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Everything posted by gorlab

  1. Playoffs are around the corner, and we're neck-and-neck(and neck) with the Legion and Bears for first in the West. What do we need to do to set ourselves apart from the others and claim that coveted top spot? IMO it's hold steady with the lines and just accept the fate of Simon T. Rankings don't matter in playoffs IMO. We cup eatin regardless of finishing first playoff spot or last playoff spot. It's pick on a teammate time! Which of your fellow Phoenix has the strangest superstition? Hmm tough to decide because there is a bunch of weirdos here in CHI but maybe Christian Mingle's addiction to air fryer and being a toronto mans and saying 'sheeeeeeeeeeeesh'. @fishy claims that counting helped lead us to our championship in s76. Do you think that boost will continue this year, so we can start counting championship rings as well? Actual factuals. Phoenix been putting in mad work and we hit a nice milestone before playoffs started, so I think we're definitely setup for success. When are you most active in the VHL: during work/school, or when you have total downtime? Tough to say but probably when I have total downtime aka days off / vacation. That tends to be when I make most of my sigs and chit chat the most with VHL general on discord. If you could choose between the forums or Discord exclusively for communication within the VHL, which would you choose and why? Tough to say as both have a place, but I am ashamed as an OG Member choosing Discord. I remember the times before Discord and how a ton of communication was done through the forums, and they were good times... but Discord is way more convenient, even though you miss a ton of discussion via discord compared to forum. What would the ideal mascot for the Phoenix look like? What would be their name? A cat that is on fire and his name would be firecat. Possibly in animated gif form.
  2. Who is Hank and how many pokermans does he have?
  3. this thread is a hot mess don't take the carryover, jardy, take the new gen bonus
  4. gorlab


    TALK TO EM!!!
  5. These questions are going up on a Wednesday; are you generally good about not procrastinating, or are you the type that gets everything done in the last minute? I am the type that gets everything done last minute. Hence why I'm answering these presser Q's on a sunday. I'm very bad with procrastination. What's your drink of choice? Doesn't have to be alcoholic, but it can be. Very tough call as there are numerous good drinks out there. If I had to make a choice, I would go with iced tea, or maybe an Arnold Palmer which is half iced tea / half lemonade? Solid all-around drink IMO. Chicago's been at roughly .500 for the last handful of games, what do you think we need to change to get back to form? Just ride out the STHS randomness and not change anything. Keep our cup-winning formula/lines and we'll come good IMO. What the hell is Warsaw doing this year that's making them so good? Muff has harnessed and channelled meme magic to power up his team. Warsaw has a good group of memers and some specific memes related to them (see: muffbeav emote) which strengthens their aura and powers them up. If you could redesign any logo in the league (VHL or VHLM), which would it be and why? What would you do differently? I'd probably re-design Calgary (again) and just do something totally different without a horse. Maybe a pair of wrangler jeans? I still hate their logo/team identity. It's alternate universe theme week! Which alternate reality would you like to live in most? It's an alternate reality with adult themes and ideas, so it is not something I am capable of posting on the public VHL forums. Let's just say it's a reality which involves me, several beautiful large-breasted women, and several pounds of cannabis.
  6. I always remind myself to be humble. Am I the best at sim league graphics? No. Do I suspect that people actually say 'wow awesome graphic' just because they are scared I'll bully them if they don't? Yes. Due to no trivia, I have to do another written on top of BUST OR LICK™ so I decided to officially update the graphic tiers of VHL. The last update (original ranking) was done in S73, so there's been 4 seasons worth of time for people to establish themselves in the graphic game. People can work their way up the tiers or fall down the tiers with inactivity. You can make whatever tier you want to make, with a little dedication and a lot of passion. Once you reach god-tier, you stay there. This is only my personal opinion and we all know art is objective, so please don't take this personally. This is off memory and checking the graphics and graphic PT sub-forums for who's posted work in the last bit. GOD TIER @boubabi @Koradek @Wasty TOP TIER @enigmatic @Quik @solas @STZ @Frank * [New Entrant] @gregreg * [Upgrade from mid tier] @jhatty8 * [New Entrant] MID TIER @Zetterberg * [New Entrant] @KaleebtheMighty * [New Entrant] @Motzaburger * [Downgrade from top tier] @v.2 * [New Entrant] @Sonnet * [New Entrant] @Acydburn @Beketov @Da_Berr @dasboot @Enorama @InstantRockstar @Jubo07 @Kendrick @.sniffuM @Steve @GustavMattias * [New Entrant] @GrittyIsKing09 * [New Entrant] @McWolf * [New Entrant] @SamTwoSix * [New Entrant] @dlamb * [New Entrant] @MOOSE_ * [New Entrant] BOTTOM TIER @Members Sorry if I missed anybody, this is an unofficial ranking and I really don't care that much since I could body 3/4th of the top-tier without effort, and body the remaining 1/4th with a little effort. I run shit here, you just make graphics here. King Kong ain't got shit on me.
  7. fuck vhl blue team, i'm starting a REAL Best people here but socially distanced.
  8. nightmare fuel
  9. @Steve was young again????? ahhhh to have the energy of youth again, eh Steve? I feel you, I'm old af as well.
  10. love you rocka, I'll continue to half-ass howzat when it relaunches but do what makes you happy bro.
  11. 1. Who's the best member in the VHL? What makes them the best in your opinion? You can even state the worst member, that was what I wanted to ask anyway I am going to interpret the question as the best non-staff VHL "member" aka a plain old regular member, and the answer for who's the best member is me, gorlab. Who's the worst member? IDK, probably some inactive who doesn't contribute anything at all. I'll take negative contribution over no contribution any day. 2. What's the best thing you have read or saw on twitter/instagram? Probably some adult content which cannot be re-posted or talked about on VHL forums/discord. 3. Who do you think is the favourite among the fans here in Chicago? I think Matty Socks has like the most history of all the current gen of the team, so I think it would probably be socks based on that and their level of play in the sims. Lee Xin a close second cuz they are like the type of player who works really hard but makes no stats, the true fans of the team will really love them. 4. If you got stuck in an elevator and it shakes every 10 seconds, what would you do? Would you have a plan to escape this chaotic madness? I would try to press the emergency button or call 9-1-1 on my cell phone if possible. Otherwise, I would try to lay down and maybe try to have a nap if the shaking wasn't too violent and wait for someone to save me. 5. A flat earther came up to you preaching about the flat Earth theory. How would you react? I would listen to their information and then tell them it sounds interesting and that I will take the time to do my own research in my own time and hopefully never run into them again. 6. How many hours do you think gorlab sleeps in a day? I can confirm gorlab receives a respectable 6 hours of sleep per day. If I have a day off, it's possible to catch me having a 10-12 hour sleep but on a regular basis I will sleep for a solid 5.5 to 6.5 hours per night.
  12. tf @ Renomitsu being active in S18 ???
  13. 1.) Week 1 of S77 is in the books after 15 games the Phoenix sit 2nd in tha NA conference and 5 games over 500, with a record of 10-5-0, what are your feelings about our teams play in the opening week? Pretty satisfied with it. It's clear we are a top team, we just need to fine tune and get that chemistry together and we will be dominating NA without problems. 2.) As defending Continental Cup champions do you feel like there is some added pressure to succeed? Nope, I think it serves as motivation to go and do it again. This is a HUNGRY GAMER group of people in Chicago and we something like a fat bitch, we don't want just 1 ring, we want to keep coming back for more. 3.) How do you feel about your personal performance over the first 15 games of the season? I'm not extremely excited about it, but I think L and R have both been serviceable to the second-line of defence of Chicago behind Socks and Elsby, so I'll take it at this point. 4.)Being the one of the new guys in Chicago, everyone on the team has been recommending “Chicago Style” Pizza, which Pizzeria is the best in town ? That would be 'Little Antonios' down on 114th and Broadway. Tell them R sent ya, and they will make you an amazing 6-inch meatball sub. 5.)In a HUGE OT Win over the Rival Toronto Legion saw Robin Winter come in the clutch scoring a hat-trick all within 5 minutes, 3 un-answered goals, tying the game with just 2 minutes left on the clock and the OT Winner 40 Seconds in , what was it like watching this unfold? Not going to lie to ya, Elsby. I had a half chub going in my hockey pants. Ya love to see a hockey performance like that, it gets the blood pumping. 6.) What skill are you focusing on improving the most right now? I've been focusing on improving my LEADERSHIP to the dismay of some people, but it's important stat imo and makes you play good'er.... I mean, better. LEAD ME TO A CUP, MY MINIONS!!!! *whips rest of teammates*
  14. we smoking on blue team pack today
  15. I think the work desk looks way better tbh. Glass desk is 70s shit. Unless you're doing cocaine off that jawn, let it go.
  16. G - Jean Pierre Camus @Berocka
  17. 1. The season is starting today. How are you gonna wake up and get back to business after a long offseason? I've been sleeping since the start of the season and we are like 17 days in. Maybe I will wake up by trade deadline? 2. Time for too early predictions! Who's gonna be the MVP of the season? Well, I've delayed asking this question long enough that I can accurately predict that this season's MVP will be Andrew Su on Vancouver Wolves. Dude is a player apparently. 3. If you were lost on an island, who would u bring along and why? I would bring along Les Stroud aka Survivorman and I would also bring a team of naval engineers so they could construct a craft for us to escape with. VHL wise? I'd bring Hogan so I could scoopslam him without him being able to call the authorities. 4. What's one thing that you like but others find overrated? Ummm maybe following pro sports? I know quite a few people who literally could not care less about any type of sports, and they pay 0 attention to pro sports.... So sports. 5. Did you know that the Earth has a butt hole? Can u figure out where it is? Yes I am not surprised that the earth has a butt hole. I was once told some wise words: "Live life on the edge of a butthole." and I think of that every day. 6. If your could tell your younger self one advice, what would it be? The winning lottery numbers on April 29, 2009 are 7, 20, 22, 29, 33, 49, and bonus number 48.
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