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Everything posted by Frank

  1. Quebec still feeling the effects 20 Seasons later.
  2. @Streetlite The new Brick Wahl.
  3. Pastrnak making Yukon look good.
  4. The GM who got 90% of his players gifted to him in Free Agency is the one that's bitching. I think we need a mag article for Eaglesfan asap.
  5. You've been reviewing Season 2 for years. Fucking move on already.
  6. "Muller braces self for cold winters in Quebec City."
  7. You deleted my imaginary pm by accident. I'll forgove this transgression and claim anyway.
  8. Everyone else gets a doubles week thanks @Will
  9. Pierre Gaudette Forward Points FO Won
  10. Too hard, claiming anyway.
  11. First we put you to sleep. Then we steal your place in the standings. @Mr. Power
  12. Frank


    Don't bring @YEAH!stlemania into this. That's ma bro.
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