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diacope 2

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Everything posted by diacope 2

  1. ron weasley out here representing the bulls
  2. After much deliberation, GM MattyIce has finally selected the captain and assistant captains for the S80 Bulls. Selected as captain was Nils Godlander, perhaps the most prominent first gen in the S80 class. He has made a pretty strong impression on the league so far and landed an AGM job in Mexico City. Godlander plays RW on the Bull's first line and has had a strong start to the season so far, registering 28 points which ranks him eighth in the league and second on the Bulls. He is currently seventh in the league for assists, with 17. The first assistant captain is James glove dropper, quite possibly the second most prominent first gen of the S80 class. He plays LW on the first line and is currently the Bulls' leading scorer. James glove dropper has been more of a James goal scorer or James play maker thus far in the season. He has 30 points, including 12 goals and 18 assists. This ranks him third in the league for points, eighth in goals and sixth in assists. The second assistant captain is Biggie Cheese. The only player in the leadership core that isn't a first gen. What he lacks in leadership, he makes up for in experience. Cheese has been steady on the blue line and ranks fourth in scoring for defensemen, with 20 points as of today. He ranks third in Bulls' scoring. The Houston Bulls leadership group is reportedly the most meme worthy in the VHLM this season.
  3. you gave me a heart attack when I saw I was mentioned in this lmao
  4. Sounds like quite the story about your computer charger haha. What kind of charger was it? I've never heard of one bricking itself like that, but then again I've also only had my laptop for 2 years. Hope you're doing better with that now, and I think you did an alright job of handling the draft if you had to do it alone. 9/10
  5. Hello! I see Riga is inching closer to a playoff spot, currently 5-6 and in the wildcard position. Good luck with the rest of your season. It seems like the EU conference is a bit of a toss up right now, there seems to be some good teams on that side of the pond. 9/10
  6. @JuiceYou can keep your original pick or change it, was my mistake
  7. I fucked up and didn't put gumballs on Juice's page
  8. Hulk Hogan Jr. is retired, beav has new player
  9. RIP Buffalo Sabres

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. NSG


      I’m glad I chose to root for the Capitols, not the Sabres, back j. 2013 

    3. Alex
    4. The Domino Archives
  10. F - Duncan Idaho D - Robin Galante Nilsson @Juice
  11. bumping so Gustav thinks there is a GM change
  12. Thanks bana. Wouldn't trade the past seven seasons for anything. I'll always be a bear
  13. I listened to the entire podcast. I know what you mean about Seattle being the underdog, it did seem like Malmo got a lot more hype/coverage this season. It's funny how adding McLaren actually made Davos worse somehow, STHS be like that. At least you guys made the playoffs this season, that's a start.
  14. 1. I'm the new General Manager here! It's a pleasure to fill out the team from scratch with a fresh batch of promising players. What are your career plans for your player? Winning a couple of cups in the VHL ultimately. Hopefully win one here first. 2. Let's talk about hockey. What do you like the most about the sport? I was always a goalie and I really liked playing. I have trouble paying attention and it was the one thing where I never had trouble staying focused. I was in the zone. It was a good feeling. 3. Is there an NHL star player that you model your player after? If so, who is it? I'm not sure. My player is a defensive defenseman that can also hit and score. 4. Which NHL team do you root for? Which one can't you stand?? I'm an Oilers fan and I can't stand the Leafs due to their media. I was watching the Oilers broadcast once and for the first 5 minutes they talked about Toronto. The Leafs weren't even playing that night. 5. IRL question: How are you doing? Are you a student in school, or working? What's up in general with things in your life? I'm doing alright. I'm currently in university. Just got back from my parent's house as I was visiting over the weekend. 6. How much time do you dedicate to activity on the forums or discord to keep up with league activity? Too much on discord, not enough on forums.
  15. Don't really understand this format ngl
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