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Everything posted by gorlab

  1. wranglers were winning 2-1 at one point
  2. smiley worthy hockey pics are hard af to find altho if anybody has any, post them and i'll cut them eventually
  3. damn elias forsberg went off
  4. astrid more like asstrid
  5. happy 420 to my smokers

    let's get it!! :stoned:

    1. Devise


      BLAZE IT UP! VAPE IT UP! Weed will be legal by this time next year maybe. :P Although I mean at our place we have a legal card so it's already legal for us. 

  6. @Will add this jawn and
  7. gorlab

    New Rush GM

    gl hf
  8. I think Jericho is in love with you OP.
  9. Reward: $2 Million (1milx2) Eggs Cost: 2 Eggs For Player: Bobby Digital Reward: 2 additional lottery tickets Eggs Cost: 1 Egg For Player: Bobby Digital
  10. rest well old boy
  11. RED is pussy
  12. salute young bull
  13. Phil went in
  14. Seriously though, I saw a bunch of your work and remarked on your sig god status. You've definitely got the juice now.
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