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Everything posted by Dil

  1. I liked it better when you were inactive
  2. does anyone else sometimes randomly wonder what dlamb is doing currently 


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Devise
    3. Ledge


      probably EHM, I hear he plays it up to 20 hours at a time 

    4. eagle_3450


      Teaching you how to use an ice scraper

  3. i challenge you to a thumb wrestling match, to defend my honour
  4. Dil

    WAR/VAN; S83

    good bye nyko thank you for cups
  5. Idk, the way discord blew up when peace sent his essay was a once in a life time experience tbh
  6. I am in denial, Shindigs cannot be gone!!
  7. Why is your use of capitalization so inconsistent
  8. What a joke. Glad this meta shit is ending soon.
  9. Not playing I just wanted to point how refreshing it is to see a @Devise paragraph post, regardless of the content
  10. Lil bit of enthusiasm please, @Moonis in the final!!!
  11. Gentlemen take this to discord! The forums is no place to have a discussion! If victor sees this he might yet the discord
  12. Vancouverites, join me in a prayer to St. Nyko, patron saint of the meta
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