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Posts posted by diacope

  1. Totems design looks sick ?? I like the picture used to make the graphic a lot and the dark shading helps bring it all together. Overall I give this a 9/10 :)






  2. You'll be an important player either way, top teams need something to push them over the edge and the more ice-time you get the more light on you. Time does fly though, you got that right.. Some people say careers are too short but I think they're just right. I can see you being a key power forward, kind of like my guy, you'll get points but expect to see a lot of different situations on the ice and stat sheets. Only thing I can suggest is getting your defense up to at least 70 next, most important skill for builds like ours (I know I play defense but the attributes we usevare simalir)


    Another good read though, maybe the title could have been tweaked since the second paragraph is taking about next season, some examples could be "In the mind of Nordin: Draft & Next Season" or Draft interest rising, next season analyzing" or "Teams are interested, time to prepare for S75" but it takes nothing away from the article, that's if want to intrique a potential reader.


    By the way it's L"a"s Vegas not L"o"s Vegas, messed it up myself early on ? Overall I think this VHL.com is a 7.5/10! Add in something extra if you want to improve on your next VHL.com like an interesting format, text or add a picture, that always does the trick, something to seperate it from every other article. Good luck next season buddy and GO! VEGAS! GO!




  3. It was a sad ending to an incredible season in Las Vegas and a praised Kankkunen didn't show up when it mattered most. In 12 games Kasper had only 2 goals and 3 points with a plus minus of 0, during the season he was a +86 and everybody was hopeful he'd at least carry the team defensively, the lack of hitting and attempts to block shots didn't help. We're not saying he won't perform for his new team but he'll need to stay positive and look ahead if he wants to win the rookie of the year.


    Thanks to the efforts of soon to be star athletes like Gary Rush who had over a point a game or Minott who all over the place giving it his all nobody really noticed the bad plays and poor shifts from tired teammates, specially Kankkunen. The Aces were still strong despite the facts and the better team won.


    Now after another failed run at the cup the Las Vegas Aces are not giving up and they still have a ton of potential in the dressing room. Newer fans from the new logo era will be watching closely early on to see if it's worth another season of tickets after watching their team lose before getting to the finals again but lifetimers are already purchasing and getting ready no matter the results.


    The off-season is here and it's time for the players to move on with their careers and hotel rooms in Vegas were going vacant as fast as new attendants sign up. After a goodbye speech and last meal with the team, It was time for Kasper Kankkunen to leave and he was London inbound.


    Thursday, November 5th. 10:30AM

    McCarran International Airport 



    Before he jumped on the plane to join his new squad the media approached Kasper for a last interview of sorts and like always it was no problem for the offensive defenseman.


    "What do you think about next years prospects?" - VHLM Sportswriter Anna Winter

    Well the league is growing rapidly right now so there's a lot of talent, if the managers focus and try to develop players to their fullest we will see a more competitive league that could possibly expand soon.


    "What's the one thing you'll miss most about playing for the Aces?" - Vegas Scout Samuel Finconn 

    Has to be my teammate, everyday when I arrived at the area they greeted and motivated me to improve my game. Good meals, good games and a lot of good laughs.


    "What are you most excited for when you arrive in London?" - Random Fan

    I'm excited to see my European buddy Friedriksson again, gonna be easier to adjust tobthe new locker room atmosphere with a familiar face.. One thing I'm curious about is the arena, hopefully I adjust quickly if anything is different from North America, had a hard time getting used to thing when I arrived from Finland. 


    After our last question the jets to roar on and the passengers were signaled to the lobby so they could board the plane, it was officially goodbye to future VHLer and lifetime Ace but his history remains for future Vegas defenders who wanna follow his path.


    Nearly 12 hours of flying, music on shuffle and 42 bags of pretzels and Kasper finally arrived London City Airport, the rest of the travelers were starving and angry so it wasn't a good start in his new colours but as soon as the plane landed Kankkunen decided to buy everybody dinner to get back on their good side. 


    Thursday, November 5th - 11:32PM

    Ritz London Hotel



    Minutes after dinner we hear a ring ring ring, it was the London United General Manager, the group of strangers huddled in to listen, "Hey kid are you ready to fly here join us?"

    "Already here boss"

    "Good to hear, meet you at the arena tomorrow, we got an early team practice to see where every is at"

    "Awesome see you there"


    It didn't take long for the media to catch on and the cameras were rolling, they followed to prospect to the Ritz London Hotel and the offensive defenseman was willing to answers another set of questions with the new set of reporters.


    "What's the first thing your gonna do when you wake up?" - London Hockey Review reporter Jane Jones

    Probably order up some breakfast and head to the arena, can't wait to meet my new teammates.


    "We just heard New York defender High Jass was just added to the team for a couple of top picks right before you arrived.. What do you think of that?" - Athletic Trainer David Ugu 

    I think our defense went from being a work in progress to a group who'll be able to handle better offensive schemes, yeah the picks could have made us stronger in the future buy I think it's our time to shine. Smart move by the general manager.


    "What're you going to do on the ice to help improve the team?" - VHLM Sportswriter Anna Winter

    Well my main focus my whole career has been to score, expect lots of shots. I'm open to changing any part of my game though, very pleased to be part of a great group of players!


    "Where will London end up in the standings at the end of the season?" - Reporter Rudy Rack

    The media keeps asking me this, my answer stays the same.. We will make the playoffs or just miss them, give us a couple of seasons and you'll be asking us questions about the playoffs.


    A yawning Kasper called it quits after answering more questions and checked into his hotel room, the tired reporters agreed knowing they'll see him at practice tomorrow. 


    Not long after a short sleep in his new city the defender got ready and hopped into a cab to the United Arena, at first the driver was confused and drove to the opposite side of town but Kankkunen showed up, only 40 minutes later.. At least the media was gone


    Friday, November 6th - 8:42AM

    United Arena



    The team was well into training and the coach didn't look happy so Kasper quickly suited up and hit the ice. One shot, two shots later and the session ended, the team piled into the locker room, Kankkunen stayed behind to get in some more reps, missing an opportunity to introduce himself


    Yeah the day didn't go as planned for Kasper and his short VHL career is starting off rough but it's still early and the finnish defender seems determined to make an impact wherever he can, don't let these early mistakes fool you


    1,097 words







    1.  London finished last, but has the 2nd overall pick in the upcoming draft.  Do you think London will have a lottery pick next season?

    Anything is possible but I feel like we have a chance to sneak into the playoffs


    2.  Do you play a musical instrument?  If so, why did you chose that/those instruments?

    Nah, played the trombone and trumpet in public school though


    3.  Houston Bulls GM Rjfryman had a baby recently.  What do you think his middle name is?



    4.  Which British car manufacturer is your favorite and why?

    Landrovers are my type of vehicle, they have tons of room and they're good on any terrain 


    5.  Sean Connery passed away on Halloween.  Should we have a James Bond 007 Theme Night on opening night?

    Why not? Themes are a good idea to keep the younger fans in their seats and entertained


    6.  Which question have you always been ready to answer, but never got asked?

    That's hard to answer because I've answered so many questions and I'm in 3 leagues ?


  5. Appreciate the kind words, tried my best to sit back so others had a chance to learn and grow because I knew how the forum worked, this time around I was able to get to know the whole team and that definitely made for a better experience! It was fun being an assistant captain, If I helped at least one player during my time in Vegas I'm happy, tried my best to be active and see set an example plus answer questions when the staff wasn't around.. I'm usually up late ?


    Vegas is a great spot to be if your a newer member for sure, our prospects grew quickly and got with the program right away, thanks to all the knowledgeable members in our chat and recently our forum locker room. You'll see me again in the future but for now, keep earning and win the championship next season!! I'll be watching the team play on my days off and during intermissions ?


    Good luck to all the players graduating into the VHL next season, rookie of the year is mine ?



  6. Hard to give criticism to a graphic that's perfect.. Good size banner for a signature and the background is dope. Goalie looks good too, sometimes jersey swaps can be too much so not even going to say it needs one, nice work blending it all together. You're an artist with the text though and my eyes thank you for the creatively, 10/10 :)

  7. LondonBar_uu5ZE7B.png.c8b8fa88861f32bee2

    London United Press Conference - Week Ending November 1st


    1.  What's on your plate for your favorite weekend brunch meal?


    Call me oldschool but bacon and eggs, usually make a fried egg and bacon sandwich or scrambled with baciano on the side 



    2.  London has a lottery pick in this draft.  GM @McWolf has recently stated that if there's a very good deal he might trade it down.  Armchair GM moment:  What would you do in his shoes?  Draft high or actively shop the pick?


    Draft high, we need some more players who'll stay and make us stronger!



    3.  What's going on in your offseason training regimen?  Are you focusing on other attributes other than your main ones?


    Been trying my best to win a cup with Vegas in the VHLM, currently not working out. When I do train next I think getting my defense as high as I can will be vital in the VHL



    4.  If you could grow a playoff beard, would you?  Which NHL player has the best playoff beard?


    As much as I hate the Pens, I think Sidney Crosby's dirt statche is the best



    5.  Which person has helped your development the most in your career?


    Gotta give credit where it's due, has to be spartan, gnomeboi, gumballs and fishy, thanks for your relentless effort to help the team earn TPE



    6.  Do you have any silly dreams or nightmares that you can remember or recall from a long time ago?


    Don't really dream now, think it's the weed but whenever I was little I used to have this nightmare where I was in one of those construction trucks at the beach and the whole time I waa sumping sand into the ocean. Remember waking up wanting it to stop so bad, definitely fely anxious and my whole body would be soaked with sweat 

  8. It's an exciting time in the VHLM and all the hard work earning TPE has paid off for most of the league, even if it's an early exit. For the 4 teams and 75 players eliminated their season ends today and next season is already on their minds.. Here's a list of the best competition we won't see in the highlights 


    1. The doubled headed Bull in Houston

    Artem Tretiak @Molholt 210 TPE

    *2nd in save percentage

    *4th in goals against average

    Kunibuni UnGuru @Berocka 196 TPE

    *6th in save percentage


    2. Fitzwell's rock solid defense

    Richard Fitzwell @Tomato Soup 236 TPE

    *1st in hits

    *6th in shots blocked


    3. C.W. and his G.W. attitude 

    Carson Walkers @Cwalker186 TPE

    *2nd in shorthanded goals

    *2nd in game winners

    *8th in hits


    4. Shooting threat from Philly 

    Darius Marimoto @dariusmarimotoman185 TPE

    *7th in shots


    5. A ready goaltender waiting for a test

    Jacon Carson @jacobcarson877191 TPE

    *2nd in shutouts

    *8th in wins


    6. Minute hound Cloudera and his beastmode tendencies 

    Yuuto Kira Cloudera @kentakira 166 TPE

    *1st in shots blocked

    *2nd in shorthanded goals


    7. Philadelphia's secret weapon, sorry now everybody knows..

    Shawn Andrei Zyuzin @TheLastOlympian07155


    *5th in hits


    8. The top shelf catcher

    Michael Fletcher @DragonFire420131 TPE

    *4th in assists

    *6th in shutouts


    Maybe some of these guys could have been an asset if dealt before the trade deadline, who knows. Don't get down if your team didn't advance, time flies and there's tons of other achievements!

  9. 1) We've finally reached 100 points this season. Along with first in the Western Conference and 2nd league wide in standings. What do you think about the current team achievements?


    I think it's fantastic and we should ride the wave all the way to the cup



    2) Europe won gold in this season's World Juniors, with World winning silver and the US winning bronze. Were you surprised with the results? What do you think about this season's WJC?


    Fantastic again, I won gold!



    3) Who do you think our biggest opponent might be in the playoffs? What do you think we need to do to defeat them?


    Yukon, they have a very defensive team full of physical threats



    4) What do you and the boys do after games? Do you all hang out in a bar and celebrate? Prepare for the next game?


    Usually go straight to the hot tub after every game. After that I relax or go out to celebrate with the team



    5) Are you more of a dog person, or cat person?


    Cat person all day



    6) Who is the most wholesome of the team? Who is the opposite of that?


    Probably Rhynex, let's just say Don Cherry would be complementing him every time we go live, his suits are slick, he's well mannered, puts his head down and goes to work everytime he hits the ice, plus he listens and follows every instruction given

  10. Not bad, simple enough and not overcomplicated which is nice. I like the black and white and how everything is placed plus the minimal text, sometimes people add too much in my opinion, keep up the hard work!


    Would try and add something extra to bring it over average, some easy things you could add would be a more interesting background that goes with the image, face pose/more of the player or something different like a normal border or shape the border.. Maybe even put the logo on the helmet, it'd be even more simple. Nothing major.. Just think it lacks the BOOM factor. I'd definitely use one of these though.


    You don't need any skills and your fully capable of making some pretty decent stuff, if you want to or not. Overall I'm giving this a 7.5/10

  11. Wow, fantastic job ? 


    The work put into the logo and jersey are phenominal. Background and text are done perfectly plus you added a little more detail, overall it all fits together like a pair of skates


    Probably one of the best graphics I've seen on here, gotta give a 10/10!


    1) If you take a look at the portal, Las Vegas Aces player names pop up all over the place in terms of offensive stats. What does that say about our team?


    Ohhh shit... Look out! It's the Aces rolling through on 21s, going for that Chip, puck spinning around than landed in the net, jackpot


    Wouldn't be scoring so much if the players didn't build the way they did and the coaches didn't make the adjustments they had, exactly the type of team I wanted to be part of, I'm blessed. All I can say is, KEEP SCORING, SHOOT SHOOT SHOOT!!



    2) With the large influx of new players coming, and teams getting more and more filled up, how do you think this will effect the playoffs or standings?


    Sure some of the guys are going to earn more than others so those are the players who will change the atmosphere as a whole, less goals, more goals, better goaltending.. ETC



    3) Since you've all got to familiarize yourselves with each other, who's your best locker room buddy now? Any sort of pregame handshakes or any of the sort do you guys do?


    I talk to all the guys and everybody seems to mesh with each other, sucks to see Petal go though, played over 100 games with him on the blueline.



    4) Do you think we'll do/should do anything this trade deadline (which is today)?


    If the team thinks they can get a steal of a deal, go for it.. Even if it means I get sent to a bottom feeding team



    5) What are doing for Thanksgiving?


    The usual. Nothing special going on for me except for jarring mariquana 



    6) World Juniors are on the horizon! Which team are you playing for, and if you are not playing, who are you cheering for?


    Europe picked me up and I'm relieved because I was left out last year, obviously I can make a bigger difference now, maybe it was a good thing. The gold is ours! GO EUROPE!!!

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