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Everything posted by Nykonax

  1. First the fortnite dancing, now me caught playing Roblox. Who's stalking me
  2. cause @Motzaburger is like a little kid who wont shut the fuck up about dinosaurs, just his dinosaurs is a graphics competition
  3. recruited @FusRoDah quote and say confirmed or something
  4. Hey @FusRoDah I'll offer 1st pair mins, special teams time, and d&d magic items
  5. we should all be positive on this blessed day
  6. @Jacob Girouard sign with me. 100% no pedophiles on my team
  7. I'll take the point and @Jtv123 will take his 4
  8. Svoboda learning from Stamkosfan's hipcheck in VHA playoffs I see
  9. Hey @Steve I'm the GM of the Mexico City Kings. I can offer a standard VHLM contract of 1.5million, and offer 2nd pairing minutes and special teams time. We have an active discord locker room where I and others can answer any questions you have. Quote this offer to accept Have fun, Nyko
  10. Nykonax

    S66 WJC GMs HIRED!

  11. Can't forget Matthews, who I carried to 100 points. That series was probably my favourite VHL memory in my short time so far here. I don't know how we pulled off that black magic fuckery, shame we got swept in finals.
  12. It might have a little effect, but they score more because their decision on when to shoot is better. Players with higher decision making will make the best choice more often
  13. not how well they are at it, just how often they do it. Higher scoring = shoot more. helps with faceoffs too, secondary stat after skating/ph/ one of passing or scoring/ and defense. Also helps with winning fights helps with tipping the puck, and stealing it. It's a primary stat you should upgrade, secondary stat to skating in decision making I believe skating is useful because it helps you make the right decision. If skating is low here you may make a bad pass, when the better option is to skate. Passing and scoring should be 10 apart for forwards, and 15 apart for dmen because of this formula. Also, for any build in the VHLM, defense should be your first stat to 70, and probably even 75. I don't know anything on goalies, so I won't comment on that
  14. @Savoire Faire carrying on offense and defense
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