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Everything posted by BladeMaiden

  1. Just thought I would mention that no one has applied to be the GM of Asia as of yet. If you are interested Tag me so I can send you a GM interview.
  2. @Peace and @oilmandan save the trash talk for the tournament. @ShawnGlade they can talk all the shit they want still won't make their teams better than Hali atm lol and i say that being on Sask.
  3. Don’t think I did notice you put cracks in the wall behind me, that’s just shady lol btw Thanks Jubo!
  4. Bringing back having a 2nd player is a great idea, if it is brought about in a slow step by step manner it will allow the team to see small problems before they become real issues. Honestly, it will get current players more involved and encourage interaction between leagues.
  5. It is 3 degrees Celsius in Saskatoon and I’m leaving 20 degree weather in Vegas; looks like i better pack my long underwear lol. Thanks to Jubo and the entire Vegas organization you gave me a solid start in the VHLM and i’ll think of you guys often, especially when I finally get my first shutout against you guys To my new Organization it’s nice to be part of the team, now let’s dominate!
  6. Ya but this year the whole pack of us seem to be in on it, not just you and Cole. I mean even Rhett was chirping me the other day... lol
  7. All That Chipping In The Fall? It Is Not Even Spring Yet.... It’s not spring time, and all those chirps you hear aren’t comping from the birds. Some people might call the current atmosphere in the VHLM a little toxic. There has been a lot of noise and surprisingly it is coming mostly from within the crease. The story goes that rookie Brick Wahl has been very vocal since entering the league issuing the challenge that any player who has anything to say about the Aces current performances will be dealing with him. Brick stated “We are a good team, and there are a lot of rookies on my team trying to make a name of themselves in the VHLM. As the Assistant Captain and Goalie my team needs to know I have their back. I refuse to let others judge us for the obvious effort that is being made in Vegas by both our players and management. I will not be shamed for my performance, nor will I allow others to slander my teammates.” It looks like this is only the beginning of these netminder feuds with other prominent goalies getting in on the Vegas hate wagon. If you were bucking in for a season where the hockey speaks for itself, then this is not your year. I declare this the year of the chirping goalies. If you don’t like it get some earplugs, because it doesn’t look like it is going to stop anytime soon.
  8. Yukon Halifax Saskatoon Halifax
  9. Yukon 3-2
  10. Lol that’s what i get for trying to chirp when I’m tired, oh well spelling isn’t everything ...
  11. You might wanna learn how to keep that big gaping hole that you call a mouth closed until your save percentage starts looking better. It is really sad when a veteran VHLM goalie can’t even out preform a newbie, I would even shed a tear for you if you weren’t do dang rude lol
  12. GG Rhett, it is always nice when I get to facing off with some of the best talent in the VHLM, not like some of other the Riff-Raff (Cough Cough, @ColeMrtz21 ). I'll have to enjoy this minor victory over the future GOTY lol
  13. +10 Brick Wahl
  14. 1.) Brick Wahl is a 100% fictitious player. Fun fact when I joined the League I had no clue that there had been another Goalie by the same name. After I had created Brick I got contacted by @Advantage the creator of the original Hall of Fame Brick Wahl and was told that I could use his player in my player's back story. If you ever read my biography there is a spot in it where I make the joke that Brick was sponsored by Advantage. 2.) Like all games it is only fun if you have good players that give you the drive to get involved. I have been lucky enough to be welcomed to the League by a lot of interesting personalities that keep me coming back for more each week. 3.) I do like hockey in real life. I played hockey, was actually a goalie for quite some time. I am also an Ottawa Senators fan, even though at this particular time i have a lot of problems with their organization, really hoping that they get a new owner soon. 4.)To answer your question I plan on sticking around the VHL for quite some time. It is my goal to make Brick a top tier goalie and to see his carrier blossom. I can not think of a reason why i would quit now, I'm a competitive type of person and i'm always in it to win it. 5.) I would like to see brick win a GOTY and to eventually see him going his Uncle, also Brick Wahl, in the hall of fame. Like I said before i'm a competitive person and if I am going to dream, I am going to dream BIG. Tagger's Questions 5) The World Juniors cup will be happening in the near future, how likely do you think you'll be to representing your country? I think there is a good chance that I will end up on the Canadian team as a Goalie the better question is will I be the starting Goalie. I will be competing with former WJC gold medal winning goalie Kevin Weekes ( @Lefty) for the starting position and even though he is ahead of me currently in TPE, I plan on narrowing the gap before the juniors and giving him a run for his money, because Brick Wahl is nobody's back up.
  15. I'm also interested in helping out .
  16. I would tell you to play nice, but there would be no fun in that
  17. Way to show up late for the party... @Sonnet guess who is back and pretending like he owns the place.
  18. 23.)Oslo 24.)Yukon 25.)Halifax 26.)Saskatoon
  19. It’s just one game Peace, You better keep this win under your belt you may need to cling to it later on. Wahl is only going to get better, so enjoy your shots while you can take them. btw was 38 shots not enough for you Peace? Just had to get is one more...too bad this won’t count for my save % lol
  20. It’s gonna be a fun year. You better tell Mertz, if he’s back, that he better bring his A game !
  21. And They're Off... The VHL Season has been getting off to an exciting start in these past couple of days. Many teams filled with their new draft picks from the VHLM got to hit the ice this week, ending what felt like a hockey drought for some. With 15 games having been played in the VHL, it could certainly be said that this season has gone off with a bang for the pros. Currently the leaders in the league are Toronto Legion and the Seattle Bears who are tied at 3 game each. Riga Reign, the Helsinki Titans and the Quebec Meute are all tied at two games apiece. In the rear we have The Calgary Wranglers and HC Davos Dynamos with one win each. At this point there are no clear indicators how the season will progress with only 15 games having been played it would be hard to use these first games as a predictor for who will take home the cup this year. If this author was to hazard a guess of what teams you would see in the playoffs they would include Toronto, Seattle, Quebec and Helsinki. Although, the season is long, and this is only the beginning so realistically things could change in a very short amount of time leading to a different picture of what playoff hockey might look like this year in the VHL.
  22. Review: This image is very textually interesting. I really like how you made the wolf in the background blend with the water texture, especially in the neck area where the fur looks like a cascade of water. The font you chose blends nicely with the background and ties the foreground and background together. Overall this is a very well though out graphic with some really cool elements in it. I look forward to seeing your future graphics. 10/10 Keep up the good work!
  23. Review: Love this Image because it has so much personality. The incorporation of the Helsinki logos by your name plate is very visually appealing and adds to the over all layout of the image. You can really sense that team spirit through your use of the Helsinki Colors! This Image looks professional and clean. I look forward to seeing more your your work in the future. 10/10 Great Job
  24. Review: Der Miester, It is nice that you always start your podcasts with the weather and a life update. Your coverage on the brand deals was funny in a sarcastic way. I'm glad netflax picked you up. I think that since we have not yet seen the brands in action is is hard to know how these contracts will play out. It is interesting to hear a Vets perspective on the VHL system. am looking for ward to the rest of your podcasts however many more that ends up being. I hope you enjoy your last couple of seasons in Quebec As always amazing podcast with lots of quality content. 10/10 Awesome job and feel better soon!
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