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Everything posted by gorlab

  1. Leggooooooo
  2. CAMEL UP (even tho it SHOULD BE called Camel Cup) sweet little gambling boardgame where u bet on camel races.
  3. match of death
  4. Clegane gets 1.
  5. Is your last name DWYER irl? Have you ever heard of Budd Dwyer?
  6. 2 actually aint too bad but it ran into a monster
  7. lunaro noooooooooooooooooooo
  8. If I am driving with marijuana in the vehicle, and possibly the aroma of marijuana in the air, what's the best course of action if I get pulled over or run into a stop check?
  9. Overall thoughts on WK11 if you've seen it in it's entirety by now? Would you prefer Omega to go to WWE or stay in NJPW? Having kids, what children's tv or movie properties of the last decade (approx) have been your favourite? What do you know about VHL member "Will" ?
  10. What video game do you HATE the most? Any console/generation. Seen any recommendable movies lately? Will NYA win the cup and who will be playoff MVP?
  11. called the homie brovy like 'lets go get these rings man' yeah-yeah-ye-ye-ye-yeah!
  12. gorlab is confirmed interested
  13. done
  14. inb4 3-1 curse
  15. SEA seeing a whole bunch of work
  16. meet me at the board game cafe on 20th and we'll get it poppin
  17. second coming of godbabi
  18. NYA out here retiring legends. Kyanon next. SEA bout to SEE these hands... god head.
  19. koponen snappin
  20. wow my team was ASS crying @ DT tho
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