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Everything posted by Matt_O

  1. it isn't just about being funny. The only reason Devise isn't F tier is because he is usually late with sims. You don't clown around much, but you do more than enough to keep yourself out of F. Maybe C was a little low but it was borderline
  2. Updates for 9/5/19 @Devise moved to C tier @Motzaburger moved back to A tier @Green added to C tier @.sniffuM moved to A tier
  3. I know that we just had a big update, and it was a nice glow up for the portal. It looks better now. That being said, I do have two issues. Only two though. 1. Under each teams roster, I can't just click a button to see each players stats from the previous season. There used to be that button for Stats but it is not there anymore. It isn't so bad but just kind of an annoyance when writing medias and such. 2. This one annoys me more. Under each team's roster, there aren't any positions next to the players. I don't know why this got removed in the update? Maybe something behind the scenes messed this up, and if so, fine. But not having positions next to each player is really annoying when writing medias, and doing mock drafts, having to click on each player to see their position. The update was great, but these two things getting removed seems unneccessary? As I said before, if it messes up with the code, that's fine. But this seems like an easy issue to fix. If it isn't, then you can just disregard this.
  4. at least me and Victor are on the same level with something
  5. Do we have the thing where if you make an EFL player you can get 5 tpe? And if so where would I find it

    1. McWolf


      can i make 200 EFL players and get 1000 TPE?

    2. Matt_O
    3. Gustav


      Nothing in this league, EFL might have something where you can claim TPE there though. I know we offer 5 TPE for players coming from EFL/SBA, but we don't offer anything for players creating there from here.

  6. @Motzaburger @McWolf @Nykonax @eaglesfan036 @TheLastOlympian07 @FBR @STZ Look here for the rosters: https://fantasy.espn.com/football/league?leagueId=8716024
  7. We are in Las Vegas and it is time for the S67 Aces Award Show! As the acting GM, I must say how happy I am with this years result. Starting the year with no expectations, and being down in the muck for most of the year, we pulled through. We went on a nice run with Solomon Crawford, David Wallace, and Larsson Erik Ganoon leading the way to charge into the playoffs. Albeit an eighth seed, but still. Most did not expect us to make the playoffs, especially after a trade deadline that saw us deal away most of our top players. But it did not matter. We won game one against Ottawa, but lost four straight. Winning even one game is more than anyone could have expected from us, and we should be happy. Now without further delay, lets get to the awards! Our first award goes to our top forward on the year. This was a tough award to give since we lacked scoring through out the season, but I made the decision. This person didn't play in all of our games this year, but was an extremely valuable waiver signing for us. He only scored at a half point-per-game clip, but that was a really solid contribution for us. He also was only a -2 in those 40 games, which is very impressive for a team that was -79 on the year. The top forward for the Aces is... This next award goes out to our top defenseman. Our defense core seemed solid, as Mike Van Stronk, Charles Drumm, and Finnegan MacBurn rounded out a solid unit. All three of them ended up getting traded, and we relied on waiver signings to try to get the job done. Two went inactive, and the heavy load fell all on one man's shoulders. He took that in stride, and finished above a point-per-game average, alongside 75 blocked shots and 53 hits. He also finished with a positive plus minus, another impressive feat. The top defenseman for the Aces is... Now, the big award. Team MVP. There were some extra awards that were thrown out there, but since like three guys on the team are active, there isn't really a point. The team MVP of S67 showed tremendous on ice talent, as well as off ice antics in discord. As a waiver signings, he really was a big pickup for us, as he led the charge to the playoffs late in the season. You may recognize as the defenseman of the year, but now you can recognize him by something else. The MVP of the S67 Las Vegas Aces is... Congrats to everyone that won an award. Shoutout to @AndrewWarren13 even though he didn't win an award. That wraps up the S67 Aces award show. We will see you for S68, where things will be a little different...
  8. Matt_O

    MEX/LVA; S68

    S69 here we come baby
  9. Welcome to the VHL @FuzzButtHead! This weekend we will have the minor league draft, which you will be apart of. You can claim TPE by writing articles, and you may be helped by reading this: https://vhlforum.com/topic/31058-how-to-earn-tpe/ Join our discord if you have any questions: https://discord.gg/McwdqZ
  10. everyone who trusted is welcome for that 1 tpe
  11. davos may have just shipped out a ton of first rounders but they still have two first rounders this year + one the next year because of the Dahlberg/Svoboda/Peace trades
  12. asking is way harder than answering. They should be equally rewarded imo
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