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Posts posted by diacope

  1. 1) London has started the year 3-0. At this current rate, they will never lose a game. Realistically, what do you think London's final record is?

    Sky's the limit at this point, we are rolling out way through a lot of tough teams. 42-22-8


    2) Have you ever actually visited London in real life? If so what was your favorite / least favorite part?

    Nope only seen it in the movies or online


    3) Who is your favorite teammate?

    Nousiainen and I grew up in the same part of Finland, played against him in the juniors there so it was easy to connect with him in our native language


    4) We recently shut out Davos 5-0. Will they even be a rival this year or are they too bad?

    They're too bad to stand up to us!


    5) Describe McWolf using an alliteration 

    Michievious McWolf Munches Molasses Monday's Meow!


    6) Whose logo do you like the most in the VHL?

    Our logo, Vancouver, Riga and Helsinki

  2. Great idea and a smooth graphic overall, definitely make one of these each week! I'll be tuning in to the game. 


    Not sure what you could change or add, maybe a better match up? VHLM logo coloured like Game 47 in the bottom left? If you wanted to reach even higher maybe do backgrounds with players (tinted with the team colour) or make the logos stand out more with an outline or border of some sort. 


    8.5/10 ??

  3. The atmosphere in the London United locker room was totally different this season with all the newly added players and at training camp the increased attendance pretty much gave the coaches a workout too


    The Head Coach sounds the whistle and the first drill is shooting, players split up and start taking shots, Julien Nousiainen skates between the dots and starts firing them at Friedriksen, high wrist shot MISS, low slap shot SAVE, another low slapper SCORES, high wrist shot SCORES, high slap shot MISS - 2/5


    a few other

    highlights are..

    Chad Magnum went 5/5, low slap, low slap, slow slap, low wrist, mid wrist

    Alec Volchenkov 4/5, high wrist, mid wrist miss, high wrist, low wrist, high slap

    Ryan Schwarz

    4/5, mid wrist, high slap save, mid slap, low slap, mid wrist


    Another drill that certain players exceled in was skating, including goaltender Kevin Malone, in a 5 pylon dodging sprint he was able to get from both ends of the ice in 0.17 seconds, hitting 0 pylons and coming close to some of the fastest members


    a few other highlights are..

    Erik Killinger 0.11

    Hugh Jass 0.13

    The Terrible Trivium 0.14, hit 1 pylon +0.2


    The last drill we saw some exciting results was hitting/skating, players skate around the rink while trying to get past teammates and obstacles, not many teams so this drill, specially so close to the season but it's always a treat to watch! James Rose gets ready, sets and goes, he flys past linemate Kasper Kankkunen without any issue, runs into Magnum and get pinned to the boards, he breaks loose and pushes Jay Jones out of the way, using him to boost around the first obstacle, Proto stands up but the momentum was too much, Rose speeds up even more and finishes with 0.25 on the clock, only 1 stop 


    a few other highlights are..

    Magnum 0.24 seconds, 2 stops +0.4

    Volchenkov 0.27, 1 stops +0.4

    Keith Krestanovich 0.27, 0 stops


    315 words


  4. 1. @chikn  

    F - Ray Shields

    F - RJ Jubis

    F - Jungkok

    D - Condor Adrienne

    D - Matty Socks

    G - Jimmy Spyro



    2. @ZP16 (Group Manager)

    F - Benny Graves

    F - Lance Flowers

    F - Thomas Landry II

    D - Cinnamon Block

    D - Seabass Perrin

    G - Jacques Lafontaine 


    3. @Jbeezy76

    F - Patrick Tallinder

    F - Andrew Su

    F - Hiroshi Okada

    D - Erik Summers

    D - Guy Sasakamoose 

    G - Zamboni Driver


    4. @JigglyGumballs

    F - Mikko Lahtinen

    F - Uhtred

    F - Markus Nygren

    D - Rouqe Davis

    D - Alex Letang

    G - Raymond Bernard


    5. @MexicanCow123

    F - Kris Rice

    F - Dakota Lamb

    F - Kyl Oferson

    D - Jeff Downey

    D - Odin Omdahl

    G - Jacob Tonn


    6. @Advantage

    F - Chad Magnum 

    F - Timothy Brown

    F - Luke Thornton

    D - Erik Killinger

    D - Hugh Jass

    G - Ajay Krishna


    Go ahead aand make the 1st overall selection @chikn

  5. Clean design! I like the idea of putting the date you signed up, why not? Kind of get a TSN vibe when looking at the text, different but creative, props for the extra effort there. Intriguing background choice and green is my favorite colour. 9.5/10.



  6. ➡️ Rookie Experience :vhllogo:


    Drafted with the 3rd of 3 1st round picks and selected 12th overall in the S74 entry draft by the London United


    ➡️ Kasper Kankkunen :ldn:

    ➡️ Preparing for my VHL rookie season


    After being selected as a 1st round pick, I knew I had to continue grinding if I wanted to continue being a high ranked prospect and help London rise to the top of the standings. In my junior review I thought I'd go in the 2nd or 3rd round, didn't think I had it in me to consistently earn but I couldn't be more happier with how things turned out attribute-wise and how many points my player would rack up in Las Vegas so my focus definitely shifted from trying to become a decent defender to training my hardest so I can get my name up there with the leagues best goalscoring defenceman. 


    I could have started my career sooner but I knew it'd be a rough transition playing on a new team right after finally feeling comfortable in an Ace uniform, a lot of prospects were called up so I knew I'd have a greater chance at winning the rookie of the year with a possible monster season to add to my career history and statistics. Little did I know there was a lot I still needed to learn before advancing my career, and winning such a prestigious award but thanks to the combined ability of our excellent coaching and superb managing I continued where I left off last season, almost like a bookmark, leaving plenty of room to get some rest and learn new schemes I'll probably see whenever the United call me up.


    Although I was thrilled to experience life as a rookie I quickly realized the season was going to be harder than I thought as hames went by with a league crowded with new faces, unpredictable shooters and a half a roster of freshly drafted players but the mission the same for me and the whole organization/fanbase had the same expectations, win the cup. As days go by and the calendar flipped through the months aour team started rolling, continued rolling until we spun out in the conference finals the second year in a row. Maybe it was my lack of awareness during key moments during important plays and excitement imagining myself in a London United Jersey but our whole team ended up stepping up, making contributions in every zone which definitely made it easier to leave a family of teammates that could take care of the cattle by themselves and still cheer me on.. Even if I was deked around several times for game deciding breakaways 


    ➡️ Expectations during VHL rookie season


    Now that I've switched lanes mentally, I know the next few seasons are going to be a lot more different than my experience in the VHLM, I'm going from big fish to baby algae, time to sit back and watch how the veteran's do it.. At least now I knew I have to adjust to the changed environment and solidify a game plan before expecting be a person who lights the red light and electrify the audience. Obviously goals are on my mind and I think since our defense is going to be very strong next season so I expect to collect at least 40-50 points plus net over 10 goals. Before I only wanted to shoot but if we want to win as a newer team I need to do my part and work on threading the needle too, hopefully I at least keep up with the rest of the league until I become a threat a few seasons down the road. 




    558 words

  7. LondonBar_uu5ZE7B.png.7634b736c0c813019bf5b397ee2bdac4.png


    Press Conference for the week ending on Sunday November 15th


    1. What are your thoughts on our recent trades bringing in the likes of Jass, Killinger, and Magnum?


    I'm thrilled, knew we had a solid core ready for action but now we can actually make a run at the cup. Jass and Killinger on the blueline = deady and Magnum is a much needed addition to our up and coming offense



    2. After these recent additions do you feel we’re a playoff team?


    For sure. Yeah we might not kill it and or make the highlight reels every game but I think we have enough potential and momentum to push us to victory most nights now



    3. What teams do you think have the best defensive Corp in the league?


    Well we have to be up there, might not be the best but everybody has plenty of career left so the future looks bright. Actually after taking a look were up there with Moscow and Malmo as one of the best.. Sweet



    4. We no longer have a pick in the first two rounds. Is there a player you think will go in those two rounds that we should trade for a pick to draft?


    Nope, no clue who any of the prospects are this season, been focusing on taking my game to the next level but whoever joins us should at least be somebody who'll stick around and be somewhat active and consistent, the more players the better!



    5. It seems like a guarantee that LA will take Pistil Stamen 1st overall. Who do you think Toronto takes 2nd with our pick?


    Like I said before, I have no clue but I will say this year's draft class is filled with a lot of veteran talent, almost guaranteed superstars.. Maybe Red Lite goes 2nd oversll



    6. Do/did you follow along with the draft live? Or will you just check to see who we drafted afterwards?


    I like to follow along if I didn't miss it but usually check the results either way at least a few times after




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