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Everything posted by gorlab

  1. New lotto sounds fire. Change Bunclewirth Division to Jardy Division and you have won me over completely.
  2. S68 Donation Player: Jet Jaguar Transaction ID: 4M733927UV1796234 Reward: Doubles Week (Week ending Sept 15, 2019) Doubles Week (Week ending Sept 22, 2019) 5 TPE Uncapped $1 mil player store cash
  3. 1. The expansion teams were recently revealed what do you think of the team names and logos? Really impressed with both franchises reveal. I think Prague is a great european location, DC is meh but it could be worse. Both logos are great, but does the Phantoms logo have feathers? Is it a bird man? Still unsure. 2. Which team do you think drafted better in the expansion draft? I think both teams had decent drafts, but if I had to give the edge to one team, it would be Prague because they had the 1st pick and took a good young player, Erik Draven. 3. Along with the reveal of the expansion teams, the league has divided into four divisions, how do you feel about that? I like it because it will help to build rivalries better, but I'm really disappointed that Malmo was not placed in our division, as I think that will be the next famous European rivalry. 4. Will either of the new teams suck as bad as Malmo? Yes, i think both teams will suck worse than Malmo. I don't think the GM experience is there for either expansion unit, compared to the seasoned GM that Malmo hired. 5. The offseason is in full swing and the VHL award show has just passed. Were there any surprising winners, or any you disagreed with? I didn't attend the show because I was not up for any awards, but if Podrick Cast did not win the Scotty Campbell, then that would be the biggest shocker to me. For me, he was the most valuable player last season. 6. Speaking of the offseason, training camps have just started. What drills are you focusing on, and what do you hope to improve upon for this next season? I am working hard on my defence and skating skills this off-season. I started with training STRENGTH to a certain level, but will be focusing on getting Defence and Skating to 95 each with my next few weeks of training here.
  4. ... by first showing him a playercard of his former Helsinki teammate, Jesse Wilson!
  5. Malmo? More like Malno. #Thompson400
  6. wtf ya'll breaking up Philliefan - Past for?? That was like the #1 d pairing in the league last season.
  7. Decent little draft from NYA it has to be said.
  8. Fire af except for it kind of looks like a flamingo with the face of a monkey/gorilla.
  9. I like the current wolves logo a lot and don't think it needs tweaking, but the orgasm editions are hilarious.
  10. noooooooooooooo, that coffee stain def gonna lower the value of the card. ?
  11. Do players who are making the all-star game really need additional uncapped tpe?
  12. wE cAnT gIvE tPe FoR gRaPhIcS bUt HeReS 8 tPe FoR bEiNg In ThE aLl-StAr GaMe !1!!
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