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Everything posted by BladeMaiden

  1. WJC TPE Week It's the most wonderful time of the year! Christmas music has plagued it's way back into the malls and every single radio station, snow is falling blissfully from the sky (Alberta life, you know?) and the World Juniors are back for the VHLM/VHLM. For the Week of November 12th to November 18th, we're making it even better for you! Want to earn some free TPEz all thanks to the World Juniors? VHL.com BONUS: 1 uncapped TPE -Write 150 words or more about this seasons VHL/VHLM World Juniors. Talk about a player, the team, predictions of anything. If you want to do a graphic for the WJC and tag the players you claim 1TPE as well. -Only 1 uncapped TPE can be claimed for this event, but get in the spirit and celebrate the WJC with us!
  2. A bunch of questions, puck and choose what you like. 1.) How has beeing involved as a GM helped shape the creation of Rylan Peace? 2.) If you could force another player in the VHLM to come play with you in Saskatoon who would want? 3.) What award is Rylan Peace most likely to get at the end if the season? 4.)Rank the top 5 Players on your Team. 5.) Is Rylan a leader or a follower? 6.) coco, coffee, or tea? 7.) Any odd pregame Rituals? 8.) Worse active player in the VHLM and why? 9.) What is your Brand Team and what made you join them? Your Favourite Goalie Brick Wahl
  3. I never turned my back to you, I’ve been cut so deep by this I don’t know if i’ll recover...
  4. You’re abandoning me? I truly think this question should be sent out to more d-men btw it is way too much fun. And I didn’t abandon you, i now look at you longingly from the Sask crease thinking of what could uave been lol
  5. 1.) What is it like in the NYA Locker room? Are the Rumors about it being debauched true? 2.) Does Joseph McWolf have any pregame rituals? 3.) Are you more of less motivated since getting to the VHL? I hear the TPE grind gets very difficult once you make it to the bigs. 4.) How is life in New York? Is McWolf adjusting well to his new life? 5.) Have you been picked up by a Brand Team yet, if so why did you choose that brand and how to you fit into their brand philosophy? 6.) Since there is an undeniable bond between goalies and their d-men lets play an adapted version of sleep with, marry or kill called "defend, abandon, kill or kill for" out of the following goalies who would you abandon, who would you defend and who would you will for? Brick Wahl @BladeMaidenFinn Davison @Poptart, Ismond Kingfisher @Spade18, and Alexander Pepper @Sonnet
  6. Thank You @McWolf for asking me questions for my press conference this week, you're the best 1.) As this is my first chance to compete in a new format I am very excited. I love getting to see Brick being put to the test by the best and this will give me a better idea on how he will do in the VHL. It also doesn't hurt that I got more involved with the WJC by being a Co Commissioner for the tournament and it has been a lot of fun seeing all the background work that goes in to an event like this. 2.)I am really appreciative that for my first job in the league that I was able to tag team it with such an amazing partner. It is always easier to step into a role when you are given guidance and encouragement. Honestly, everyone involved with making sure the tournament happened was positive and fun to work with and I look forward to opportunities where I may be able to help again in the future. 3.) I think that the transition has been tough, I never thought I would be traded by Las Vegas. I thought I was a really great fit for that organization but obliviously they saw more value in trading me than keeping me. It stings a little to see them do well without me but I'm part of Saskatoon now and I still want what i wanted at the beginning of this season. I want a cup and I am very determined to make that happen for my team. The Saskatoon Locker room is very positive and supportive which make it easy for us to focus on our shared goal of VHLM domination. 4.) If anyone other than Myself or @Stoffiday get GOTY, There will be a roar like no other heard in the Thunderdome that day. No shade, at this point it is most likely going to be Rhett. 5.) Ryan Sullivan Jr., it is never a bad time to grab a d-man with over 215 TPE @Advantage built himself a beast of a player. I wouldn't turn down the opportunity to have that guy be my 1st line d-man any day. 6.)In a physical fight Mcwolf would win, the only thing Pepper could successfully hurt is someones feelings. If it was a verbal showdown i'm sure pepper would cause the most emotional damage by flaming ppl to death. 6.b McWolf vs Wahl .) I see That McWolf has 68 penalty minutes with the NYA. I think the better question is why would a goalie and a d-man from another team start a fight but all that aside I do think that Brick would be able to hold his own. Unfortunately, I don't think it would be much of a fight usually when someone touches a goalie the whole bench gets involved. If my team did not intervene I think it would be a toss up if McWolf(6'2") could reach Wahl's(6'4") head. McWolf might have to fight dirty to get over Wahl's size advantage but if he did he would have the bragging rights of single-handedly taking down the Great Wahl of Saskatoon, so maybe it would be worth it. In the end I think McWolf's experience in fighting situations gives him the edge but I never count Brick out, even when he is against the ropes (he's a fighter).
  7. 150 Saskatoon Wild 151 Yukon Rush 152 Las Vegas Aces 153 Saskatoon Wild
  8. Review: Did it just get brighter in here or did Ottawa get some new gear? Ottawa Lynx are now sporting some "interesting" new Jerseys courtesy of the design talents of one of the "best" players in the VHLM. I love how ambitious you were choosing a team who's original colours did not go with the Lynx colour scheme, you were very successful in covering the old branding and made this picture for the most part your own. My only question is why leave the red helmets and gloves? Anyway good job utilizing Microsoft paint to create a memorable image -BladeMaiden
  9. Review: Bushito, I greatly enjoyed how you used former Ottawa Senator Erik Karlsson in his Ottawa Jersey. I think your tag line "The Devil of Defense" is quite clever and catchy. Your use of the fire is no doubt to allude to the fact that as a defensive player Johnsson is hotter than hell. Your color scheme is effective at portraying the overall message of your graphic while still being readable. Great job on your graphic and look forward to looking at more of your work.
  10. Sask 2-1
  11. So excited to get this tournament started!!
  12. That is literally one of the nicest things another goalie has ever said to me! Let’s battle it out for Rookie goalie supremacy, bring it on u little Ottawa Kitten. Best take your claws out ur going to need them to climb the ranks and beat me
  13. I figure I owed you some respect Poptart, I didn’t know you were that close behind me in TPE. Consider this your official invitation to the goalie wars, may the odds be ever in your favour
  14. Ya, I got your back Sonnet ? Good luck !
  15. @Poptart Thought I'd Feature you in some WJC S63 Media, See ya out on the Ice
  16. Calgary 4-3
  17. 144 Quebec City Meute 145 Toronto Legion 146 Calgary Wranglers 147 Helsinki Titans
  18. Time to get this Party Started!!
  19. Thanks @Sonnet, I'm not gonna speak too soon though @Stoffiday is a goalie to be "reckoned' with lol. Btw GG Rhett we'll see how the chips fall next time.
  20. 1.) The trash talk between all the Goalies in the VHLM is definitely a result of the having many highly driven goalies who have similar goals. None of us like to lose and we all want to have the best record and lead our teams to victory. The trash talk defiantly come from a place of being willing to compete for that #1 slot and wanting to win at all costs. 2.)I was next, but that is not a bad thing I had a great time in Vegas and now that I'm back home in Canada with Saskatoon I couldn't be happier. I've been lucky enough to be part of 2 amazing organizations in the VHLM and I think that both these teams have had a lot of do with my development up to this point. 3.)I don't think I would be a great fit in New York their Club Culture probably wouldn't be ideal for me. 4.)The VHL universe is has been very fun for me so far. It is always easier to get involved in a universe when other people are participating, literally the best part of this League. 5.)No, I did not even know there were affiliate Leagues. 1.) Stopko and Pepper 2.) I'm want to win a cup! I would say GOTY but I feel like I am world behind Mertz and Stofiday at this point, I mean they both have a year on me... 3.)Wahl 100% cranks the tunes and dances to get loose before his games, it helps him get pumped up! He also wears 2 different color socks under his goalie pads, rumor has it that on his first win when he was a boy he discovered he put on mismatch socks and he has been wearing them like that ever since.
  21. Halifax Saskatoon Ottawa Las Vegas
  22. You know he can bench you, right??
  23. Review: I enjoy a good underdog story and this is not just a good underdog story, it is a great one. There are not a lot of players in the League that are from the UK and I find it extremely interesting to go on the journey with them from being a struggling youth to seeing them flourish in the VHLM. I'm Glad that Finn and April are now living it up in Ottawa. It makes sense for a players biography to be this hockey based when you consider that hockey was one of the few joys in this young man's life. The reviews of the VHL teams was my favorite part, honestly I haven't laughed so hard in a long time. If Quebec ends up drafting you it will be Kismet lol.
  24. Ottawa 2-1 (let's mix it up)
  25. I would like to take this opportunity to thank all of our applicants the WJC GM Positions on behalf of Myself, @McWolf and @Banackock! The GM that have been hired are as follows: World - @oilmandan & @Sova will be Tag teaming it! Europe - @Esso2264 Asia - @Nykonax USA- @ShawnGlade Canada- @Jubo07
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