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Everything posted by gorlab

  1. v o t e d and rip only 8 entries.... free points for everybody who entered I guess
  2. can't jinx my own team by doing a jinx sig... so god, please let this work as my S67 playoff jinx sig
  4. Teemu Lehtinen Jr has reached 200 tpe (+1tpe for 50, +4tpe for 100, +10tpe for 200 for a total of 15 tpe )
  5. Just what I needed to ensure my PPG pace this year. Thanks NYA!
  6. Had to throw Malmo a bone this season, I guess. Tough loss for Moscow's hunt for 1st in Europe though. ?
  7. Codrick Past channelled Podrick Cast in this one.
  8. no re-sims pls, I got to 50 assists for the season.
  9. Great work BoD welcome back @boubabi
  10. I had just assumed, based on the site banner, that boubabi made the current skin as well. Kudos to the god @Will tho, it looks awesome. This VHL.com was in no way directed at you, since I think the Portal, and amount of work to implement said portal, is one of the best and most important improvements to the VHL in a very long time. This was meant to spur on one of the lesser commishes/BoD members. ???
  11. gorlab

    gorlab cuts

    fk it, most of these were cut by me, but there may be some public ones in here, my memory ain't good.... also some of them aren't perfect cut jobs, apologies.
  12. Vancouver better protect Codrick Past or else they're never winning shit.
  13. I don't mean for this to come off as an attack on the BoD or anybody else, but I just want to use this written VHL.com to highlight a few points, specifically related to the website, where I see room for improvement. Unfortunately, most of these improvements can only be implemented from a user account that has the privileges/commish/admin forum role, hence why it may seem like an attack on the privileged elite of the VHL, but I again reiterate that it is not. Website maintenance and improvement, imho, is something that always seems to slip by the wayside in sim leagues. I can speculate on reasons why this happens, my main theory being that it's time consuming to keep on top of forum software-related duties, or maybe people don't think it's relevant/important enough to maintain because they're too busy locked into circle-jerk discussions about the aspects of the fake hockey roleplaying, but this observation is not relevant to just VHL, but to most sim leagues. This is from the perspective of someone who uses a PC browser (chrome/firefox) on a computer, not a mobile device, to access VHL most of the time. 1) Emote/Emoji cleanup - The emote list on the website/forum needs an overhaul. The 'default' emote sub-section is half-filled with broken images that are still tied to reasonable keyboard shortcuts like and and , etc. It also seems like the emote/tag prediction pop-up windows stop working, and basic text navigation stops working, as soon as one of these broken emotes are used. (As I'm posting this and adding adding these emotes, I can no longer press 'return' to input a page break into the forum text-editor, and my keyboard arrow keys no longer respond to move the cursor) - There is a 'flags' sub-section within the emote context menu that has 3 generic flag emotes. Delete this. Because of the numerous 'sub-sections' used, it buries relevant emote sets like TEAM LOGOS and WORLD CUP from the pop-up context menu. VHL-emotes should display higher than Animals & Nature, Travel & Places, Objects, Symbols, the aforementioned half-broken 'Default' sub-category, etc. - Should make it open/accessible for members to submit their own emotes/smileys. I started this movement with most of the "New" sub-section emotes back when I was last active, but there are numerous people on the website who know how to crop/cut pictures, and having a rich/funny emote database is a great forum feature imo. 2) Forum Themes - VHL currently has two forum skin options. "Black VHL 2.0" created by boubabi (so it's at least 18 months old) that does look great and I'm glad someone at least set it to be the default forum skin. Then we have 'Default' which is an unedited, very bland/basic invisionboard default skin. Is it really that hard to maybe do a couple of color palette skins? I haven't researched it because I'm not in a position to implement any change like this, but I have to assume there are pre-built forum skins available to download, or at least some invision-created tool to at least adjust color palletes? - Maybe invisionboard forum skinning is extremely complex and difficult, hence why the lack of options are a re-occuring problem in multiple sim leagues, but the 'Black VHL 2.0' has a great custom banner designed by boubabi. We have numerous members here who could submit different site-banners to go with different color palette skins to add some variety. Maybe there might even be an option for new mobile skins for our seemingly large-amount of mobile users. Even a custom-banner for the pre-existing 'Default' blue/white forum theme would make that one at least a little more inviting/usable. 3) This Thing What is this broken pixel.gif image? Can it just be removed? To me, having the IRL money donation section of the website have broken/dead links on it looks extremely unprofessional/scammy as fuck. Again, I would like to pre-apologize to any BoD member who thinks this VHL.com / the language & demeanour used within this VHL.com may be a personal attack on them because of the suggestion that one of the most basic/foremost responsibilities of their group is to maintain the website/web forum, instead of jerking their little peckers for weeks/months on end about fake hockey roleplaying, how much TPE is too much TPE to give out, or which members are worthy of GM positions, etc. Thank you to everyone who read this far. Feel free to post your own league suggestions as a VHL.com/media spot, or hell, even in the 'Suggestions and Complaints' sub-forum if you don't care about finessing tpe out of them.
  14. Codrick Past and Jagger Philliefan really are a powerful unit.
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