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Everything posted by Gooningitup

  1. Guess that answers if my email got sent :/ hmmm need to figure this out beej having problems since i got back
  2. Wow im honoured to be GM of the year thank you to everyone who voted for me!!
  3. God damn lol i was excited to see them for the first time well ever
  4. Maybe we will bring a Komarov to another team
  5. Was about to ask about awards lol curious to see how a few play out
  6. Accept best of luck to Roberts any time you can add the top 3 picks in a draft its a good day
  7. To DAV 3rd overall To SEA S53 2nd Get an active player now for an asset 2 years away still keep my first. Seems fair enough to me in the rebuild. @Banackock
  8. Im sorry boys i failed you, we had the cup at our finger tips and i couldnt bring it all home. Its unfortunate, we had a great group of guys. This offseason it will be all blown up, @jRuutu best of luck with your new player, last was a beast. @Christmas same to you mate, you should win defender of the year best of luck to your player. Both of you were big parts of our deep run. @JardyB10 without your play in net there is no way we make it this far, one win from the cup our offense just couldnt finish it. Personally i think despite it all your playoff MVP. @KingRobbie i remember taking over and you demanding out, i managed to convince you to stick around. Despite the rep you have youve been one of the most loyal members ive played with. Covington is an animal, whoever gets him will be lucky. @TheLastOlympian07 Muller had a career year in Davos which is great, hes been a big piece these last few years. I wish you the best in thr future. Hopefully you can capture a cup. @Da Trifecta Roberts still holds alot of promise if you can stick with him maybe your best ever? The trade for you is still one of my best, youve been loyal and a good player for us. lastly congrats to the Legion and @Molholt i thought we had you, but you managed to bounce back and win the series with the threepeat
  9. Well not a single stratgy i set since game 6 of riga isnt on our lines lol they are all at something different idc im not toronto gunna whine. They are the hetter team but woulda been nice to lose with proper stratgys
  10. Oh btw jardy why you change our lines?
  11. Davos GM ahead of game 7, Davos GM finally comes out of his office to address the media. Davos Fans and his own players, being rather quite most of the playoffs made for a suprise. His address was short, but too the point. Win or lose, he was proud of his team and happy for its fans. Those who endured through hard times. They made it to the finals, 1 win away from the title. A title VHL magazine gave them litterly 0 chance for, despite that they have a chance. Well it may not happen, you wont find a prouder GM. In 3 seasons since Davos new GM took over Davos went from top 3 draft pick to the finals. An accomplishment many to this day hate on, lots of trades that made this happen hated on. He states it didnt change his mind once, and now all those statements made slapped everyone in the face. Win or lose Komarov will walk away happy.
  12. Ya helped us so much last year didnt have anything to do with me taking time outta my life to learn the sim better, constant strategy changes and finding the right combos at the right time
  13. Holy fuck!!!! Lets go boys keep this going i believe in all of you
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