax

  1. Yes please. Can you also add a notes section to trades, because a lot of the VHL trades have 6th's and 7th's involved, so it'd be nice to have a notes section where a team can add a note, and the bot with post the trade along with the note.
  2. there was a quebec VHL team but it got moved to Vancouver
  3. so it's different from the NCAA system. Because you created during the season, you're considered a waiver player and can choose which team to sign with, but will be entered into the VHLM draft at the end of the season. Because you created before the trade deadline though, you'll be entered into the VHL draft at the end of the season too. The VHLM has a 200 TPE cap. Once you earn over 200 TPE you go to the VHL. If you hit 200 TPE during the season though, you can bank it and keep on earning, then you go up to the VHL the following season
  4. Yep, SBA is where I recognize it from now. Your a GM there right? IF so you should draft me We also got a couple SBAers in the discord
  5. Hey @AnthonyOuellet I noticed you joined from another sim league? Which one? Feel like I've seen your name before. Anyways I'm the GM of the Mexico City Kings, we're a 2nd year expansion team who aren't doing so hot right now. We've just sold 2 players, but we do have a lot of ice time to offer. To be exact you'd play 1st line minutes + special teams time. If you join my franchise, you'd be one of our key pieces this season, and could kill it stats wise this season. I do understand if you decide to pass on us though because of our status this season. Have fun, and know that other offers from other teams will come in shortly.
  6. Nykonax

    MIN/MEX: S67

    I'd like to thank both @Markoovskyz and @Bruins10 for their short time in the LR, but both of you will definitely have more fun on Minnesota Also thanks to @Rayzor_7 for working our a deal with me that helps everyone involved
  7. Roast me. I have a lot of posts and am allegedly an S tier clown. Joined in October, been a vhlm gm and other stuff
  8. Hey @Quietknight I'm the GM of Mexico and can provide a full time starter spot, along with an active discord. Other offers may come in but ours is the best Quote this post and day accepted to join! Have fun
  9. Think he's talking about my 9 hits lmao
  10. Hey @BaconEggsNHam21 I'm the GM of Mexico City, and I can offer a full time starter position. We have a pretty active discord LR, with a lot of people who can answer your questions. Other offers may come in just so you know If you'd like to join quote this post and say accepted Have fun
  11. You can't even hit the net when no one else is on the ice
  12. my shootout goal was probably so nasty that Cast couldn't believe it and was so intimidated that he missed the net.
  13. I'm pretty sure everything after the first 3 paragraphs is just bullshit
  14. Acyds whole team was built by me and Esso, and his later picks in the draft have already gone inactive I'm not trying to throw shade cause this is just some meaningless list, not do I care that much
  15. Is that the SHL 1OA Kaspars Claude?! I'd like to offer 1st line minutes on the Mexico City Kings, along with some special teams time. We have an active discord LR with some other sim leaguers you may recognize. We're also a 2nd year expansion team do you got a a chance to set some records Just quote this offer and say accepted to join!
  16. F - Pat Svoboda @PenKnight
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