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Everything posted by BladeMaiden

  1. Review: This is an extremely interesting take on the traditional podcast idea. I actually really enjoyed hearing you answer questions as you played COD. I like that you included questions from other players who I recognize from around the site. Your video quality is crystal clear and your audio is crisp. As this is your 82 video I can say your professionalism and your camera presence really shows your level of experience. 10/10 Way to be an Original..
  2. Review: Der Miester, it is interesting to listen to your podcasts. They are a really good snapshot of what was going on in the VHL before I recently joined. It is interesting to see how things have happened in the past and it was nice hearing you share about your personal life. I think that it is nice that you take the time to post these as they are like history archives for the Leauge. Again your production quality is very nice and you are very enjoyable to listen to. 10/10 Great Job
  3. 1.) I find there are many perks that come from having my new position in Las Vegas. First of all Las Vegas is a booming city full of lots of passionate fans that have really embraced hockey and stands behind their VHLM team. Vegas also boasts both a healthy nightlife and it's climate is very temperate which is beneficial for those who lead an active lifestyle like myself. The Team has an amazing GM who tries to attract new talent to our growing team. 2.) As far as I have been told I will be the starting Goalie for the Las Vegas Aces. 3.)The rumor about me being a one direction fan is false. I have been known to sing some little mix songs in the shower though. 4.)When I finally hit the VHL I would suggest to anyone hoping to score on me to try to aim around me. I'm a big guy. A literal Wall in the net, try not to aim at me. Create a lot of traffic and pray that I get distracted. 5.) I think shoot outs are only good for one thing, making games end quickly. Do I think they are a good test of a team's skill level? No. If it was up to me would they be in the VHL or VHLM? No. I am more than happy to test my skills with the best of them but shootouts have to be the one think that I could do without in hockey. Tagger's VHLM Questions 1) Out of the players brought in through free agency/waivers post-draft (John Madden, Bobby Power, Brick Wahl, Mark Gebauer, Evgeni Komarov, Divaani Sohva, Finn Davison, Jonathon Hill, Kyson Blake), who do you think will go on to have the best career?  I'm just going to go out and say that Brick is going to go on to have the best career. You got to have faith in yourself right?
  4. Can't even argue with you there Peace, nothing really to do at this point until our players face each other. I have confidence in the way that i'm building Wahl and just like You have confidence in your player build. I look forward to continuing this discussion once the season starts. A few chirps to get the season started is not necessarily a bad thing though, it helps build up the hype and brings the teams together. Rivalries and friendships are part of what makes any league fun, even if there is no real context to them yet.
  5. With the VHLM season opener looming, Brick Wahl the new goalie of the Los Vegas Aces is taking some time to address the rumours That have been swirling around since he signed with the Aces less than 2 weeks ago.
  6. I was trying to follow the review protocols and review older podcasts, also was tring to get some perspective on what happened in the league before I joined I just looked for some newer stuff, i’m sure i’ll eventually get to review one of your podcasts. Thanks for responding btw!
  7. Fml, i missed you, ? guess we are screwed then. I had no idea you were randoms hedgehog337 lol. We need a new keyboard warrior for Vegas one who knows who is on the damn team is apparently
  8. Randoms is going to an unpredictable dark horse. Glad to have him in Vegas, the fact that you think I don’t know my teammates this season disturbes me greatly. If your game is at the same caliber as your chirps i’m not worried about this season because that would make you guys weak at best.
  9. Talking about weak chirps, you just keep on repeating yourself, as if that is clever. Like i said before Peace bring it on, i’m not scared of your team. Vegas is getting better by the minute, you’re a fool if you count us out already.
  10. It’s hard to penetrate a Brick Wahl. Knowing the caliber of player i’m dealing with i’ll be surprised if you can deliver on any of these empty threats. Guys that talk big often disappoint, i’ll be suprised if you guys can get yor sticks on the ice, I doubt there will be any penetration happening.
  11. Your team seems to be having difficulty with the concept of wanting vs needing. Peace may want To blow ppl away on the achievement tracker but just because he wants it it doesn’t mean it is going to happen. And FYI even if he ‘needed’ it, ppl go without things they need all the time because the world isn’t fair. Hope your team can get ready to face reality because right now you guys are delusional
  12. I hope you both trip on your hockey sticks. The Amount of ego on the Riga team is astounding. It is my goal to make you guys choke on your words... ( btw it is sad that you guys insinuate that u need a simmer on your team to win, at least my team doesn’t need a crutch. We get by on our own credentials. How’s this for some shots fired? )
  13. I have a feeling you're going to be very quiet this season then Peace
  14. Really if i'm not getting to you why do you even respond. Btw I taught Satan everything he knows hun, so I'm not afraid of anyone. I say bring it on this season, I have no doubts about the type of person I am. You can try and fling your pathetic insults my way, and i'll keep on turning them back around on you. I guess we will see at the end of the Season when all the dust settles just who ended up on top. Don't challenge me and expect me to go easy on you, you seem like a really sensitive type of person and i wouldn't want to hurt your already fragile feelings.
  15. Your reasons are petty, just like your team I'm a great person, really don't know how anyone could want to fight with me lol
  16. Brick Wahl has some new gear and is proudly showing it off to the rest of the VHLM, bet your Goalie doesn't look this good. #WeKnowHowToDoItUpInVegas
  17. Stoffiday's New Goalie Pads for the Yukon Rush @Stoffiday
  18. Here are some new Goalie Pads for Alexander Pepper of the Helsinki Titans. @Sonnet
  19. Sorry, Imust have missed that. Congrats on your exciting VHL Career! I don't know if anyone can ever replace Stopko, but it is a nice thought that you think i might make a go at it I really enjoyed reading your bio and thanks for letting me know.
  20. Review: This graphic is well composed. to some it might seem very simple, but this reviewer thinks that is this graphic's strong point. The way the Jersey blends with the space background is very appealing. I feel like the metaphor of this picture is that a star is being born, Johnathan hill as the next super nova to hit the VHL. the text is easy to read and has been added to the imaage in a way that makes it look like it was meant to be there. I can't wait to see your next graphic Fowll. 10/10 great job
  21. Review: This graphic is really giving off that Halifax 21 team spirit vibe. Thranduil it is evident how much effort you put into trying to make your graphics interesting. The blue color scheme went well with your teams logo and the way you layered your images is nice composition-ally. I have looked back at your previous graphic and am noticing a marked improvement, keep playing around with your software and things will continue to get better. Great work and whoever gave you .5/6 was way too critical. 10/10 - because effort is everything from the Paula Abdul of reviewing
  22. Review: I'm Sure Ottawa's Davison will be proud of this new image featuring him. This image has an interesting textual aspect to it that is unlike many of the other graphics this reviewer has seen. the image has good depth and color balance. the viewers eye really gets drawn into the image because of the darkened edges. I'm not sure weather Davison has struck up a brand contract yet but this might have been a good opportunity to incorporate that into the water-bottle. Overall this graphic is very pleasing to the eye and does what the creator intended, it highlights Davison's entry into the league.
  23. Review: This Image is packed with color and personality. It is defiantly attention grabbing but not in a way that is garish. I like how you incorporated the text into the graphic, it is very bold without looking out of place. I would have liked to see you incorporate the Yukon logo into your graphic somewhere. Over all this image is eye catching while still being pleasing to the eye, I can tell you put some serious effort into this graphic and it shows.
  24. I clicked to listen to the podcast and the link is broken, the podcast is no longer posted.
  25. Eparker24, Pros- This has to be one of the most heartfelt, tear-jerking Biographies I have ever read. I love the tenacity that Eric showed by trying to take odd jobs so that he could play the sport he fell in love with. the part where the coach offers Eric's dad the job would literally warm the heart of even the most stone hearted individuals. Your style of writing is very easy to read and moves at an enjoyable pace. Cons- For a fake biography reading this gave a a bad case of the feels. Part of me things there should be a warning on this story about the emotional journey it takes it's readers on. Great Job 10/10 (I'm slowly becoming the bloody Paula Abdul of VHL reviewing)
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