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    okochastar reacted to VattghernCZ in S94 Vancouver Wolves Captains   
    Shame the captain curse joke is getting old, I miss it
  2. Like
    okochastar reacted to Gaikoku-hito in S94 Vancouver Wolves Captains   
    Vancouver Wolves Captains
    After a quick incident in the Vancouver Wolves locker room this morning when it was suggested that the team would only vote for an assistant captain this season. Not mentioning any names but a veteran player gabbed a rookie member of the team and flipping her upside down with her head between his legs with the threat of completing a signature Tombstone piledriver on her if the AGM @Gaikoku-hito didn`t open up the voting to have all members available to be Captain and assistant Captains also rumored to have added,” The last time I was Captain I won the cup!! Just saying”

    Where was the General manager @Frank when this was all taking place? Well, in the corner drinking Soju of course finding the whole events rather entertaining to say the least. To save the life of said rookie the AGM @Gaikoku-hito was forced to allow the team to vote for this season Captains.
    Here are the final results:
    Congratulations to this years Captains and assistants; remember you will be held accountable or rewards based on the season results.

    Now lets get the job done!!
    @Frank@OrbitingDeath @Noodle Enjoyer@Scurvy@traphag@Smarch@ScottyP@Subject056@Girts@okochastar@Beketov@KaleebtheMighty@Thunder@Trepagoat@Demko@ethan tustain
    *Note: Events of today’s actives in the LR might be exaggerated or even fabricated for purpose of entertainment as the AGM is also known to be a bit of a Joker!! Also note no rookies were harmed in the LR wrestling incident early today. Can we also start the season before the wolves tear each other apart out of boredom as I cannot take Guntis Gavilrovs @Girts continuing to gift Rip Wheeler @ScottyP in apology over a single fight last season!!
  3. Fire
    okochastar got a reaction from Gaikoku-hito in Left Alone - LW -> D   
    My player page
    Also claiming TPE reroll from store
    @Beketov @Acydburn @Josh
  4. Like
    okochastar reacted to Gaikoku-hito in S93 Vancouver Wolves Awards   
    Vancouver Wolves awards                                            
    After a season break the most important and the only awards that matter are back!! Season 93 seen great growth and the future arrive this season in Vancouver but in the end, there was too much of a learn curve or simply a learning season for the Vancouver Wolves. Vancouver was hopeful of making the playoffs this season but in the end missed the playoff by three points; which seems closer than it really was. The Awards are a great time reflect on the past season while recognizing the players that made a difference one way or another for the Wolves this season. Enough waffling about and let’s get onto the awards, shall we?
    Best Defenseman:
    Vancouver Wolves started the season with five defenders with two veterans in Liv Slater @Subject056 and Jens Lekman @Bobcat, who were tasked with leading a rookie back end with new comers Vlad Von Carstein @Dom, Guntis Gavilrovs @Girts and DB IV @wcats. A quarter of the way into the season it was clear a five man system just wasn`t going to help the development of the younger defenders so out goes Jens Lekman @Bobcat to Calgary giving more minutes to the rookies and more of a opportunity so who at the end of the season was Vancouver Wolves best defender?
    Unsung Hero:
    Every time that I have these awards to handout you would think it would get easier and easier to determine some of them but the Unsung Hero award is one of the hardest one to give out since it is hard to define what is a unsung hero, I usually think of someone that might have gone under the radar a bit and played an important role for the team but might not get as much credit as they deserve. This season unsung hero is…..
    Most Energetic:
    Welcome back Vancouver after two season of a rather quiet locker room where a pin being dropped would echo throughout; this season seen the locker room come back to life in a big way with general excitement being feed off of the fans and the city with seven rookie, four veteran players arriving from other teams. General feeling that Vancouver would be a much better team and have a chance at the playoffs. While that excitement might have dropped off as it became clear that Vancouver wasn`t likely to make the playoff; it still gave the locker room and the fan bases much to cheer about; not to mention cheering for rival teams and against Calgary when it came clear that Vancouver might get extremely luck and land two lottery draft picks this season. So, who lead the charge in the locker room?
    Most Valuable Player (MVP):
    I can waffle on and on but I think this award is rather clear who is the team MVP this season and really has been for the past three or four season so let just pull the band aid off quickly shall we….
    Rookie of the Year:
    Seven rookies started the season for the Wolves and through a ton of hard fighting, blood, sweet and tears we have to award one of the seven with the Rookie of the year. Throughout the season we seen different rookies really take the rein and rather impress from Vlad Von Carstein @Dom, early hot start to the season being second in the league rookie scoring, Mikko Borisyuk @Minebro rather impressive half a point per game pace, Guntis Gavilrovs @Girts physical presence and defensive ability, Riley Martin @Smarch high shooting percentage on his way to just missing thirty goals this season and Logan Ninefingers @Scurvy turn around to finish with sixty-three points. So Who is the ROY for the Wolves?
    Little Wolf Award (Most Hits):
    Sniper Award (Shooting Percentage):
    QB Award (PP Assists):
    Tooth Fairy (PIM Award):
    Always Responsible (Plus/Minus):
    Oops Sorry Eh!! (Least Hits)
    It wasn`t me!! (Least PIM):
    Shoot the lights out (Most Shots):
    Work Horse Award (AMG):
    Common Coach (Least Played):
    Bruised and Battered Award (SB):
    Three Stars Award:
    Ah, Poopy!! I forgot to collect the data again for the three Stars so give me a second and have a drink or two at the back of the room while I go get the data!!
    Final Thoughts
    Always a tough season when you believe the team should have made the playoff and as management you put a team together that you think should give the team a chance to play competitive hockey down the stretch. In the end that wasn`t the case this season but it was a huge move in the right direction giving much more hope, continued excitement as we build a contender. This off season should keep the excitement high as two more really good prospect should join the prospect pool; only making the potential of this team that much stronger. With a few holes within the roster needing to filled I would expect Frank will be active this off season trying to bring in players to help the team make another jump forward. I am also not forgetting the exciting debut of another rookie next season in Annie Oaks. It is going to make this off season once again feel like is it going to last forever since I am ready to get the new season started now!!
    Exciting days are ahead for the Wolf Pack!!

    @okochastar@Frank@Gaikoku-hito@Scurvy@Minebro@Smarch@GoalPlays@Sullvino@Subject056@Dom@wcats@Girts@KaleebtheMighty@Trepagoat@Demko@Noodle Enjoyer
  5. Haha
    okochastar reacted to mattyIceman in I really tried...   
    He wants to be Left Alone @okochastar
    I looked for some Kimi playing hockey pics and did find one, used it.  Idk where you found this, so I might just snag this for future use, thank you.
  6. Haha
    okochastar reacted to Gustav in A Gustav 30 in 30, #7: The Kids Are Alright   
    Reducing VHL unemployment since S65.
    It's true that I have an important job. It's true that I have a lot of posts, that people have liked those posts a lot, and that I'm a big fancy old guy who can make targeted attacks against you and your player specifically influence league policy through both my job and my role in the Board of Gustav. But I still find it hard to claim that I'm any more influential than I used to be. Maybe I'm a little more respected as the portion of people here newer than me continues to grow, but influential? I think I was at my peak as a VHLM GM. That influence stayed within our own team for the most part, while others just heard about it--but I've never been able to say that the work I put in to interact with people helped to shape them into active members quite as much since then.
    I won't tag everyone who played for me and eventually ended up in a management role of some sort, because that would be a few too many tags (💪). Instead, I'll point out a few who started on my teams and made it really far. I like to think that the work of @Ricer13 and @Berocka speaks for itself, and while I take zero credit for anything that's happened since S68 or so, I still think about their beginnings with the Hounds--Ricer as a then-pass-first forward who initially described himself as a "lurker" in our server after we drafted him late, and Berocka as a waiver signing who didn't even join our server at first and who we had to pressure a bit to talk to us. I think both of these were cases where the VHLM can really change the course of a person's involvement--I described in my first article here how I was very hesitant to say or do much at first, and the teams that go beyond a simple "welcome, tell me if you need anything" can make lots of things happen.
    VHLM GM is also the one job I've had where I feel no need to self-deprecate. I never won much on the VHL level, I've done some unpopular things and been less visible as a commissioner, there have been times where I've said things I now disagree with in BoG, and my heart was never in updating during the time when I did it. But I was really good in the M and I believe that on some level, the league has seen activity from people other than myself that may not have necessarily happened had my team been run by some other GMs of the day.
    This led to me writing up a statistical article a few seasons in where I concluded that people on my teams were more likely to get hired than people off of them. Looking back on the first one, this wasn't even true. It's a long story, but my analysis showed a p-value of about 0.2 and most stats people don't care until that goes under 0.05. Some of the comments I got weren't incredibly friendly, either--I managed to make it funny by joking about it on Discord a lot, but it definitely rubbed some people the wrong way. It was still a joke about 6 months later, and I still occasionally caught some snarky comments about it at that point, so I ran the numbers again.
    This time, it came with a better understanding of calculating statistical significance (along with a better understanding that maybe I shouldn't tag 27 people in passing mentions to get my point across). I had the right p-value in mind and put together an updated list. And lo and behold, after a few more seasons as a VHLM GM, it had become super-ultra statistically significant. In fancy statistical talk, our "null hypothesis" was "Gustav does not positively influence a member's chances of being hired" and the results pointed to strongly rejecting that statement. Like anything in stats, though, this isn't direct proof, and I also think that the multiple layers of interpersonal relationships and luck and whatnot that are separate from the numbers don't make any test like that definite. But I'd done my best to quantify it in a way that I've never seen anyone else do, and I think that in the end it is a real testament to my own effect on the VHLM (however seriously you want to take the results). 
    In the end, 15 people who were either my teammate or a player I had GM'd (mostly the latter) got jobs as GMs or AGMs between S65 and S70--not counting three hires I'd made on my own terms by making my players my own AGMs. At a rate of about three hirings per season, I think that's pretty solid. So I hope you can forgive the ego stroking in this article, because it's kind of what I have to do to make it a readable piece about what I've done for the league's first-gens. What happened to these players on my teams is a different (and less biased) story from the player and team end, and I'll be happy to tell it soon.
    Read my other articles for the full Gustav experience (hi Berocka):
    #1: Lightning Glory Gonna Be My Name
    #2: Can't We All Just Get Along?
    #3: Who Needs Cybersecurity Anyway?
    #4: The House That I Built
    #5: Can We Fix It?
    #6: American Beauty
  7. Like
    okochastar reacted to Gustav in A Gustav 30 in 30, #5: Can We Fix It?   
    Probably the only time @Beketov has ever agreed with me in BoG, and it was before I was ever part of it.
    The VHL has seen its share of TPE inflation over the years. The update scale used to max out at 9 TPE until that was changed at some point in the S50s. Things like doubles weeks and predictions and fantasy zone consistently give us more than we're guaranteed to earn every week. Plus, we now have one more season to earn with, a depreciation system that I hate, and new systems like catch-up TPE that do make VHL life more fair but do so by...giving out more TPE. Really, the only change I've ever seen that cut down on TPE inflation was a scale-back of the amount that could be earned through Fantasy Zone every week, when the way it worked more or less made the weekly cap 15 when you bothered to do it and make reasonable guesses.
    Well, almost. The only other one I can think of was the abolishment of the VHL lottery--and also the first real change I ever advocated for on the forum.
    If you were around when I joined the league, chances are that you remember the lotto. Chances also are that you haven't thought about it in a while. If you aren't familiar with the system, it's more or less exactly what it sounds like. Back before my time, it was run by @Smarch and featured a poll at the top of a forum thread that people could answer, with each answer constituting an entry to the lottery. Each week, a winner would be chosen from that field of answers at random. Which was fine--except that no one liked it.
    So, at some point not long before I joined the league, the lottery system was overhauled. This time, instead of purely random based on one entry, VHL leadership decided to try to tackle two things at once and make the lottery a way to make game threads more active. This was in the days before game reviews were a thing, and there wasn't really any reason to comment on game threads unless (gasp) you wanted to use the VHL for its intended purpose of getting to know people and having real human interaction. Which, of course, no one really cares about unless you force them to (a mindset that I've always seen here on some level and never really liked). It seemed like a really good idea to reward those who were doing that and making the forum a more active and readable place. But what was never addressed was the fact that there was really nothing stopping anyone from trying to stuff their own box by just commenting everywhere...and getting tons of chances.
    As far as I understand it, this really took off in S65 with the emergence of the S66 draft class. You'll know by now that we were historically large, historically new, and historically active. That also made many of us historically competitive--and waving "there's a positive correlation between the number of comments you leave on game threads and your TPE" under our noses wasn't something that took people very long to figure out. Take a scroll through the S65 Games section for the VHLM and tell me what you see--tons of comments on every game thread, all of which were made by the same handful of people. These people were doing nothing wrong, just taking an opportunity they were given. Still, it didn't quite match the intended purpose of promoting discussion--because everyone openly did not care about discussion. I remember talking about the lottery on a few different occasions with @Renomitsu and @rjfryman--two people who took full advantage of the system--and they'd openly admit that the reason why they posted everywhere was that the way things were set up was designed in a way that made that choice one that was in their best interest. This was more than fair enough, and the benefit that it served their players was sizable--eventual Hall-of-Famer Julius Freeman would enter the draft second in the class in TPE as a first-gen.
    I'd comment on things when I felt like it and a few times ventured into lotto-whoring territory, winning something a couple times but not going as far as some others had. That still didn't stop me from taking issue with how things went--after all, it felt kind of dumb to open up my team's thread and see it already commented on by people who probably didn't care how my team did in the slightest. So, for the first time ever in the VHL, I took matters into my own hands.
    I considered this suggestion thread my magnum opus at the time, and it was called "FIX THE LOTTERY SYSTEM GODDAMMIT", with the last word specifically added because I was under the impression that there was some study showing that cursing in the title of a book made it more likely to be bought (I can't find that, but there are a lot of online articles about that topic in general). I had done well as a player up to that point, was doing pretty well as a GM, and was ready to start throwing my VHL influence around. People largely seemed to agree with me in the replies, which felt really good, and it felt even better when I suggested in a status update that people start throwing around a "#fixthelottery" or two in their game thread comments. Some people actually did, and I had a cool week or so when I had backup every time a sim went up. 
    I'm not sure exactly when the lottery was fixed, but it happened pretty quickly. The league went back to its old system (one entry in a separate random draw), which was closed entirely before long. The changes to the lottery had created a weird system that I'm sure would have been changed eventually no matter what, but I was the first one to really jump on it. You'll notice a natural progression in these articles, as time goes on and the stories become more recent, where I move a little bit away from my achievements as a player or as a GM and a little bit more into the administrative side of things. That will also come with more "making things happen" than experiencing things on my own. I'm glad I've experienced both, and that there was a time when was heavily involved in both at once.
    Read my other articles for the full Gustav experience:
    #1: Lightning Glory Gonna Be My Name
    #2: Can't We All Just Get Along?
    #3: Who Needs Cybersecurity Anyway?
    #4: The House That I Built
  8. Like
    okochastar reacted to Gustav in A Gustav 30 in 30, #3: Who Needs Cybersecurity Anyway?   
    In perhaps the most meta image the VHL has ever seen, here's my computer with this article in progress. I've had the same laptop the whole time I've been in the VHL--so imagine how many times I've pressed the space bar you see here for your enjoyment.
    There have been thirteen World Junior Championships in the VHL since I took part in my first one back in S65. And before you ask, that one was a nightmare.
    The WJC is a big opportunity for anyone new looking to make a difference. It's true that not many people care about the tournament if they're not in it. It's also true that not many people in our tournaments care about them. But for many, it's a big deal. That's especially true when those people are very new and are finally getting a chance to get their hands on STHS. And it was true for me as well when I applied to run Team USA in hopes of GMing my player to success. I'd never touched the STHS client before and I was ready to do what I'd seen in my own locker room in terms of helping players have a good time.
    I didn't get exactly what I asked for, but it still felt great to be picked as GM of Team Asia. That feeling didn't even change when I found that there weren't enough players eligible for my team, or that the ones I had were mostly inactive. Lots of people wanted a WJC job, and it felt really good to be important. I picked my roster, made the right complaints, and soon received notice that I could fill in those inactive spots with players that had been left off of other teams. And that helped to some extent--we still had a worse roster than most other teams, but I at least brought in a few people that helped us out. @Kuch9's Viktor Kozlov and @xsjack's Jack Lynch were wrecking the M at the time, while I always appreciated seeing "Srraxxarrakex II" (I wonder how many others can spell that!) on the play-by-play. I announced the roster and sent out the proper invites, and then I got in the business of figuring out how to run STHS.
    And then I broke my computer.
    Running STHS on Mac is something that's been figured out by different people, in one way or another, over the years, but no one I knew had done it and neither did anyone they knew. The STHS client is Windows software, meaning that you'll need to find a workaround if you want to get your hockey jollies with any other OS. These workarounds exist for Mac, but they're janky to say the least--I eventually came across one fully functioning, but that was after I spent $100 on Parallels (a program that drained both my battery and my storage). Before "eventually," I found out how to make it work on a very janky level with Wine. Do you enjoy not being able to see where you just put your players in your lineup and just having to remember? I've got quite the program for you if you do.
    Many of you know that I'm not great with computer stuff, so I'm also assuming that you know how much of an accomplishment it was that I got it to work to begin with. The STHS website has two "versions" of the client, one for Windows and one that's allegedly for Mac. The thing is, the Mac "version" is the same exact .exe file as the Windows one, and the only difference is that it downloads itself in a folder with a text file that basically tells you you're shit out of luck. I don't remember this file being particularly helpful to me, and that's what led to me eventually finding my way to Wikihow trying to figure out how I could open this thing with my computer.
    "Download Wine" seemed easy enough, so I followed the link that was on Wikihow and clicked the button to download the software. That popped up a window that wasn't clear at all as to its purpose, but had a button that said "continue" or something similar. So, I clicked that...and watched as my computer installed some random antivirus software.
    I found the actual button that got me past that window quickly enough and downloaded Wine for real. From there, it was about three straight hours of trial and error as I clicked things, first trying to get the software to open, then trying to open the client file from the index, then trying to figure out how to put players in my lines, then finally generating a lines file and emailing it to Devise. All was well and good and the world had no worries in it.
    That was, of course, until my computer slowed to a crawl and refused to do anything I wanted it to. I really hadn't paid attention to this random thing that was sitting in my downloads folder because I didn't see anything happening with it right away, but here I was a couple days later with a nonfunctioning computer and a few searches on my phone warning me that this program (I forget what it was called) was straight-up malware that I was dumb enough to install. Deleting it didn't fix anything, so I ended up having to take it to the Apple store and hearing that they'd be happy to reset it for me, and by the way, that will be $800 (seriously), and, oh right, you have AppleCare (a 1-year policy that came with this thing and that I'm very happy I was still under the terms of at the time), so you'd better thank your lucky stars you won't have to pay that much. I didn't have a functioning computer, so it wasn't a big deal for me to just not have a computer altogether in the week or so they took to reset it (I'm also not sure why that took as long as it did either). During this time, I didn't have any real-life setbacks beyond having to convince a professor that I couldn't do the homework because my computer was broken--something that I'm sure he heard as a fake excuse all the time, because he definitely never believed me.
    That also led to me dropping off the face of the VHL Earth for close to a week. Regardless, I'd sent in my lines and I hoped my team had done well despite me not being around Discord much (don't ask me why I never checked in on my phone, because I have no idea). I was not altogether surprised, but still disappointed, to find out that a.) Team Asia had gotten absolutely bodied in the first round of the tournament and wouldn't be progressing to the next ones, and b.) I had managed to screw up the lines (because I didn't know I had to hit "copy all") and everything past our first game was simmed with auto-generated lines. Asia did manage to pull off a win--despite the index no longer existing, comments on this thread tell us that we managed to beat Europe--but that was it. Team Asia was Team Disappointment for the rest of the games we played and had the GM to match.
    But after the tournament, I'd learned a lot. I'd put together a team and thought about how I would hypothetically manage them had I had the means to do so, I learned that the community saw me as good enough to do something cool in an official capacity, and I learned that I really cared about those things after I had them taken away for a bit. And, for better or for worse, in my own janky way, I made STHS work on a MacBook. That's something that would set the stage for...quite a bit. And there's quite a bit more personal history, and some marginally better GM accomplishments, on the way.
    Read my other articles for the full Gustav experience:
    #1: Lightning Glory Gonna Be My Name
    #2: Can't We All Just Get Along?
  9. Love
    okochastar got a reaction from Gustav in A Gustav 30 in 30, #9: I Just Wanna Grill for God's Sake   
    Also, your series looks fantastic I'll be sure to read the other editions now.
  10. Like
    okochastar reacted to Gustav in A Gustav 30 in 30, #1: Lightning Glory Gonna Be My Name   
    Some come to laugh their past away
    Some come to make it just one more day
    Whichever way your pleasure tends
    If you plant ice, you're gonna harvest wind
    -from the Grateful Dead's "Franklin's Tower"
    As of next season, I will have spent 30 seasons in the VHL. I've always been a big fan of the VHL's 30 in 30 series for telling me lots of stories about the league from before my time. These brought up things that I wouldn't necessarily have gotten from reading through old indexes and checking out records, and that's lived experience--people giving perspectives on the things that happened, instead of just lists of those things that happened. Thanks to those articles, I learned why lots of the things I'd heard about were significant, and the views offered in them also served as a valuable time capsule for me as I learned how important some things are to the league despite never being talked about anymore.
    So, because I hate myself, I'm doing one of my own. This isn't intended to be a comprehensive picture of league history over the past 30 seasons, nor is it a VHL 30 in 30 in its own right. I'm writing a Gustav 30 in 30, recounting not the league's history but my own and going through what's been most important to me across hopefully the next season and a half and probably a bit longer than that. And what's a better place to start than at the very beginning? It's a very good place to start, after all. Installment number one of 30, here we go
    It was 2019, and then-18-year-old me was on the floor of my bedroom lost on Reddit. I remember fairly clearly having been "in the middle of some homework," which to me meant that the second I came across anything I couldn't do off the top of my head, I'd pick up my phone and scroll through it for an hour like the degenerate I am. Seriously, my degree probably would have come pretty easily if I could make myself stop doing that.
    I also remember getting the sort of foggy head feeling that one gets after staring at a screen for hours on end. I'm not sure if this was from whatever I was doing, or my phone, or both, but you'd think that one little promotional post on r/sabres wouldn't tip the scales in favor of (let's be honest) a whole lot more staring at screens in that moment. I'm sure you know where this is going, because you're seeing the product of where it's gone. I joined the forum, made a few "please help me" posts, did my first press conference, and actually closed the VHL window and figured I'd seen about enough. The reason why I came back was that I was dumb enough to still sign up for things with an email address that I actually check, and later that day I got a scouting message from @Thranduil (then a long-time AGM in Halifax) in my inbox. So...yeah, whatever, maybe I'll see what happens after this "draft" people are talking about. After all, I read through the very short-lived and now entirely-nonexistent-on-the-forum VHLM newsletter (recruitment, take note!) and enjoyed it.
    VHLM Gustav lasted until the 5th round and was taken 36th overall. I'd been scouted two or three times at the time, having joined two or three days before the draft and not earned much yet. But it's pretty safe to say that first-ever Bulls GM @Rin hit on a pick, kicking off what would be a formative first season for me (and one that you'll see talked about across the first few installments of this series). I'd been invited to join the team server and was initially really hesitant--I'd never talked to random people online before and wasn't sure I wanted to--but jumped in late at night (in the middle of some other assignment that I wasn't really doing) and had a good conversation right away about player builds and stuff. I think that sort of thing was a bit intoxicating for an 18-year-old kid whose friends were suddenly all busy moving away and having responsibilities. I suddenly had a group to hang out with whenever I wanted it again, and that really built a sort of bond with this place that I don't think I'd have if I joined today.
    I'm not sure what I thought the VHL was when I joined. I don't remember being particularly surprised (I was never someone who thought we were a gaming community) but I also remember being mildly taken aback when I heard that our sim output was entirely text-based. I spent a few sims reading through the full play-by-play (because new people stuff; why not?) and thought it was cool anyway. In a way, I miss skimming through that and being excited to see that my player intercepted a pass or whatnot.
    As far as earning and being part of the community went, it took me a minute. I wasn't always the word-dumper I am today. Instead, my first mark on the league was made in team-specific shitpost articles with very long titles. This extended anywhere from my teammates being detained at airports for "looking too Nordic" to Halifax secretly being a satanic cult to me running player quotes through a colloquial Scottish English translator for some aggressively Groundskeeper Willie-type energy. I was well-entrenched in writing media spots by this point, but my first serious article didn't even come out until halfway through that first season.
    I won't give away the rest, but S65 was a great time. I learned a lot, got to know lots of people, and grew to appreciate the culture of the VHL. And if you're interested in hearing more of a deep dive into my history--stick around. It's coming just as soon as I can make it.
  11. Like
    okochastar reacted to Gustav in A Gustav 30 in 30, #9: I Just Wanna Grill for God's Sake   
    One of many posts I came across back in the day that featured someone who was really important in one of our affiliate leagues saying negative things about ours in their league's Discord server. Did we deserve it? On some level, yes.
    Most people know that there are things you just shouldn't say anymore. Maybe not everyone agrees what those things are. Maybe some people aren't quite up on what means what and how those meanings have changed. But you've got to be living under a rock if you aren't aware that much of the Western world has fairly recently come to terms with how our choices of words can affect others, intentionally or otherwise. Whether with any intent to hate or not, lots of words are out there that once were generally accepted in most casual settings and have since been looked at with a bit of hesitation. "If I were a member of this group, would I appreciate this word being used in this way?" is a fair question that's made lots of people reflect. If you're over 20 or so, chances are that you've had both the exposure to such things being common and the life experience to question it. I'm sure you know the sorts of things I'm referring to, so I don't think I need to keep explaining. I won't act like I haven't cringed at a thing or two I've said or found funny in the past.
    I'm also not going to act like the VHL hasn't, either. Talk to any super-old member, and you'll probably hear a whole lot about how the league used to be the Wild West of the Internet. I've read lots of "if you think this is bad, you haven't seen anything"-type comments, and I believe them. I've seen members attack each other personally and drop comments that really aren't OK in general. But by the time I'd joined the league, it was a good bit tamer than it was. And it's a good bit tamer today than it was then, as well.
    The single most impactful day in the history of "what is and is not OK to say in the VHL," though, came about after I'd joined. October 31, 2019, should have been a really cool day for the VHL. That morning, @Beaviss, who had revolutionized league recruiting and brought it back from the brink of nonexistence by reeling in the great classes of the S60s, was hired into a very deserved role as league commissioner. The VHLM was in the middle of their Cup finals in S68, with a Game 6 slated for that day that could have given the Houston Bulls their first ever championship. And it was Halloween! What's not to like?
    There was a lot to like in Houston, that's for sure--that Game 6 I'd mentioned went their way. The season was over and the M had their champion. But the story didn't end there--in fact, this one starts at this point because one comment that responded negatively to the game did so with a choice of words that would not be accepted in the VHL today. Though you can find the thread easily, I'm not going to link it for a couple reasons--mainly, what was said initially came from members who I genuinely believe are good people, who apologized for what they said and took accountability to settle their own business. I consider the start of the situation much more their business than mine, so all I think is absolutely necessary to know is that one of those "ways to describe things that used to be common and now are considered less fine to say" made its way onto our forum. It isn't OK now and wasn't OK then--but it's also a matter that has been settled.
    Houston, interestingly, was helped quite a bit by deadline signings. The VHL had recently rolled out a strengthened affiliate program (the one still in existence today that gives a free 12 TPE to the super important people in our affiliate leagues), and much of the SBA's leadership had created right at the deadline and signed with the same team. With that being Houston, and with a full weekly cap claimable by all these players, all of SBA leadership saw the thread when they won the Cup--and that also meant that all of SBA leadership saw what was said. 
    At the time, the SBA's guidelines for personal conduct were very different from ours (and much more strict). I had been in their league for a very short time at that time as a very casual affiliate member and never had an issue with anyone there myself, but I was familiar with a few stories that at I thought were ridiculous (I really don't remember most of the stories or most of the details of what I do remember, and it's also been almost 5 years, so I'm not sure if my opinion is any different now). But being a league with stricter guidelines, I can understand where some people may have been shocked to see things posted that they would have dealt with personally on their own website.
    I'm not going to say that the SBA response was entirely in the right. Our league wasn't given much opportunity to officially respond to a fairly aggressive pushback, and later on that same day, the SBA had removed their affiliation with us entirely. Their justification for this was (legitimate or not is up to you) that the VHL had generally held relaxed standards that the SBA was not interested in promoting, and that recent events had made it clear that the VHL was not interested in changing them. One day in the books for Beav as commissioner, one affiliate partner lost, and one serious dialogue that hadn't even begun to reach a conclusion--what a start to a job (and an admittedly funny one).
    This was something that made lots of VHL members mad--myself included, and I had nothing at all to do with that game thread. From my perspective at the time, the entire community, just about none of which I felt were actually hateful people and most of which really didn't go around regularly dropping off-color words, had just been punished over something that probably never would have gone down the way it did had the Hounds been able to win a few more playoff games the finals been anything at all other than the team with the SBA's entire BoD up against the team that dropped the first comment. I had a lot to say about this, mostly on Discord, and although I remember being very opinionated and openly saying that I thought the whole thing was pretty stupid, that was about as far as I ever took it. The first few days on the VHL end saw some reactions from our members, though, that certainly didn't help the situation. Some people went to their league to call them the same sorts of words that lit the fire, and not only got banned for it but became shining examples of people the SBA could point to and identify as parts of the problem. I remember disliking some people I'd never talked to personally, and I felt that even though my own disagreements never broke any rules (written or otherwise), I felt that I was disliked by some people as well when I made them known--something I confirmed much later on when I joined BoG and found a screenshot of the list of people the SBA had a problem with, with me on it.
    Things were pretty quiet after the first few weeks or so, though. We kept observing the affiliation agreement on our end because we didn't want to punish any regular SBA users who had nothing to do with the situation, and while the topic kept coming up (it was huge news!), it didn't ever turn into people going at each other's throats. The only differences were that VHL tasks weren't claimable in the SBA, and lots of us had grown to distrust one another.
    After five months of sitting around and passively disliking each other, though, the VHL was informed that affiliation was gone forever. The league had been working behind the scenes to try to work out a set of policies that were agreeable to everyone, and it was eventually decided that this was no longer realistic. VHL leadership claimed that this decision was made unilaterally, and you can read the thread I linked there to try to develop your own opinion on the matter. That was one of the more interesting arguments featuring really important people on both sides that I've ever seen, and it relit the fire on our end. Lots of people made it clear how much they still hated the SBA then--I think I did too, but I don't remember. 
    Something that made me think about things a lot, though, was this post made by SBA member @Beowoof a couple days after that announcement. What was detailed in that post didn't fully line up with what I'd seen or my own perception of the situation (I was in BoG at that point and had access to all the primary sources of info), but if I tried to look at it from the SBA's perspective, I found the thoughts laid out there pretty reasonable and could see how someone on their end could have viewed things in that way. I also liked what @okochastar had to say there and thought a bit about how I'd gotten to know a handful of people from the SBA in the past months and really liked them. The sim league world was really a better place once we stopped wondering how we could run around shit-talking each other and got past all the stupid league identity stuff to just have a little bit of fun together in our free time. Plus, I'm sure the VHL wasn't perfect then and isn't now--but the league had taken a harder stance against the sorts of things we were called out for in that time and I really didn't miss seeing them.
    Why, though, is this in Gustav 30 in 30 instead of just being a recap of the league in general? I'm mostly describing things done by other people, and the most I was ever connected to the situation was that I complained about it a lot. Well...I talked quite a bit in my second installment about how I'd been part of a very tribalistic team-versus-team drama in the VHLM and how that shaped my views on having basic respect for people. I think that did quite a bit in terms of adjusting how I dealt with people I knew I'd have to see again around the site. But I think that sort of tribalism popped up again on the level of the entire league, had real league-altering consequences, and sucked me back into the mindset to some extent. I was important enough as a VHLM GM that the league knew who I was, and so now I had to make sure my league was taken seriously. The SBA, much like any other league, has tons of good people in it that deserve my respect whether I've met them or not. I think this was the last time I jumped on any "my group is better than your group" train in a sim league as blindly as I did, and I think I learned a lot by watching things go down that helped make it so I wouldn't jump on things like that again.
    Also just like any other league, following incentives for benefit takes priority. Reddit recruitment was pretty much the only source of new members for either of us at the time, and the SECOND our accounts were reported and blocked from a bunch of communities, guess whose affiliation was magically back.
    I will also clarify that I have NEVER believed the VHL to be a hateful place in general. At the end of the day, now that I'm done caring about it, I think this was an unfortunate situation featuring lots of immaturity both ways that somehow eventually ended up changing the vibe of the league a little bit for the better. For the most part, I think we had good people who had gotten used to a certain environment and evaluated how they did things once that environment was challenged. To some extent, that was eventually me too. I did some growing that I'm almost glad happened as a result of staring alone at a screen instead of saying something wrong in real life and hurting people close to me. That isn't to say I learned to be offended by everything, or that I'm now whatever cartoonish representation of "woke" some people have in their heads over things like this (in fact, I really couldn't care less about that sort of mindset). There's a huge difference between that and just having respect for people and treating them normally--and I think the VHL has largely learned to adapt in those ways. I'm not sure that I'd say I'm glad this was a big chapter in VHL history, but I'm glad that we're past the negative parts. 
    Enough of that--it's time to have fun with what's left of my Wednesday night.

    Read my other articles for the full Gustav experience (hi Berocka):
    #1: Lightning Glory Gonna Be My Name
    #2: Can't We All Just Get Along?
    #3: Who Needs Cybersecurity Anyway?
    #4: The House That I Built
    #5: Can We Fix It?
    #6: American Beauty
    #7: The Kids Are Alright
    #8: Dogs In A Pile
  12. Like
    okochastar reacted to Frank in Left Alone for the Final Time   
  13. Like
    okochastar got a reaction from Frank in Jaromir Jagr   
    idk if the time is right but
    Left Alone - OV
  14. Like
    okochastar got a reaction from jacobcarson877 in Jaromir Jagr   
    idk if the time is right but
    Left Alone - OV
  15. Haha
    okochastar reacted to Gaikoku-hito in S93 Vancouver Wolves Captains   
    Captain of the Vancouver Wolves
    After a season where Vancouver Wolves decided not to name a single captain but ran with a rotating system of alternate Captains instead; Vancouver is set to name a new leadership group as the team looks to make the playoff again this season.
    “We have a young core of players that have joined the roster this season and we felt that it would be hugely beneficial to the younger players to have a veteran presence and leadership group this season.” Stated AGM Gaikoku-hito.
    “The Team voted and we have a clear direction that as team that we agree will provide a solid group for the younger players to learn from. And no, It isn`t like a Survivor voting!!” continued Gaikoku-hito.
    “So, without delaying this announcement any further here are our Captains for S93!!”
    Assistant Captains:


    Congrats to our New Leadership group!!

  16. Like
    okochastar reacted to Banackock in Wolves Acquire Left Alone from the Menace   
    GL @okochastar 
  17. Like
    okochastar reacted to Spartan in S92 Moscow Menace Captains   
    Well it's certainly been one of the offseasons of all time. Lot of fun stuff happened around Christmas time with the league showing up in force to raise money for various charities. The extra time in the offseason also gave our young team a lot of time to develop a bit more and get ready to try and make a splash in the EU this season. While we lost some talented players, we were able to lean on our strong prospect pool and future asset pool to replenish our stocks and come out strong.
    First Alternate - Axle Gunner - @Steve
    I typically don't give my AGM's player a leadership role and a letter, but it's difficult not to do so for someone as involved and vocal as Steve and Gunner. There's no question that this team is being built with Gunner as one of its key focal points, and he has a good share of input already behind the scenes as the AGM. He'll be expected to take a significant step forward to becoming one of the top players in the VHL this season. I hope that his leadership and leading by example mentality translates to our team succeeding on the ice as well as off the ice!
    Second Alternate - Obuz Schneider Canet du Bocage - @Grape
    OSCB is back for his sophomore season and also receives the A for a second time. He's still the de facto leader on our blue line, this time one of the more veteran faces in the room with two rookies in Leif Reingaard and Celise Pereira joining the team. Nils Andersson has also swapped positions from winger to defense, so there'll be some responsibility for OSCB to help facilitate a lot of adjustment in the defense corps. We'll be hoping that the Frenchman can take a big step forward in his sophomore year and help shore up our defense while driving offense from the back end.
    Captain - Left Alone - @okochastar
    The most veteran member of the team, and one who has shown a lot of loyalty to the organization as well by sticking it out through the rebuild, Left Alone has been selected as the captain for S92! He's proven to be one of our best players on the ice and passed up on the opportunity to play for a contender in the past to help our young players in their development phases. This season, expectations are sky high for our star duo of Alone and Gunner to see if they can drive Moscow's offense and the team into the playoffs.
    Congrats to all named to the leadership team!
  18. Cheers
    okochastar reacted to Beketov in 2023 Holiday Celebration!   
    Hello @Members!
    I'm excited to announce that we have made our charitable donation for the year of $1656 to Doctor's Without Borders!

    Additionally you all donated $1804 separate from the league bringing our total for the 2023 Holiday Charity drive to $3540! I'm always amazed to see the league come together and make such a difference in the world, it's great to see.
    You all want some rewards I imagine though don't you? Well it was close but thanks to being $40 over the $3500 threshold we have once again hit every community goal which means every member of the community can claim 20 uncapped TPE and a PT Doubles week! It also means all our community items were met which means:
    @twists will stream a declaration of his love for everyone that's been active in the past week.
    @DarkSpyro will perform some Christmas themed metal songs
    @Grape will do a full stream of all the Five Nights at Freddy's games.
    @Acydburn will stream something, he just hasn't decided what yet.
    @Beketov will once again stream Zoo Tycoon 2 Ultimate and name animals after VHL members.
    As mentioned in the OP, unfortunately to keep things fair and not have a bunch of future creates claiming this: Rewards may only be applied to players created on, or before, December 25th, 2023
    We'll get that stuff all scheduled as well as the raffle draw scheduled soon so keep an eye out for that and, once again, thank you all for making this time of year in the VHL so special!
  19. Like
    okochastar reacted to Beketov in 2023 Holiday Celebration!   
    I don't know about you all but my favourite time of year to be a VHL member is the holidays. From the charity drive to the auctions to the free TPE everyone loves the holidays in the VHL!
    This is officially the fourth year we've done this after @Banackock originally suggested it back in 2019 and we've chosen, as you can see above, Doctor's Without Borders to receive our charity donations for this year. This is, of course, just our league-supported charity. As always, you are free to donate your funds to any registered charity anywhere in the world and count it towards the auction and our total numbers; all we ask is a screenshot proving the donation (though please remember to redact any personal information). 100% of the money raised by the league will be donated to Doctor's Without Borders, and the VHL will not take any cut. On top of that the league has decided to once again match up to $1000 when the final donation is put in. That means if you all donate $2500 total we'll put the donation up to $3500!
    In addition to the Donation Drive, we will also kick off our Charity Auction and 12 Days of Christmas. How will it all work? Essentially the same as past years, but here are the exact details for each portion of our holiday season for 2023:
    Charity Drive: December 12th - 24th
    Starting tomorrow members can begin donating. Whether you do so through the league, by donating HERE, privately to DWB, or any charitable foundation of your choosing (receipt proof required for donations made outside the league), it will all count towards the overall contribution from the league. From that overall contribution, the league will match donations up to $1000 CAD, and add that to the donation made through the league.
    Please post all confirmations of donation, including Paypals through the league, auction wins, and private donations to THIS THREAD. Any donation of $5 CAD, or more, will result in an automatic personal reward of 2 Uncapped TPE + a Full Free Week (12 Capped TPE), as well as an entry to each of the first 3 tiers of the 12 Days of Christmas Raffle.
    Like past years as well we will be accepting blood donations in the charity drive. Blood is in high demand all year round, but especially at this time. Give the gift of life to someone. If you schedule and follow through with an appointment to donate blood that will count the same as a $5 donation and have the same rewards outlined above and below. For proof just post a photo from during your donation, it doesn’t need to include your face if you don’t want it to, a shot of the machine or your arm or whatever is fine, we’ll take your word for it.
    As this is the season of giving, members may also donate on behalf of one other user.
    Holiday Charity Auction: December 13th-20th
    @Acydburn will be posting the auction items soon but for now the full rules are available here. Go buy something fun offered up by our community members. Auction wins will count as personal donations for the purpose of individual rewards.
    As always there are some amazing auction items that we're looking forward to this year so it should be fun.
    12 Days of Christmas: December 13th - 24th
    This year’s 12 Days of Christmas will be similar to the last two years, where there will be a daily thread to claim “tickets” into our final raffle, which will be drawn on a live stream. As always the raffle will contain 4 tiers of prizes, with each day contributing to your entry into each tier, as follows:
    Dec. 13 - 15: Post in the corresponding thread each day for an entry into the Tier 1 raffle (1 ticket gained per day)
    Dec. 16 - 18: Post in the corresponding thread each day for an entry into the Tier 2 raffle (1 ticket gained per day)
    Dec. 19 - 21: Post in the corresponding thread each day for an entry into the Tier 3 raffle (1 ticket gained per day)
    Dec. 22 - 24: Post in the corresponding thread each day for an entry into the Tier 4 raffle (1 ticket gained per day)
    Number of Winners per tier:
    Tier 1: 10 Winners
    Tier 2: 5 Winners
    Tier 3: 3 Winners
    Tier 4: 1 Winner
    As with all our previous raffles if someone is drawn twice they will be considered as having won the higher tier item and the lower tier will be re-drawn. Users may also claim any tier underneath what they have won if they would rather have that item. No rewards can be exchanged for cash but we will ship worldwide as @Berocka found out to the detriment of the league having to ship a jersey to Australia...
    Rewards and Donation Milestones
    As previously mentioned, there will be personal rewards to those who participate in the charity drive / holiday auction, as well as stretch goals to hit which will result in rewards for the community as a whole!
    $500 Community Donations: 2 Uncapped TPE for Everyone + @twists will stream a declaration of his love for everyone that's been active in the past week.
    $1000 Community Donations: 4 Uncapped TPE for Everyone + @DarkSpyro will perform some Christmas themed metal songs
    $2000 Community Donations: PT Doubles Week for Everyone +  @Grape will do a full stream of all the Five Nights at Freddy's games.
    $2500 Community Donations: 6 Uncapped TPE for Everyone + @Acydburn will stream something, he just hasn't decided what yet.
    $3500 Community Donations: 8 Uncapped TPE for Everyone + @Beketov will once again stream Zoo Tycoon 2 Ultimate (which I'll have to re-install) and name animals after VHL members.
    Additionally, though not a "stretch goal" in the classic sense, for every $100 donated @eagle_3450 will do a lap of the Nurburgring in BeamNG.drive
    **Disclaimer: Rewards may only be applied to players created on, or before, December 25th, 2023**
    Let's do this @Members!
  20. Like
    okochastar reacted to v.2 in AI and Point Tasks   
    As you may have noticed from the TPE bans that have been handed out recently, AI use in point tasks is becoming a bit of an issue. I would just like to remind you all that using these tools in an attempt to earn TPE is against the VHL Code of Conduct, as stated below:
    Our lovely crew of updaters will also be taking this matter more seriously, and will begin to use detection tools before approving submissions.  This goes for both AI generated media spot content AND graphics.
    Thank you all for understanding, I know AI tech is moving at an exponential rate and is an amazing resource, however maintaining the integrity of the league and an even playing field for all members is paramount.
  21. Like
    okochastar reacted to Spartan in S91 Moscow Menace Captains + AGM Announcement   
    After a season we can consider a success on our path to rebuilding, we've once again got a roster that looks quite different on paper than what we iced last season. Our defense sports nearly a completely new look with 3 new faces, and half of our forward group is making their VHL debut. We're very excited to ice such a young roster with so much future potential. While we have tempered expectations this season in a strong EU conference, we're going to be focusing on development and identifying synergies on the ice to set up a strong competitive era for our future. Now onto the captains!
    First Alternate - Left Alone - @okochastar
    Despite being just an S86 player and entering his 5th VHL season, Left Alone is one of the most veteran, active players left on this Moscow roster. Despite being offered the chance to head to a contender during our prior sell-offs, Oko chose to stay put and be part of our rebuild and serve as a veteran presence and leader on a very young team. On paper, he is the best player on Moscow by a wide margin and we will be counting on him to lead our offense by example this season.
    Second Alternate - Obuz Schneider Canet du Bocage - @Grape
    Despite being a brand new face to the team as a rookie, expectations are very high for the former first round pick as the de facto leader of a very makeshift defensive corps. While help is expected next season, the defense is OSCB's to lead this season. As a big part of this organization's future, it only makes sense to give a franchise defenseman the keys to the defense at such a young stage in his career. While he'll have some veterans alongside him in Fraser Wallace and The Mediocre One, and also former first round talent Eric Queefson, we hope that it'll be OSCB that emerges as the premier talent and leader.
    Captain - Jeff Lewis - @nerji
    After a phenomenal rookie debut season where he collected the Stolzschweiger award for the top Rookie in the VHL and a nod to the VHL All-Rookie team, Lewis is primed to take a massive step forward and serve as the captain for a very young Moscow squad. Another core piece for Moscow's future, Lewis also inked a long-term deal with the Menace that'll keep him in the Russian capital for the foreseeable future. We'll look to see Lewis generating chemistry with two new centers in Axle Gunner and Jarmo Ruutu, and help both rookies adjust to VHL life. Expectations are very high for the sophomore forward, but we're confident in his effort and passion to handle this responsibility.
    Congrats to all named to the leadership team!
    I'd also like to officially announce our AGM change that has been in effect for a couple weeks at this point. I sincerely thank @Brandon for serving as my fantastic AGM from S86-S90, and truly appreciate his assistance and input during that time. As he shifts more towards running a very successful business in his life, and also saw his player moved to Toronto in the twilight of his career, we felt it was the right time to make this change and bring in a fresh face. With that, we're happy to welcome @Steve as the new AGM of the Menace! Our top pick in the S90 draft and a long term VHL friend makes his first foray into team management at any level in the league. He's already stepped in and been through trial by fire during my recent vacation, and I'm looking forward to continuing to work with him to shape Moscow for the future!
  22. Like
    okochastar reacted to Spartan in S90 Moscow Menace Captains Announcement   
    Well damn, this season's team looks a lot different than last season's. I've mentioned it here and there, but making the decision to pull the trigger on a rebuild was pretty difficult - especially knowing that we could have kept all of our veterans and made one last push before we lost most of the team to retirement and FA. However, the organization has the opportunity to level set after 9 straight seasons of extremely strong performances - and 35 awards coming to the team and our players.
    As we enter the S90's, like we did entering the S80's, it's time to feature a new generation of players who will lead us into the future. We've got a couple familiar faces left on the team, so we've got a nice mix of new and old players making up our leadership team.
    First Alternate - Nils Andersson - @Viper
    Typically, I assign captaincy and alternates based on tenure with the team or overall experience in their careers. Viper and Andersson buck that trend, but for very good reason. For those unfamiliar with Viper, he's had a pretty lengthy history of inconsistency with players and a reputation of fizzling out early in his players' careers. When we drafted Andersson back in S88, Viper and I had some chats about how we'd approach this player and how we could keep him going, regardless of any obstacles in his way. Now entering his third VHL season, Viper is poised to have his highest TPE player ever, and has become a great voice to have in the LR and with our advisors. He's learned from mistakes in the past and has showed a lot of maturity since I first met him three years ago, and I'm very confident in giving him an 'A' here in Moscow.
    Second Alternate - Babay Shrimp - @Blazzer
    A new face to the team, but a player and user who have already settled into the locker room quite comfortably. There was no shortage of suitors for Babay Shrimp this offseason, and despite Moscow's status as a rebuilding team, Blazzer was more than happy to join us for at least a season and be part of our organization and contribute to our culture. A veteran player who will be able to guide the young forwards on our team, we expect big things from Shrimp on and off the ice this season!
    Captain - Hammar Voss - @BOOM
    A long time alternate captain for four seasons now, Hammar Voss takes a step beyond simply being the best defenseman in the VHL, to becoming the Moscow captain. I suppose we're buying into the meme here that Moscow captains always end up off the team the following season since Voss is retiring after this season, but it might have been the easiest captain decision I've made as a GM. Boom is involved in our LR in all aspects, whether it's providing our players with gorgeous sigs, helping to guide our team plans, posting boobs or just chatting with folks, he's been one of my favorite acquisitions to the team outside the draft. I hope we can send a future HOFer off with a great final season!
    Congrats to all named to the leadership team!
  23. Like
    okochastar reacted to Frank in S88 Team World Roster Reveal Purple Fire   
    Team World is on FIRE! 

    Actually we're purple?
    Introducing Team Worlds official S88 logo and colour scheme. (Yes team world spells colour like a Canadian) 

    Without further delaying this roster reveal, let's cut to the chase. This is your Season 88 Team World Roster!
    C -Ryan Vidot @Enorama
    C - Wann Kerr @VattghernCZ
    LW - Nezuko @Baozi
    LW - Daniel Weaver @ThePerfectNut
    LW - Left Alone @okochastar
    LW - Sock Monkey @chikn
    D - Hammar Voss @BOOM
    D - Scoish Velociraptor Maloish @youloser1337
    D - Callum Murray @Berocka
    D - Deron Nesbitt @AW13
    G - Lachlan Summers @kirbithan
    G - Henry Tucker JR @NSG
    Congrats to all those who were chosen!  
    My condolences to those who were not, feel free to direct your anger towards me. 
    This roster reveal is sponsored by lenscrafters, for the visiualy impaired. 
  24. Like
    okochastar reacted to ke1vi in left alone   
  25. Fire
    okochastar got a reaction from rory in MOS/SEA; S88   
    eta pizdets
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