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  1. I’ll apply
  2. +10 Donat Szita
  3. Team Success - In New York there was little succes to be found, this takes a toll on total profit but helps around draft season as people get excited for prospects, as we get closer to the draft the amount of people trying to buy season tickets or get player jerseys spikes as local fans get excited. Location - The location in New York is phenomenal with enough people in the city to fill the stadium whether winning or losing, although the team may not sell out due to poor performance the stadium will often get almost completely packed as people love hockey in New York. Venue - Madison Square Garden is the most iconic stadium in North America and due to this the stadium, again, will almost sell out or sell out no matter who is playing, this helps increase the value as the team sells. New York is also in a very good location for hockey as they aren’t far from many other big cities and are rather close to the Canadian border which also brings in a few fans a year. American Economy - With the roaring American economy and the value of the dollar the New York Americans have a huge advantage financially over Canadian and European teams. The American Economy is steamrolling forward due to economic deregulation from president Trump. This economy and rising stock prices helps out the Americans a lot compared to other VHL teams. Player Value - The New York Americans having one of the smaller rosters do have some big names on the roster such as the great defenseman WcWolf. McWolf himself is a huge fan favorite across the league and himself brings in a large amount of money, also when the team uses shirt giveaways or bobblehrsd giveaways using his name, the stadium is a guarantee sell out, McWolf is loved in New York and a definite solid best player for sales. Goalie KingFisher is also a liked player and as well brings in a solid amount of money however it does not come near McWolfs numbers. Summary - The New York Americans are one of the more valuable teams in the league with a total value of 650 million USD a year. If this team was a winning team they could possibly break the 1B mark. Great team financially now they need to translate it on to the Ice. The team also has players that sell, and are working in a strong economy for them, this strong economy brings in so much for the team and helps the team take such a high team value. The teams profts mainly come from jersey sales home game ticket sales and tv pay from companies to broadcast the games. If this team was able to win and charge broadcasters more and bring in more they could easily be the most valued team In the vhl. Estimated Team Value - 650 Million USD Estimated Yearly Profit - 74 Million USD If you have any questions about the evaluation feel free to reply coming next is either Davos or an evaluation of Vancouver, however if you would like to see something else please reply leaving suggestions. If you liked it our have anything to say it about it, again, please leave a reply.
  4. I don’t know how to delete n this is shit so I won’t use it
  5. In real life frank banham lol but in this sim nobody else is Hungarian i think @Fire Hakstol
  6. 2 sounding pretty good rn ain’t gonna lie
  7. If you haven’t checked Beaviss thread I’ll give you a quick and easy rundown of the easiest ways to get TPE 1. Rookie Profile And Player Bio are two great easy things to do to start off and doing them will give you 18 TPE however it will take a while but worth it 2. Graphic or Article is another easy way and requires either a quick edit of a player or a 500 word article about the league 3. And the easiest but smallest way is practice facility, vhl 590, and recruitment or other small thing practice facility is a weekly think where while in the vhlm you automatically get 2 tpe and once in the vhl one, and vhl 590 is just a short 150 work article I hoped I helped and I think the best way to talk to people for help is join the discord as there is far more people there to help, hope you enjoy the VHL!
  8. Call me up and then I will gay sex
  9. I’m gonna be answering these big boys 1. Sometimes blankets get hungry 2. Honestly I don’t give a shit I could probably kick his ass 3. Probably Gotta go with Evander Kane, dudes getting bread for not doin shit 4. Probably myself 5. I didn’t play in the regular season and I did in the playoffs 6. Some YouTuber said it was cool 7. Probably more penalty minutes 8. Sticks that work 9. Trump, do we really need to get into this I hate Canadian politics 10. Any club that pays me the most
  10. I once ate some fish n I ain’t gonna lie it tasted pretty good
  11. Here’s a picture of a dead rat
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