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Everything posted by Gooningitup

  1. 7/10 Could be a bit prettier, but its easy to read. With each pick being analyzed well, and displayed for us to read.
  2. With the season coming soon Askarov is close to cap this week he will end 7 from cap. The Hounds who were one of the worst teams naturally as the VHLM go, will be a much better team ideally a top team along with Halifax. The Hounds draft looks solid on paper, hopefully that translates too success on the ice. 4th overall is Taro, a solid top line center he will be heavily counted on. From Gustav agency, a solid agency. 8th overall is L, who will be their top pairing defender expect him to log big minutes. He comes from another respect agency in Gorlab. 11th overall is William, he will play along side Taro on the top line. He is a first gen, corgi agency but he looks like a solid pick. 16th overall is TPE, who likely finishes the top pairing assume R is not traded for. Another first gen in, Golthius who again appears to be a solid new member for the league. 20th overall is Dan, the man who will finish the top line on the right side. I believe another first gen, in MMFLEX who has shown to be another new blood who could be good. We start to see the rest of the roster, Tate should be the second line center, and Hjalmarsson a second pairing defender. The rest of the picks might be hit or miss, like New Player who at least appears to be active recently. Things are finally looking up for the team this year an hopefully be a fun season.
  3. Russian playing in Canada Drafted 48th overall, in season 73 the Russian goalie prospect. Is the first of his kind, for the gooningitup agency. Standing in at 6 foot 6 and 220 pounds he suited up for all 72 games for the Hounds in season 73. He is expected to once again, join the Hounds this season as they hope to be a much better team this upcoming season. He hopes to be a starting goalie for a team who can potentially win a cup. If the Hounds slip or falter at anyway, expect Askarov to ask to be moved. However, he has managements word that this season will be much better. They own 3 firsts, 2 2nds, and multiple picks in basically every round. With smart drafting the team will be a much better roster, then the team he played for last season where he had to carry the team to the win colum almost every game. In 72 games, Askarov was the goalie to face the second most shots on goal with 2366 shots against. He trails only Poremba who in my opinion was last years VHLM MVP. His work load was insane, but he never showed signs of slowing down. He only got better, as the season went on. He hopes, that with a lesser work load he will actually improve even more often goalies get worse when their work load drops off. Combined with his work load came the 4th best sv% in the entire league an 895% and the 6th best GAA 3.46. If he can stop pucks at the same rate he did last season with lesser work load, likely means a drastic improvement in goals against. That just shows how impressive he has really been, and he hopes to be the top goalie next season. With the team improving in front of him, now is the time to shine an prove the teams who passed on him just how wrong a choice they made. He is also angry an eager to prove to VHL GMs that it was a piss poor choice to pass on him. He was allowed to fall to 41st in the VHL draft despite coming in near the top half of the draft, an ready to cap first week of the season start. He is excited to continue his VHLM career next season which is his last. After that the big question is where is his role in the bigs. As Calgary still has their starter for a long time.
  4. Why you screwed up not drafting Askarov Hailing from Russia, Vsevolod Askarov is the first ever non Komarov from goonings agency. He also is the first ever goalie. Standing in at 6 foot 6, and 220 pounds he fills the net, which is something teams always look for in a goalie. He was just recently drafted in the 3rd round by the Calgary Wranglers 41st overall. He looks to prove that falling that far is insane, and teams who passed on him or chose another goalie over him were silly. He will go back down to the Hounds next season where he should be a starter for one of the best teams in the league. PROS of Askarov Size- At 6 foot 6 he takes up the net, and he knows how to use his size to his advantage. For someone his size he is extremely athletic. Which should be very advantageous for the team who has him in net. Composure- He has solid control of the style he plays, and is able to read and react to the plays properly because of it. Hand Speed- You wont be able to beat him up high very easily, he is able to react an have the limb movement be quick enough to stop the elite snipers of the league. Rebound control- His last strength is his ability to control, rebounds and knock them away better to avoid, easy kicked out goals. CONS of Askarov Penalty Shot- Try not to get to penalty shots when he is in net, well his size may help. He is just not good at handling this type of pressure in 1 on 1s Skating- It is not a big deal for a goalie to struggle in skating. After all they basically just have to stand on their own 2 feet an make a few pushes. Could use some tweeking however later down the line after he graduates. Puck Control- If Carey Price is the god of goalies handling the puck, Askarov is the slave. He just can not be counted on to touch the puck at all. He will not start a quick break out, hes more likely to get himself scored on. The Wranglers really have themselves a gem, i feel well he has flaws like many players. He is a player who his weaknesses really are not a huge deal for a goalie in this day an age. He will need to refine penalty shots, maybe skating but end of the day the main things you want in a goalie he has in spades.
  5. My first draft cuz well first time best time lol. Long time ago now. Yes falling to 41st despite being close to VHLM cap is insane. Goalies 3 active goalies, you guys for some reason picked so got great goalie depth now. Likely making a goalie, but im committed now. I am a rookie so no ? probably weird that calgary added so many assets that just led to drafting so many goalies as GM had to leave and BPA.
  6. Im 20ish TPE behind u an you started weeks before me,not like im earning piss fuck all lol. Im earning cap or close to cap every week
  7. Falling in the draft despite being a top TPE earner was expected. I was a goalie, a position that only a few teams needed, and technically 2 out of 3 filled that position. The one not filling their position is New York who have a 250 TPE goalie whose semi active. I kept falling even farther than i expected too though. What is worse, i found out im not even actually picked the only reason im in Calgary is the GM was tired, and went BPA for the rest of his picks. Which resulted in them picking not 1, but 3 goalies. I wont be sticking around after 3 seasons. Not because i hate Calgary or that, im mad at their GM. The reason i wont stay is im not needed. They have their goalie for 5 more seasons, im not going to play back up forever. This season i will start for the Hounds. If possible the season after they might be smart to move on from me. It really sucks, ill admit to know my shot at the HOF is gone already. I likely wont start till at best my 3rd season in the VHL. If Calgary cant find a fit i might be stuck till im on my prime before even getting a shot. Ive put in more time than any other player, im earning at a rate i didnt expect to maintain. Sadly its going to be wasted, and as i will be done in this league as this was going to be my swan song.
  8. He knows he will be a Hound next season. He has not crossed the cap, and he will not unless the offseason is crazy long for some reason. However, he has his sites on the team whom he hopes to call home for the other 7 seasons of his career. Will he jump right in after next season as a starter for an expansion team? Or will he be groomed to replace an aging vet at some point in the near future. One thing GMs should take note of is that 0 players in my career have earned at the TPE rate Askarov has. Not even Sergei was earning 10 Capped TPE a week. He is determined that, he wants to go out with a bang. Aiming to be one of the best goalies in his entire draft class. He aims for the HOF he hopes, and its a strong motivation for him. Which is where it will get interesting if he does play back up role for a few seasons. Only time will tell but you can see the excitement, as he counts down the days till he gets to hear his name called in the VHL draft. Who will grab this steal, who has really put in work, but will likely fall due to his position.
  9. 8/10 Best of luck to all the Wild in the VHL this season. Cool break down of your time with the team. And very organized, good solid content.
  10. 10/10 Good content, big break downs of the awards and who could win. Very pretty looking, and well organized
  11. John Poremba @CrlineDijohn14 carried the Reapers, his 921sv% is top of the entire league by a wide margin his 3.21GAA site 6th overall which given his shots totals which sits first overall as well is amazing. The definition of MVP is most valuable player, and if you take Poremba off the Reapers, they probably are among the worst records in the VHLM instead of tje playoffs. He is the Taylor Hall of 2018, which everyone is still butt hurt about. His back is sore from carrying, the entire team. Lots of goalies, would have given up and just put in a lazy effort. However Poremba came to work every day, and stopped as many pucks as he possibly can. Not only was he the best goalie in the entire VHLM this season, but the league MVP. Calling those jokers who screwed up the Defender of the year award. Dont screw this one up.
  12. Gotten me more support i was a ship alone on an island. I woulda carried us to winning the cup but the lack of support didnt help me. None, other sports bore me They are good considering the fact, we had no support minus a few guys who came an went. Owning a company keeps me busy Ive been through it all, at this point so i dunno i just play.
  13. Ouuu pretty thanks @Patrik Tallinder
  14. What can we do unless your trading Askarov you have no chips to trade. Everything minus the goalie. We have nothing on offense or defense to build on. What the hell can you do this summer goverment keeping us locked in our homes lol. I mean i dont really care just someone who needs me. That goalies need support or they suck ? i guess 5 shutouts playing for a bad team?
  15. The Hounds have been downright poor. Sure they hold the last playoff spot right now. However that is not thanks to anything most of the Hounds roster is doing. Its more a statement of how pathetic the rest if the league is, and the serious lack of balance. Vsevolod Askarov started the season, is a rut he was among the worst goalies in the league. Despite the lack of support, his numbers have started to really improve. He sits tied for 7th in sv% and 8th in GAA. These really are nothing special, but given he was among the bottom 3 for a lot of the season its improvement. He keeps improving his game an working hard. Most in his position might just have retired, or quit. He has seen in the gym every day working his ass off. In hopes that next year the Hounds can finally bring him a roster worth all the effort he has put in this season. It is unclear, just where the Hounds are gunna be next year. It wont be Askarovs fault if they fail.
  16. You still build like a first gen totally lost ?
  17. Gooningitups agency has brought some great talent, in Sergei Komarov, Vladimir Komarov. Some middle of the pack never reached potential in Evgeni, and Pavel Komarov. Kazimir was a total bust however, due to coming back at a wrong time. His latest client Vsevolod Askarov has looked like a star in coming however, and the team who gets him. That being said this is not about the undrafted Russian goalie. Instead we have to look into a crystal ball 8 seasons from now. The next man up, is the grandson of Vladimir Komarov and son of Pavel. A solid puck moving defenseman, who brings the edge of Vladimir combined with the play making ability of Pavel. He is only currently 9 years old, its unclear just how big he will get, however he already towers over most in his age group as the family is known for big guys. He is currently only able to play houseleague, but he has domimated it up to this point as he waits to be able to play juniors in the KHL. Which should only be a short 2 seasons. Its impossible to tell just how good this kid will be yet. After all he is 9 years old, however Dimitri Komarov wants to leave an impact on the league when he is able too. He has a huge family of VHL players to lean on, so it will be easy to adjust to the VHL. The biggest question mark for the kid is going to be where he sits on the family spectrum. Will he become a star in the making, or a bust. If we could project 8 seasons into the future we would take a look at his strengths to take a wild guess. His first strength is likely gonna be his size, like the rest if his family if we had to take a wild guess he is going to come in at six foot four. He should be a big boy, likely weighing in at 200 plus pounds. Like his family he should know how to use this to his advantage. His second strength is, defense and physical play. Nobody should be shocked, the Komarov family plays 200 feet, and he throws his body around. He has been penalized alot as a kid they do not encourage physical play. His family however, does not seem to be worried about it as he is just learning the family trade. He will be a very tough opponent, an someone who never backs down. Opponents have had it easy last few seasons without a true Komarov in the league. The third strength he seems to have is one none of his family has ever really mastered. Play making, he just seems to think the game at a higher level. He sees the ice an finds the open lanes so his teammates can find an open net. For the easy tap in goal. Time will tell just how good this kid can be, as he is only 9 years old and its not possible to really see the future an what it holds even of the league thinks we can.
  18. Vsevolod Askarov will not be playing for Asia, which for some reason includes Russia. Not sure people have looked at a map before but Russia and Russians dont identify as Asians. The Russian netminder was not selected to go, a move that has made him declare he will not play for Asia in the future. He will only suit up for team World. Despite being agent to some of the best talent team Asia has ever seen. The snub was seem as a kick in the nuts. The hulking goalie decided if Asia does not want him, he will take his services elsewhere. Team World being the only other option, as he can not play for Europe, America, or Canada. This leaves team Asia without one of the most promising prospects in the country for next seasons tournament. The choices are very questionable and the choice has been made. Whoever the new GM next season is will be paying the price for this as GMs only stay a season at a time. This move will impact Asia forever, as the agent has decided this was for the best and none of his agents who have all hailed from Russia will suit up for them ever again.
  19. Im a caps fan so the caps of course Everything im one of like maybe 3 people updating on the team ? Who cares if its not us it doesnt matter who wins. Shitty ive only been here a couple years an hated my whole time ? 0 i hate everyone equally who needs friends Not at a ill hit cap and just relax from there. We better be competitive though
  20. Horrible other goalies in my same spot are doing better. Who cares its not us, i focus on us alone. It ended with us thats embarrassing He helps me which is important makings my job easier as a goalie. Umm ones that help us win more? Lol Vsevolod Askarov dude can take a punch, and dish them too
  21. Vsevolod Askarov must follow Russian hockey stereotypes. The Russian net minder, either plays unreal, or just really terrible. He posts high sv% or low ones, the Hounds keeper has very little support but the frustration is showing as the young net minder has been seen leaving the ice smashing his stick against the net. He continues to train each and every day trying to be the best he possibly can. Despite this the results have been poor with a 3.75gaa and 870sv% with 5 wins, 16 losses, and 4 overtime losses. The Hounds are not the worst team in the league, but perhaps with better performances from their star net minder. Who is the goalie of credit, on record for Halifaxs only win of the whole season after allowing 2 goals on 9 shots. After that game Askarov was seen right at the gym. Using the punching bag to let out his frustration. The next game against Halifax he posted his first career shut out.
  22. Nope, the changes were clarification on inactivity. An punishment for playing inactives over actives. An official can only own 3 firsts 3 2nds plus unlimited late rounder. Can trade 2 years worth of picks. Capping teams at 6 top picks doesnt balence anything. IMO should only be allowed to own 1 first and 1 2nd.
  23. Ya they are guys who players careers are over, now they are on to new guys and they get carry over depending on how much they earned in their career
  24. The VHLM has a big problem, it always has. Before was a reason a lack of players in the league. Now its issue? Free agent signings. We saw a huge wave of players big name guys recreate every year 2 times during the season due to how offseason works. Frankly its a broken system, the Houston Bulls who had a ton of draft picks then went an got multiple players for free over 100TPE. Why, because the league doesn't dictate anything they would rather see half the league fail, because they can not sign anyone. And half the league just shit on the rest because of outdated systems from an era where the league had under 100 active members. New players get to join the bad teams which may seem great, but is it really? Imagine being on Halifax with one win as a new player? Imagine not having anyone working their ass off like you to improve. So your results do not show up, because the team sucks. Chances are that can and HAS driven away many members. Discords for these teams, are silent which means even if you may want to stay, the other reason members stick around friends an fun convos are basically gone. I kept a teams LR despite being only barely active in discord because its me an my GMs in the hounds LR. Plus some guys who don't play for us so they are barely active in it The league needs to do something for one no team should own half the draft. Halifax next year will, a few teams this season did. It creates imbalance, personally the VHLM should not allow trades AT ALL or only able to trade 3rds and lower, or players for players. This means teams draft and those who pick best, compete those who don't win. Second is putting a CAP on how many major recreates a team can sign for free. We saw a team last year sign everyone an become a contender instantly. This year it was the Bulls. This means teams can't bank on all their friends recreating that season will join their team. An means we don't create a huge competitive advantage for anyone. Teams should be free to sign new members always because of course they are hit or miss. The VHLM is about having fun an its a short experience for everyone, but it also serves as a gate for new blood to this league. Having teams all on even ground, really does encourage new members sticking around. Having teams who could potentially win under double digits, and some who might not even have double digit losses does not do that imo. If i was a new member on the hounds id likely have quit by now an can not blame those who have on us. The fact is nothing will change, the VHLM really does not care. We will continue too see the fluctuation of the league every year. Lose plenty of members because of it like we always do.
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