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Everything posted by emidas

  1. Finally. I hated the addition when it was announced and thought it was a net negative. Not a fan (as a player or an admin) of segmenting your player base so much. I won't go any further into that, just glad to see this change.
  2. Best 55th pick of all time My next goal will be to get drafted even lower and surpass this guy
  3. D.C. forever Thanks for helping me achieve my goal of being the best 55th overall pick ever, and for making my time here enjoyable!
  4. emidas

    Jaromir Jagr

    Lucas Grey (DC) OV
  5. Achievement Unlocked
  6. let's fucking go
  7. But since I'm here, for the love of god, allow variable increment spending on the manage player page. Having to press the plus button over and over and over again is torture. - An old man
  8. I've got some ideas that could be beneficial for the VHL but my plate is full currently. Maybe later in the year
  9. What a boomer, probably remembers dial-up and Oregon Trail and VCRs and CDs smh (Don't ask how old I am this is about @Beketov)
  10. +10 TPE Lucas Grey
  11. Damn thought for sure I had it in the bag
  12. Sounds like a fun opportunity, I'd love to join the #FlamingBulls if the opportunity is there! Thanks! Felt like it was about time to give it another shot ha
  13. Player Information Username: emidas Player Name: Lucas Grey Recruited From: SisterLeague Age: 18 Position: RW Height: 74 in. Weight: 220 lbs. Birthplace: United States of America Player Page @VHLM GM
  14. Only 3 more years and I stop having to pay child support. Whew. Guess I'll celebrate by recreating
  15. Yeah, to be clear - the hidden attributes I suggested in my post were for a new project that I would design but not participate in. In current leagues where a group of people have to make that decision and also participate, I think it's unrealistic to expect to be able to hide anything exactly for the reasons you mention. Nobody that participates should ever have that level of an advantage over others.
  16. I think this is an interesting change. I'm not sold it does what it's designed to do, but it's interesting. I had a similar idea to expand player builds in other leagues, but the formulas would be hidden. This would delay any meta formation and increase the longevity of the phase where players are still learning the game. I say delay because a meta will always be defined, eventually - many game developers want to be ignorant of that, but it will always happen. There's also nothing inherently wrong with having a meta, as long as it's healthy (which it seems, yours was not, hence the change). From what I've seen here, I can definitely still see a meta forming picking the specific hybrid attributes that still create the widest gap between scoring and passing. However, I'm sure that will be healthier than what currently exists, no matter the success of the rest of this system. It'll be interesting to revisit this change in 5-10 seasons and see how things have changed.
  17. I'm just here so I won't get fined.
  18. Who is this kid and who let him up after bedtime #FreeJoeKelly
  19. This feels like a terrible way to solve a non-issue - or worse, an issue that existed prior to the thing getting removed. Feels like a giant leap backwards for modernization in sim leagues. Forcing people to do a thing that nobody cared to do before isn't going to go well. This removes user agency, and doesn't enhance it. You took away an accessible, practical solution and have replaced it with...nothing. There are already plenty of reasons to come to the forum and stay here - there doesn't need to be a reason tucked into every aspect of the league. To some things I've seen in this thread - one big thread for games would help massively. I'm not clicking into a thread for a single game, period. Though, that doesn't solve this leap backwards.
  20. Just posting in here to scare more people.
  21. No idea what this is but sweet!
  22. Joe Kelly showing no remorse for putting cheaters in their place “The SH”V”L?” “No, the VHL.” “What the f--k kinda ripoff name is that?” With those words between Joe Kelly and his agent, his fate was sealed. Since Rob Manfred had banned Kelly from Major League Baseball for life for his steadfast refusal to fellate Manfred, as well as being the most vocal antagonist of the scumbag organization known as the Houston Astros, Joe had been looking for new ways to flex his athletic prowess and still make enough money to impress the honey’s. Originally having considered the SBA, Kelly quickly tossed aside that option as he didn’t feel like playing in a league with only two real teams. He then considered football in the EFL, but his agent advised against this due to “speed being king”, and Kelly not being an olympic sprinter. Thus, Kelly began to set his sights on the VHL - more specifically, the VHLM. Despite not even knowing how to skate, Joe was intrigued by the ability to hit anyone he disagreed with, as well as the freedom to carry a dangerous weapon on him at all times. In order to prepare for this major shift in profession, Joe knew he had to bring in the best. Wanting to make a big impression on any potential VHL suitors, he shelled out for the best tandem skaters alive to train him how to maneuver on the ice - Chazz Michael Michaels and Jimmy MacElroy. With their help, Kelly was quickly able to pick up the ability to skate efficiently and effortlessly, even eventually lending his ability to improving their own Iron Lotus. Chazz Michael Michaels and Jimmy MacElroy, responsible for Kelly's skating prowess. For play on the ice, however, Joe needed to dig deeper. His years of focusing on another sport meant he was behind in even the most basic of formations and play - and thus, it was Joe’s idea to reach out to someone who was a master at teaching kids to win in Pee-Wee - Gordon Bombay. With Bombay’s help, Kelly was able to adapt to puck handling and shooting at a rate Bombay had never seen out of a child. He even learned something called a “knuckle puck” that is sure to come in handy as he climbs through the VHLM ranks. Coach Bombay, responsible for teaching Kelly how to handle a puck and score. With the training received from Michaels, MacElroy, and Bombay, Joe Kelly appears primed to break into the VHLM - and, eventually, and VHL - with some noise. Playing time so far has been minimal, but Kelly knows that will come with time, when it is earned - which is all Kelly desired. To earn his place.
  23. Transaction ID: 48731532GJ0480806 5 Uncapped TPE Doubles Week
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