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Everything posted by Dil

  1. Nalwa with the HUGE $6mill getting donated to Dil’s Totally Legit Charity for Children and Puppies
  2. Give it a rest. Own up to your shit for once in your life.
  3. Dil

    Small Change

    I hate you.
  4. Dil

    LDN/HSK; S84

    Condition: S86 LDN 3rd becomes S86 LDN 2nd if Johnny Xavier signs a minimum 2 year extension with London @Rayzor_7
  5. Firstly, I would like to thank @Dilfor all the time he spent as the Player Store Updater. The work he put in as updater really helped make the player store a welcoming place for all members. Without his great leadership the player store portal league ENTIRE SIM LEAGUE COMMUNITY would be in shambles. Thank you Dil, you mean so much to me and the rest of the league. *wipes tears* Anyways, a new player store updater is needed. Requirements are to handle the player store purchases, finance claims, and potentially re-rolls if you're feeling up to it . Pay is the standard 2 capped / week. As always, just reply below in the thread if you are interested in the job.
  6. Dil

    Vasteras New GM

    Absolutely amazing pick, LFG!!!!
  7. Hello, today I will be ranking all current VHL GM's based off of their skill as a GM. To calculate their skill level, I have come up with a BRAND NEW, STATE OF THE ART formula. Through this formula, we will be able to judge who is the best, and who is the worst, VHL GM. This formula and metric is simple. This morning I asked all 16 current VHL GM's if I could have a hug. Based off of their replies I will be judging their skills. Here are the results: @Spartan: Spartan was the first to respond to my question, potentially hinting at an underlying and constant need for love. His response to my question?: At this point, any other, normal, person would move on and give Spartan a bad assessment. Me, I can see through his disguise. Through Spartan's reply I can see that he in fact wanted and desired a hug from me. To keep up his appearance he blasted off that response, but I know he felt pain with every fibre of his being. A+ @Alex: Alex was the second to respond to me. Instead of words, he chose to respond to me via art: This gif is one I use very commonly. The average person would see that gif and assume Alex is weirder out and has no way of replying. Me on the other hand, see that by using one of my favourite gifs Alex is displaying his deep desire to give me a hug. A+ @Acydburn: Acydburn, my loving VHLE commissioner fellow Canucks nerds. His reply was the first to display his love for me openly: Acyd went a step further to ask how I was doing, displaying his DEEP and PROFOUND love for me. A+ @hedgehog337: The sleepy boy himself didn't sleep on my message. He responded within 60 seconds with: Being so open with his love for me, he gives me a hug. I feel the passion, and I feel the love. A+ @Rayzor_7: Rayzor's response was a tricky one to unravel. I know Rayzor holds great feelings for me in his heart but is apprehensive due to needing to keep up the image that comes with his tough appearance. Through all of that, I can still see his burning desire to hold me in his arms. A+ @Doomsday: One of the hugs I had been looking forward to the most, was Dooms. Dooms started off with a visual representation of our glorious hug, and continued on by making a beautiful statement regarding the greatest team to every exist across any VHL league, Vasteras. I don't have to look any further, I don't have to infer, I just know. A+ @Nykonax: Nyko's response was short, but sweet. He asked no questions, he didn't make me ponder his response, he just gave me a hug. A+ @JeffD: Yet another one of the GM's who is unable to show their affection for me right off the bat. Jeff makes a sly, slightly funny comment, in order to draw my attention away from the truth; he too wants to give me a hug. Jeff and I have been the best of pals since the dawn of time. A+ @Ricer13: Ricer, the love of my life. In true ricer fashion, he got straight to it: This hug represented that no matter how far we are, his hugs can travel across space and time to get to me. A+ @McWolf : I awaited McWolf's reply more than any other GM. McWolf is a world-renowned hug giver. I asked my mom. She agreed, his hug was spectacular. A+ @Banackock: Oh Bana. The greatest source of joy in my life. Oh Bana. Oh.... A+ @MexicanCow123: Cow, my soulmate. His response honestly confused me I have no idea what the fuck he's on about. So uh yeah idk. F- @Dom : Is gone somewhere so I don't want to wait for him. A+ @Enorama: I didn't even need to ask eno, I know his love for me runs deep. I can imagine he is sitting back at his desk, waiting to find out how he can reply to my request in a way that can meet his high expectations for himself in displaying his love and affection towards me. A+ @InstantRockstar: Also didn't want to wait for him, I already know how much he loves me. So much in fact, that he photo shops me into his family Christmas card every year instead of his wife. A+ I also asked @Josh: fuck you
  8. Just talked to Barzal, he no longer wants an AGM, he just wants a friend to talk to
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