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Everything posted by Gooningitup

  1. Duclair didnt want to be there, apparently hes been a pain in the LR. Since his demands(i not sure where personality issues that Spade came from he hasnt till Arizona had issues mentioned). Id imagine Duclair makes this lopsided, but i think Arizona realizes its better to get a decent player than cause issues in a young lr
  2. He was playing center for 25 games lol i just recently got moved back to C to see if that fixed our offense
  3. Its safe to say the Americans are playing below expectations. With the additions of Keller, Mcknight, Rayne, Volkov, Muller, Hrdina, and Degrath. The Americans were seen as a team ready to really suprise. Volkov is having a great year, Fuji and Jones are doing okay but below self set goals after last year. Keller, Komarov seem to have taken steps back. Well Mcquack hasnt hit his stride just yet. Mcknight, and Rayne have had solid rookie seasons so far, well Muller really seems to be strugglig atleast early at this point. The reason the Americans are winning games, is Rhett Degrath who should easily be MVP to this point. He leads the league in goals against average, and save percentage. Some may argue hes played less than the others, but that shouldnt not take away from his importance to the early seasons success of the New York Americans. If he can keep this pace he most certianly should take home some hardware at the end of the season.
  4. Claim my free 12 thanks santa
  5. S.Komarov is the hardest ive ever kept updating and i feeling burnt out. Crazy how people can stay so active so long
  6. I dont see them? I would if i saw them
  7. Want me to stick as GM that bad that we hired 2 GM for 1 team instead of hiring one for Saskatoon eh
  8. It is only a matter of time before New York breaks out, the fans can feel it. They have kept pace, in a stronger league without Keller, Jones, and Komarov being the stars they expected. Thankfully Volkov, Degrath, and Fujimoto have been their typical stud selves. Rookies, Mcknight, Muller, and Rayne have show flashes of what made them so coveted by New York, but arent quiet taking off yet. People point to chemistry, and players playing out of position. Komarov has been slotted in to wing, after domimating the center ice position last year, and the results have been poor. 8 points 6 goals, 2 assists is not lighting the world on fire, luckly hes stayed rounded out with team leading plus minus, and still racking up the hits. Keller, has been a stud in the faceoff dot, but again his 9 points are not turning heads after putting up 107 points last year. Jones the reigning defensemen of the year, and rookie of the year has been better than both, but still has shown signs of frustration with his own play. It appears changes are coming once again, potentially seeing Komarov move to the center ice again. Flanking Muller on the left side and either Fujimoto or Mcknight on the right side. The hope is the hulking center can help a struggling young second line, control play more well balencing the attack. The top line would consist of Mcquack, Keller flanking one of Fujimoto, or Mcknight. The hope is this new combos can help regain the confidence these young stars had well driving in more wins. The defense, has remained unchanged to this point in the season. However, could that also be seen as a potential change. Rayne and Jones won a cup together perhaps reuniting them will start an offensive spree. Well Thrower and Volkov may spark a bigger and more balenced attack. The hard part is moving Volkov who has broken out, besides Jones risking wrecking his great start. The brightest point of this season, has been Degrath who has given the team a chance every single night to win hockey games. It seemed odd, to add Degrath when the future seemed set in stone with Arkander. The move seems right however, with Degrath playing at MVP, and goalie of the year calibre level. The Americans will continue to work their asses off, and aslong as wins keep coming they will be happy with the results. The league knows one thing though, if they can heat up offensively they are a serious threat going forward. Changes will likely keep coming, well they keep pace growing as potenial young stars. For now they lay dormant, but we know what they are capable of if they broke out. The young russian, seems to be taking things calmly early. Focusing on training, and trying to take care of his heavy training regiment. We can, see they are trying to work on there downfall. They trust their coach, and GM to help them turn things around.
  9. It is not how Komarov wants to be playing this year. With 6 goals 2 assists to this point in the season. Normally this would put him in a state of rage, but he seems different. Instead focused on the fact his team is winning, he takes note that if that changes so might his attitude. He wants titles, awards are nice and he hopes to win 1 or 2 in his time, but he wants rings more than anything. He remains driven to succeed and to start putting up the points he expected. He knows all it will take is one good game, and continued hard work. He still hits like a frieght train, hes still playing a great two way game. The results will come, aslong as he keeps his head up and working hard no slacking off. For now hes happy with the Americans winning against all even the best teams in the VHL.
  10. Id bet those are inflated Dragon isnt playing down lol
  11. Player Name: Sergei Komarov Gift #: 4 Favorite gift received: Caps game tickets
  12. Gooningitup

    S57 VHLM Awards

    I got a vote? Lol def was not GM of the year but thanks to who did
  13. After beig shut out in the award voting despite the fact he put up stellar all around numbers in his rookie season. Komarov was seen arrested and senctanced to anger management. After he went on a rampage, in New York city. He punched out a man at a night club, and procceeded down the street screaming and yelling. Its unkown how this will effect Komarovs training in the biggest offseason in New York in a long time. One that some see, as a potential darkhorse contender. Not to mention Komarov needs this offseason to learn the ways of a winger. Any missed training could be a huge loss for the Americans, he needs to be ready playing along side breakout star Fujimoto, and one of his rookie rivals Chase Keller. Its unclear at this point how long he will be in rehab, but he will be stepping away for a bit. He has been quoted as saying he feels underappricated, and unwelcome by the VHL. Who favours North American stars, the votes been seen by many as a joke, given an NFLer made the cut over VHL players.
  14. Pretty deflating to have 101 points 70 shots blocked 180 hits and a top 10 faceoff percentage as a rookie, and not even a single vote. Maybe i should just retire? Am i hated that much?
  15. Got damn the one time i could actually be considered for awards
  16. Who actually watchs that though in seriousness? Not many
  17. I knew where they both were being from Europe, but Davos is a pretty small city and not a well known city in Switzerland. Riga is Latvias capital so more common knowledge
  18. Normally id agree but doubt anyones drafting my enforcer outside 4th round. Unless its just for LR activity. Williams, retired 2 player being retracted gave me little motivation to make my enforcer who will collect welfare. My next guy will be after Komarov because if i kept Willams id be stuck with a mediocre player for 3 seasons
  19. New York drafted a Hulking Russian Center 3rd overall in S56. With hopes he would be the cornerstone of there rebuild. In S57 he helped Vegas capture the cup well leading the league in a ton of catergories. S58 he built off that finishing with 101 points, 180 hits, 70 shots blocked. He looks like a star in the making, and rewarding the Americans for their smart choice everyday. Komarov is just one key piece, of New York. S58 saw veteran Fujimoto break out with 120 points, after coming over for a 3rd round pick. Casey Jones is a S57 2nd overall pick, like Komarov has a serious shot at winning rookie of the year, and ontop of that defender of the year. Ike Arkander another S57 pick had a great rookie season for a goalie, and looks to be an amazing starter for years to come. Well S57 Colton Rayne spent another year, dominating in juniors and is expected to be a beast on the blue line for next year. Throw in another S57 playing in Launchpad Mcquack looking to break out this year. Flash forward to dispearal draft due to retraction. Chase Keller is selected 1st overall, making them own all 3 rookie of the year candidates. Add in potential goalie of the year Rhett Degrath in a trade to help bring a deadly 1-2 punch in net. All that is topped off by adding 2 top picks in Kristoff Muller, and Akseal McKnight. This is a young hungry core that is ready to take a serious shot at a good playoff run. Last is addition Hrdina who should provide a solid role player an a grizzled vet look to the line up. Projected line up for the season looks something like this Fujimoto-Keller-Komarov You get a nice blend of everything on this line, Fujimoto and Komarov bring high skill, solid two way play with a sand paper type game. Well Keller brings electric hands, and elite offensive instincts. Komarov will need some time to adjust to playing wing, which could cause issues early. However its not expected to be maintained as the skill of this line is just too high. Muller-Mcquack-Hrdina Hrdina is a vet with alot to prove, he never really lived up to hype but should be a solid supporting cast playing in New York. Mcquack looks to prove last season was just tapping his potential, and break out. Muller is a S58 prospect who obliterated the competition in the VHLM as he looks to prove, he will be a beast again next level. On defense our first pairing is likely Jones-Rayne They played and won a cup together for Vegas, and are polar opposites, some mighr say the ying to eachother yang. Jones is a budding offensive defensemen, well Rayne plays a quiet two way game. Look for them to keep the chemistry going in the big leagues. McKnight-FA Its unkown at this point, who Mcknight will be paired with. However its no shock that the team is high on the kid as he looks to be a solid top defender for New York this season adding depth where they lacked last season. In Net we have Rhett Degrath, Ike Arkander Best one 2 punch in the VHL hands down. Degrath will mentor Arkander, well likely carrying the bulk of the load next year.
  20. Its based on things like hits points, goals assists you pick two and it adds up based on numbers to 10 or to a max of 20
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