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Everything posted by Frank

  1. Cologne cornering the goalie market.
  2. Because we like trades. Now shut yer pie hole.
  3. Quebec accepts.
  4. Frank

    S53 VHL Entry Draft

    Quebec is proud to select Fredinamjs Krigars 11th overall! @hedgehog337
  5. Frank

    S53 VHL Entry Draft

    Quebec is proud to select the man that needs no introduction... Xander Finn at 7th overall. @Jericho
  6. Pew pew pew
  7. Frank

    S53 VHL Entry Draft

    Quebec is proud to select with the 2nd Overall pick in the Season 53 Draft. From VHLM Champions Bratislava Watchmen, LUKAS MULLER!
  8. Quebec Accepts
  9. Quebec Receives: Apollo Skye Davos Receives: S53 Tor 2nd S53 Sea 2nd Quebec Accepts. @Gooningitup
  10. Congrats Brats. Don't let @BobertZ burn your LR to the ground.
  11. Fuck I don't have a 5th rounder.
  12. Too high tbh.
  13. @Pandar
  14. 20$ sent for Season 53 2x Doubles, Free Week and 5 Uncapped TPE.
  15. Dat come back doe
  16. Gotta be known for something I guess, could be worse.
  17. On the back of a Mist4ke.
  18. Good night sweet prince.
  19. MT Power might hit 400 TPE before depreciation might not though. Oh congrats New York.
  20. Oooooo so we do have a back bone.
  21. The emberassment is real
  22. Doug Clifford or John Sleeman, toss up tbh.
  23. God damn rubberband!
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