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VHLM Commissioner
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Everything posted by Gustav

  1. It is the end of Day 2! Nothing worth mentioning in a recap happens. Be on the alert for forum issues, put whatever you see happening up in the Discord server so we can keep track of anything that might affect gameplay, and get your night actions in! As a reminder, this is NIGHT TWO, so anyone who has not said anything in this thread AND has submitted no night actions AND has said nothing in their private role-specific channel or channels will be modkilled in the morning. Make sure that doesn't happen! Day 3 coming whenever I wake up tomorrow; my work schedule got flipped around a bit and I'm somehow off on Sundays now for the first time ever. Hello, watching football games live, it's been a while. List of those alive (19):
  2. N1 results: Nobody died! We are back in business. N2 starting a bit after 10:00 Eastern. List of those alive (19):
  3. Just barely missed another win. I still blame @.sniffuM for trading Bridges.
  4. D1 notes: Night 1 starts now! D2 starting by 11 AM tomorrow (Eastern).
  5. Someone needs to ping Beav (and you apparently) every time the bot hits 8.
  6. As a gentle reminder of something I put up in the first post, today's day phase will be ending early (about 6 PM EST). It shouldn't matter since it's D1 (unless you have a day action), but don't be weirded out when it happens.
  8. Stupid idiot mod Gustav is back I put @Doomsday on my spreadsheet and he had a role assigned to him on there, but apparently I somehow managed to miss him on the player list and counted the wrong number on the role list. We now have 19 players--for the sake of not giving away which faction he belongs to, we now have two Any spots on the role list.
  9. I'm sorry, in what world would this not be preferred?
  10. Dark theme boi I thought about adjusting it but I figured like 3 people were still in light mode and nobody here is a first-timer so nobody's going to read the copy-paste anyway.
  11. Well the game just started and I've made my first idiot move. Apologies to those about to get double-pinged and apologies to those who I pinged who aren't in this game. That was the list of winners of the last game lol
  12. It's a lovely day in Salem! The town hasn't turned on itself for a few weeks now, and the only person who isn't ready to kill everyone else is @Doomsday, who still won't shut up about building a Wawa on the corner of Sycamore and Main. We've definitely got us a majority, though, so let's get on with it. New Announcements: -A whole lot of Mafia changes! Read this post to learn more because I'm too lazy to type them out again. These will be in effect for this game. -N1 might be starting early tomorrow! Think 6:45-ish Eastern. Other night phases should start around the usual time. The Copy-Paste: -JOIN THE DISCORD SERVER! YOU'RE REQUIRED TO! HERE'S ANOTHER LINK! -I'm going with my usual starting and ending times as a general guideline: WHENEVER THE HELL I WAKE UP marks the start of each day phase, and 9 PM EST marks the start of each night phase. Those will be the times that I'll aim for, but, officially, the start of one phase and the end of another comes whenever I make the announcement. You'll be pinged. I will do my best to give out expected announcement times, but I reserve the right to kick off any phase at any time. -No talking in this thread during night phases. That goes for everybody, regardless of role. I have no power to lock this thread at night, and there's no official penalty for talking in here at night, but if you see one of your fellow citizens doing so, please yell at them for me. -Do not edit posts. I've been relaxed about not yelling at people who have, but editing is a sneaky way to take out potentially incriminating information. If you say something stupid, too bad. Don't change it. -If you are reasonably able to be online at the start of the night phases, please make an effort to do so. The JAILOR (if there is a Jailor) is able to speak with you in their own Discord channel at night, and that is when I will put the Jailor's target in said channel. If it is within your power to do so and doesn't present a huge inconvenience, please be online when the night phase starts and please join the server out of respect for the Jailor and their time. If you know you won't be around at the start of the night phase, it might be helpful to give me a message to forward to the Jailor during the day phase should you be placed in jail that night. -DO NOT PM ANYBODY. All communication must happen in this thread, unless you have already received an invite to a Discord server where you may speak as well. If you haven't, keep everything here. Should you wish to contact someone directly, too bad! Whispers don't exist in this format. -STAY ACTIVE. If you do go two day and night phases in a row without speaking in public, speaking in a private Discord, or sending me a night action (or specifically telling me you do not want to take a night action), I will swing the Mighty Gustav Hammer of Death. You do not want the Mighty Gustav Hammer of Death, and neither does anybody on your side. -NO ROLES ARE OFF THE TABLE. If you play the online game, you may be familiar with a Classic mode being the default, where many of the newer roles are not used. In these games, if the evil faction is the Mafia, ALL roles which are not members of the Coven may be used, and vice versa. This includes Any All and Town Traitor. -Last but not least, friendly reminder that no discussion relevant to this game in particular is allowed in the #general channel of the game server while this game is running. -Just kidding! Actually last but not least--IT IS YOUR RESPONSIBILITY TO CHECK YOUR DISCORD CHANNEL FOR NOTIFICATIONS PRIOR TO EACH DAY PHASE. It might not end well for you if you don't! -The game starts NOW! Role List: 2x TOWN PROTECTIVE 2x TOWN SUPPORT 2x TOWN INVESTIGATIVE 2x TOWN KILLING 2x RANDOM TOWN 1x GODFATHER 3x RANDOM MAFIA 1x NEUTRAL KILLING 2x RANDOM NEUTRAL 1x ANY OF THE ABOVE Rules are here The wiki is here Discord is here A song longer than my commute is here List of players (18): @a_Ferk @BarzalGoat @Berocka @bigAL @Caboose30 @chatfan036 @Devise @JeffD @jhatty8 @JigglyGumballs @JorgTheGoat03 @MMFLEX @Mr_Hatter @omgitshim @osens @Ricer13 @Spartan @TheLastOlympian07
  13. Sign-up is closed! To introduce the mafia changes in a relatively non-confusing manner, I'm going to break the tie in the voting by making this a normal game, with Mafia evils.
  14. Give this a less scary name pls
  16. screaming
  17. Petition to divert some league funds into giving @Phil a paid account for this
  18. @Spartansmells of gym socks

    1. Spartan


      we smell of playoffs, hobbit.

    2. Bayley


      Don't talk to a better member than you like that @Spartan, remember who made you, damnit. 

    3. Spartan
  19. 1. What was the biggest surprise to you upon returning? 2. Is there anyone you're surprised to see still around? Anyone you're not? 3. How many current GMs do you know? 4. What brought you back? 5. How do you pronounce you're username? What does it mean? 6. What's your favorite old VHL memory? @RomanesEuntDomus
  20. And I thought I'd heard of everyone from before my time with over 1,000 posts or so. Guess I was wrong about that one. Welcome back to the league and good luck!
  21. I'm very neutral on this, mainly because I don't think it's going to do anything. Are we forgetting that lack of engagement on game threads (post-lottery) was already a thing before the bot came around? I remember at least twice, @Banackock yelled at us VHLM GMs for the fact that we had pages on end of threads with zero comments. The bot added its game-posting functionality after I got promoted. Before the bot started doing its thing, I (and many others) would post game scores in Discord, along with direct links to the portal page. I have always done exactly the same thing the bot does. @Beketov asked what the benefit to this was earlier on, and my response is basically that it does keep players engaged. Many welfare players and casual members aren't on to check the sims on a daily basis, and some of those will see a ping on Discord (and not necessarily the forum) if they did something interesting. I'm not trying to act like forum activity is meaningless (and, in fact, I think it's a great thing to have--see Town of Salem, lol), but I'd also like to point out that not commenting in game threads doesn't indicate any sort of lack of interest. The community is bigger than ever. We didn't get to this point through lack of interest. So, then, do we even have a legitimate issue? I'd say no--people are still very interested with what's going on with the sims, and I see no need to force them to express that in some sort of "preferred" location.
  22. This is staying open for another day (possibly another two days). Sign up while you can!
  24. reeeeeeeee What about having the bot link to game threads instead of the portal page? Could even have it leave scores out too and just post the thread link.
  25. Don't worry about it! Build how you want to build. Again, @McWolf made the Hall of Fame by doing that.
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