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diacope 2

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  1. Hmmm
    diacope 2 reacted to Doomsday in I feel offended ad a team name   
    Yeah, I said it. 
  2. Haha
  3. Haha
    diacope 2 got a reaction from omgitshim in Town of Pallet #1   
    Wow this is super realistic 
  4. Very Nice
    diacope 2 reacted to omgitshim in Town of Pallet #1   
  5. Fire
    diacope 2 got a reaction from rory in [S84] Hari Singh Nalwa has retired!   
    Hari Singh Nalwa (Dil) has announced their retirement.
  6. Like
    diacope 2 reacted to JardyB10 in application drama   
    And now I'M here to remind everyone that now that this post is in the Thunderdome we should start some FUCKING FIRES, WOOOO!
    Hi Frank.
  7. Like
    diacope 2 reacted to rory in Ranking every VHL team based on if I can beat the mascot in a fight   
    Las Vegas Aces: Rip the playing card, not hard at all.
    Malmo Nighthawks: Dumb fuckin bird won’t even be able to attack me one punch to it’s dumb fuckin bird nose and it’s down for the count. Get the barbeque ready for some nice roasted nighthawk breasts and wings. Yum!
    Prague Phantoms/Philadelphia Reapers: @Josh, @JeffD, and @Jeffie43 can all attest to my absolute stellar ghost hunting skills. I have mastered the art of staying in the van while they did all the work and because this is a ghost hunt I’m allowed to call in my employees while I monitor the action on their gopros. Easiest fight in the world.
    London United: The mascot for this dumpster team looks like it’s literally just London Bridge. Famously, London Bridge is falling down (falling down, falling down, my fair lady). If I simply bide my time eventually London Bridge will fall down and I will win the fight. Get owned.
    Koln Express: Fighting a train is very easy. Simply walk 2 feet to the left off of the tracks and tf is it gonna do? Trolly problem it’s ass over to me? Shut the fuck up goofy I could derail the tracks if you give me a couple days
    Halifax 21st: Another easy fight. What the fuck is it gonna do? Grow legs? Dumb boat gonna die of rust in like 30 years so I win simply by biding my time. Halifax Explosion (good name for a rebrand, think about it commies) 2.0 would definitely expedite my win (because I’d rather fight myself then ever go to Halifax ever so the explosion wouldn’t affect me)
    San Diego Marlins: Dumb fuckin fish tf it gonna do? Bite my toes? Give me a fishing rod and like 3 weeks of time I’d catch this idiot eventually.
    Davos Dynamo: This is pretty easy because people like to say that reaching the top of a mountain counts as defeating it. I think if you gave me a year or so dedicated to climbing mountains I could very easily conquer Davos.

    New York Americans: Shit logo with no mascot, however, we can all assume the mascot is the average American. Based on these odds, I could very easily win. This would be a different story if I was fighting a Hamilton Canuck, because the average Canadian would be closer to a 50/50, but my pure agility would give me a competitive edge against an American. We are assuming this American does not own a gun because then they win.
    Toronto Legion: Another dumb fucking bird. This bird looks even weaker than the nighthawk so we’ll be adding them to the barbeque so we can feed the New York American before I fight them (fattening it up).

    Missisagua Hounds: What the dog doin? I one punch the dog and then get cancelled on twitter for animal abuse. Whoops.
    Vasteras Iron Eagles: This is the bird that probably has the best chances of beating me because there's a giant mystery factor of what makes it iron instead of a normal eagle. If the entire thing is iron and it’s still able to fly then this mother fucker has gotta be super strong and could wing flap me to death. So easy to beat the shit out of birds normally though.
    Houston Bulls: This a cow. The barbeque is getting a little full at this point, however we will throw on some steaks after we defeat them (very easily).

    Moscow Menace: Angry santa looks like he’s already on death’s door. I could yank his ugly ass beard right off his face and stuff it down his throat. Take the crown for the rest of my fights so easy.
    Vancouver Wolves: Honestly bro wolves kinda seem like they rely on pack hunting to fight. One on one, I think my chances are a lot better than what people would think. Couple pokes in the eyes and the tide will turn and I could choke it out on the ground.
    Geneva Rush: Shit team that should still be in Yukon because theirs never been a fuckin gold rush in the south of Switzerland. Is the mascot a swiss banker? I could beat the absolute shit out of those scumbags.

    Miami Marauders: I think I have the agility to outrun and waste the energy of a dumb fucking pirate. This scurvy havin ass better hope he catches me before the syphilis gets him looool
    Bratislava Watchmen: Famous Slovakian lighthouse keepers, they are probably an old person that retired from the navy or some shit. The Slovakian navy is famous for not having a coastline and probably not existing. I could beat up some stolen valour looking ass old person.

    Calgary Wranglers: Fighting the Wranglers really depends on which version of the Calgary logo I am fighting. If I’m able to take on the derp horse, I would very easily take it down in a duel. The current logo, steroid horse, becomes a different story. Being a famously tamed animal, there's a decent chance I could fight it but one good kick and I’m knocked out.

    Helsinki Titans: Most people will probably doubt me when I say this but if the mascot has the same tendencies as their team they will underperform and I will be able to take them down due to my insane wits. That big helmet will weigh them down and allow me to win the fight.
    Mexico City Kings: The draugr is a very common enemy in the dungeons of Skyrim. I have mastered the art of defeating them by stealthing with a bow and arrow before they wake up. I’m kinda worried if it has cold magic because I am not a nord so I don’t have resistance to cold. 

    Rome Gladiators: Now THIS is a prize fighter that would give me a challenge! They’d put me in a net and then stab me with a trident that’d be so cool and I’m dead so fast.
    Stockholm Vikings: A very large Swedish viking would kick the shit out of me probably while completely nude. It’d at least be a very enjoyable experience for me getting my ass kicked by a probably very attractive person.
    Istanbul Grey Wolves: Yeah I think a Turkish Neo-Nazi could easily take me down. They’ve been studying the blade while I’ve been derailing trains and barbequing nighthawks.
    Ottawa Lynx: Probably the weakest of the big cats, a lynx would still have an excellent chance at killing the absolute shit at me. Have you guys ever heard what a Lynx sounds like? They fucking scream like absolute banshees. This scream would bait me into thinking I was in a ghost hunt and then I’d be unprepared and it’d kill me while I hold my EMF detector.
    Saskatoon Wild: Another big cat, however I think the mystery factor once again is a major player in my calculations. Is it a bobcat? Is it ALSO a lynx? A cougar perhaps? Who the fuck knows. That’s why it edges out the Ottawa Lynx.
    Seattle Bears: This is a mother fucking bear. It looks like a grizzly and grizzlies are famous for being fucking crazy territorial. I am terrified and this bear would kill the shit out of me and not even care 
    Warsaw Predators: Beating up an old ass catholic priest would be easy Nobody knows what the fuck this dumb fucking animal is but I think the original idea was a wild boar. This pig motherfucker would absolutely destroy me in a heartbeat and then eat my entire body, bones and teeth included. They would never find my body.
    Riga Reign: This is a mother fucking lion. Thankfully the male lions do not participate in hunts but this dude would just casually knock me and then eat me. I have a slight chance if it’s a LAZY lion that’s lived their entire life in captivity.

    Oslo Storm: Isn’t their logo literally Thor? I can beat up the Chris Hemsworth version but the Thor from the myths wouldn’t even look at me. Simple smite and I’m absolutely toasted. At least I’ll die a warrior and he’ll have to drink with me forever in Valhalla. Spending the rest of eternity with me, I think I’d eventually break him mentally. So he would win the fight, but I’d win the war.
    Chicago Phoenix: This is a mythical bird that is famous for being fucking on fire. This mother fucker would kill me with a big ol’ hug, but I suspect it’d pick me up and drop me like how birds of prey hunt mammals. 
    D.C. Dragons: Yeah no shot. Another mythical beast, this big ol dude is a fire breathing monster that would roast me in a second before I even get the chance to turn and run.

    Los Angeles Stars: LOL yeah I can both not fight in space, and I don’t even have easy access to supermega nuclear bombs, which stars have go off on their surface like 1000 times a second. Not fair, I lose.

    Thank you for watching my audio podcast.
  8. Like
    diacope 2 got a reaction from AJW in S84 VHL Bracket Challenge   
    pls accept my request for access to the google form
  9. Thanks
    diacope 2 got a reaction from JardyB10 in Town of Pallet #1   
    He has more days won than I do 😐
  10. Very Nice
    diacope 2 got a reaction from Ptyrell in Town of Pallet #1   
    He has more days won than I do 😐
  11. Haha
    diacope 2 got a reaction from omgitshim in Town of Pallet #1   
    He has more days won than I do 😐
  12. Haha
    diacope 2 got a reaction from Lemorse7 in Town of Pallet #1   
    He has more days won than I do 😐
  13. Fire
    diacope 2 got a reaction from rory in Ranking every VHL team based on if I can beat the mascot in a fight   
    I reckon that will change soon
  14. Like
    diacope 2 got a reaction from Lemorse7 in hungers game sim   
    Biggie Cheese killed 2 people and then himself
    Back at the Barnyard is a lot more dark than I remember
  15. Fire
    diacope 2 reacted to Lemorse7 in hungers game sim   
    and Biggie Cheese kill Moon killer @a_Ferk
  16. Like
    diacope 2 got a reaction from Lemorse7 in hungers game sim   
    Biggie Cheese
  17. Like
    diacope 2 reacted to Spartan in VHFL Nerdy Stat Piece   
    WARNING: This is a media spot with numbers.
    As an avid fan of football and a frequent participant in fantasy football, I've generally always been interested in trying to run some sort of fantasy league in sim leagues/GM leagues. Back in the early S70's when McWolf/Twists ran VHFL, I found myself trying to combine the Excel skills that I had recently learned in college to VHFL, trying to make the process of scoring and tracking VHFL picks in a much simpler and automatic manner. Eventually when Twists went AWOL, Quik came to me knowing that I had developed a Google Sheet for VHFL, and since then I have generally just been the owner/fixer-upper of the VHFL file that is used every season.
    Over the seasons and years, I've been able to add more functionality to the spreadsheet beyond just its baseline features. Once rosters are set in the thread, the manager can simply copy/paste them into the sheet and the rosters will auto-populate and begin scoring based off the index that day. It tracks from the player scoring sheet, to the team scoring sheet, to the results sheet, and finally to the user ranking sheet as well. Now everyone can see that team scoring breakdown and rankings in real time, which I was very pleased to figure out.
    Unfortunately, the one thing that always bothered me that VHFL didn't have was ADP. For anyone unfamiliar with fantasy sports, ADP stands for Average Draft Position, which is generally used as a ranking system to apply to all fantasy draft-eligible players. If you ever use Yahoo, NFL, ESPN, etc for fantasy leagues, you'll see that every player has an ADP ranking, and those generally help users figure out what players to draft based on a bunch of formulas, variables, and other league's drafts. Since I do not dabble in algorithms and such, I haven't been able to develop an ADP system prior to VHFL drafts for users to use as a reference. However, I thought it'd be interesting to do an "end of season" glance at ADP using finished drafts and comparing them to their actual VHFL rank.
    Disclaimers: I generally tried to follow the order of how a thread went, and put delayed picks for skipped/DQ'd users into their original pick slots. I could have just gone with the order of the thread, but I only thought of it midway through populating the sheet. I also only tracked 10 groups since typing out 36 names per group is painful, and I simply preferred not to do all 17 groups. Some average positions will also be blatantly odd since players were selected in 1-2 groups. Live with it.
    ADP and # of Groups

    Name # Groups ADP Duncan Idaho 10 2.1 Saku Kotkakoivu 10 3.1 Hard Markinson 10 5.5 Jerome Reinhart 10 5.7 Alex Johnston 10 7.5 Paul Atreides 10 8.4 Vasile Lamb 10 8.6 Reylynn Reinhart 10 12.2 Max Torq 10 15.5 Xavier Booberry 10 20.3 Nico Pearce 10 20.9 Papa Emeritus 10 28.3 Oskar Lindbergh 10 30.4 Vinny Detroit 9 7.9 Zeedayno Chara 9 10.3 Tui Sova 9 18.3 Aurelien Moreau 8 14.1 Rolf Fizzlebeef Jr 8 17.6 Druss Deathwalker 8 22.9 AJ Williams 8 24.4 Brendan Marner 8 25.1 Henri le Massif 7 15.4 Erlantz Jokinen 7 17.3 Anze Miklavz 7 17.4 Zach Kisslinger II 7 18.4 Jan Hlozek 7 25.3 Poopy Peepants 6 15.3 Hari Singh Nalwa 6 17.2 Jonathan Ori 6 17.2 Daniel Janser 6 19.3 Hulk Hogan 2 6 21.2 Asher Reinhart 6 23.3 Taylor Mourning 6 24.5 Cole Pearce 6 33.8 AirRig GoodBrandSun 5 17.0 Baby Bob 5 27.2 David Davis 5 33.8 Brian Payne 4 23.0 Ben Dahl 4 31.0 Bubbles Utonium 4 34.5 David Tavau 3 21.3 Kyle Peace 3 23.3 Matty Fire 3 25.7 Bo Johansson 3 26.7 Nezuko 3 30.3 Tobias Reinhart 3 34.0 Red Gaming 2 22.0 Brendan Telker 2 24.0 Sven Eightnine 2 26.5 Dusty Wilson 2 30.5 That Dude 2 31.5 Sirdsvaldis Miglaskems 1 9.0 Alessandro Nano 1 12.0 Tavish Degroot 1 17.0 The Seabasstard 1 17.0 Nils Godlander 1 17.0 Sigard Petrenko 1 18.0 Leroy Johnson 1 20.0 The Board Game Clue on Skates 1 22.0 Darth Kaprizov 1 22.0 Seymour Butts 1 23.0 Bogdan Trunov 1 24.0 Perry Laperriere 1 25.0 Biggie Cheese 1 26.0 Hammar Voss 1 26.0 Jannik Nylen 1 28.0 Brandt Fuhr 1 29.0 Tomas Sogaard 1 29.0 Corey Kitson 1 30.0 Rhys Trenton 1 31.0 Shane Lazeski 1 32.0 Jason Argos 1 32.0 Wumbo 1 33.0 Igor Molotov 1 34.0 Art Vandelay 1 36.0 Dabnad Shaw 1 36.0  
    After looking at 10 groups, I was able to identify 76 unique players that were selected, which shows a pretty decent spread. There were a few "troll" picks like Leroy Johnson @Vkobe-v, but not enough to merit any disqualifications or fixing of the data. Only 13 players were selected in every group, and 3 of those were goalies. The most interesting of that "elite group" is actually Nico Pearce, who with an ADP of 20.9 was essentially a high 4th round pick. Every other skater in the 10-group club went in at least the early 3rd or higher, which is natural for coveted skaters. Nico bucked that trend, with his highest draft position being 10, and lowest at 28.
    A lot of the members in the 8-9 group club surprised me, especially Vinny Detroit. There was really a group out there that didn't take one of the most sought after forwards this season who had an ADP of 7.9. Forwards like Druss Deathwalker, AJ Williams, and Brendan Marner seemed to be in the same club as Nico Pearce, averaging in the 20's for ADP, even falling out of 2 groups each. 
    ADP vs VHFL Rank
    Name # Groups ADP VHFL Rank Difference Papa Emeritus 10 28.3 6 22.3 Druss Deathwalker 8 22.9 4 18.9 Nico Pearce 10 20.9 3 17.9 Taylor Mourning 6 24.5 8 16.5 Bubbles Utonium 4 34.5 19 15.5 Biggie Cheese 1 26.0 12 14.0 Sven Eightnine 2 26.5 13 13.5 Tui Sova 9 18.3 5 13.3 Brian Payne 4 23.0 10 13.0 Cole Pearce 6 33.8 25 8.8 Henri le Massif 7 15.4 7 8.4 Hard Markinson 10 5.5 2 3.5 Asher Reinhart 6 23.3 21 2.3 Xavier Booberry 10 20.3 18 2.3 Wumbo 1 33.0 31 2.0 Duncan Idaho 10 2.1 1 1.1 Baby Bob 5 27.2 27 0.2 Corey Kitson 1 30.0 30 0.0 Rhys Trenton 1 31.0 32 -1.0 Reylynn Reinhart 10 12.2 14 -1.8 Vasile Lamb 10 8.6 11 -2.4 Hulk Hogan 2 6 21.2 24 -2.8 Art Vandelay 1 36.0 41 -5.0 Anze Miklavz 7 17.4 23 -5.6 Alex Johnston 10 7.5 15 -7.5 Alessandro Nano 1 12.0 20 -8.0 Vinny Detroit 9 7.9 16 -8.1 Erlantz Jokinen 7 17.3 26 -8.7 David Davis 5 33.8 43 -9.2 Dabnad Shaw 1 36.0 46 -10.0 Red Gaming 2 22.0 34 -12.0 Tavish Degroot 1 17.0 29 -12.0 Jan Hlozek 7 25.3 38 -12.7 Aurelien Moreau 8 14.1 28 -13.9 Saku Kotkakoivu 10 3.1 17 -13.9 Poopy Peepants 6 15.3 33 -17.7 Daniel Janser 6 19.3 37 -17.7 Matty Fire 3 25.7 44 -18.3 Oskar Lindbergh 10 30.4 49 -18.6 Max Torq 10 15.5 39 -23.5 Dusty Wilson 2 30.5 54 -23.5 Tobias Reinhart 3 34.0 58 -24.0 Perry Laperriere 1 25.0 51 -26.0 Bo Johansson 3 26.7 53 -26.3 Hari Singh Nalwa 6 17.2 45 -27.8 That Dude 2 31.5 60 -28.5 Nezuko 3 30.3 61 -30.7 Zeedayno Chara 9 10.3 42 -31.7 The Seabasstard 1 17.0 52 -35.0 Rolf Fizzlebeef Jr 8 17.6 55 -37.4 Paul Atreides 10 8.4 47 -38.6 Sigard Petrenko 1 18.0 57 -39.0 AJ Williams 8 24.4 64 -39.6 Brandt Fuhr 1 29.0 69 -40.0 Zach Kisslinger II 7 18.4 63 -44.6 Brendan Marner 8 25.1 70 -44.9 Ben Dahl 4 31.0 79 -48.0 The Board Game Clue on Skates 1 22.0 74 -52.0 Darth Kaprizov 1 22.0 76 -54.0 Jannik Nylen 1 28.0 83 -55.0 Shane Lazeski 1 32.0 90 -58.0 David Tavau 3 21.3 81 -59.7 Brendan Telker 2 24.0 85 -61.0 Tomas Sogaard 1 29.0 91 -62.0 Jerome Reinhart 10 5.7 68 -62.3 Sirdsvaldis Miglaskems 1 9.0 73 -64.0 Hammar Voss 1 26.0 100 -74.0 Nils Godlander 1 17.0 93 -76.0 Igor Molotov 1 34.0 112 -78.0 AirRig GoodBrandSun 5 17.0 97 -80.0 Jonathan Ori 6 17.2 98 -80.8 Kyle Peace 3 23.3 109 -85.7 Jason Argos 1 32.0 129 -97.0 Seymour Butts 1 23.0 122 -99.0 Bogdan Trunov 1 24.0 137 -113.0 Leroy Johnson 1 20.0 181 -161.0  
    Now this is the part that was most interesting to me, actually comparing ADP to player ranks near the end of VHFL. Out of the 76 players on this list, only 19 performed at their ADP level or higher. Papa Emeritus @Beketov receives the crown there landing 22.3 spots higher than his ADP, although goalies seemed to frequent in this list with 5 goalies outperforming their ADP. Druss Deathwalker and Nico Pearce, aforementioned as low ADP forwards, had the 2nd and 3rd highest jumps and gave their owners the most bang for their bucks, seeing 18.9 and 17.9 rank increases in comparison to their ADP's. Deathwalker is currently the #4 overall VHFL player, while Pearce sports the #3 ranking. 
    Players like Duncan Idaho @OrbitingDeath , Hard Markinson @STZ and Xavier Booberry @CowboyinAmerica solidified why team managers were right to select them as the top players at each of their respective positions, all maintaining or outperforming their ADP. It's tough to determine which top F, D and G will not end up being a net loss in terms of opportunity cost, but those three all held their own and somehow even improved on ADP's of 2.1 for a forward, 5.5 for a defenseman, and 20.3 for a goalie.
    The biggest losers here absolutely have to be owners of Jerome Reinhart, Brendan Marner, Paul Atreides, Zach Kisslinger II and Jonathan Ori. Reinhart with an ADP of 5.7 and a player expected to rack up the points on NYA for a second straight season has disappointed, with a VHFL ranking of 68 - a massive 62.3 rank drop. Even S83 award winner Paul Atreides with an ADP of 8.4, a second round staple, dropped 38.6 slots down to 47. Just for clarity, any rank below 36 is not even worth rostering, as 6 groups with 6 picks each results in 36 total rostered players. AJ Williams and Brendan Marner also seemed to have high expectations from VHFL managers, but both saw about a drop of 40 points. Jonathan Ori was expected to be a massive difference-maker with his move to cup champion Seattle, as he was selected in 6 groups with an ADP of 17.2. The center has underwhelmed and sports one of the largest drops from 17.2 to 98. Even former Jake Wylde trophy nominee AirRig GoodBrandSun saw a differential of -80 from his ADP of 17 to rank of 97.
    Biggest Surprises
    (not gonna paste table again)
    Personally, I give the nod for biggest surprises to Bubbles Utonium @fishy, Biggie Cheese @a_Ferk , Sven Eightnine @BarzalGoat, and Brian Payne @Scurvy. Each of these four were selected in only 4 groups or fewer, and currently rank in the top 20 of all VHFL players. There have been quite a few D.C. Dragons doubters over the seasons, but it seems like their team has finally put together a strong roster across the board with Utonium in the net contending for goalie awards. Cheese has broken out on defense for Riga and is the 12th ranked player, while Payne and Eightnine have both stepped up into the top 15 with little pomp and circumstance in the pre-season. 
    Overall, it was just a pretty neat (and time consuming) project to track ADP for the last VHFL draft and check out how players' ADPs have tracked out in comparison to their current VHFL ranking. Maybe this data will assist you to look for trends in the next iteration of VHFL? Maybe you just skipped down to the bottom of this article, or just didn't read this at all. Personally I enjoyed seeing Nico outperform everything and seeing just how many frequently rostered players simply do not give people any value. Out of the 76 unique players selected, 44 were not worth rostering at all. While that generally indicates that a majority of the top 36 were properly selected, it still shows how much variability there is in player selection and difficult there is in identifying who will be a valuable VHFL selection.
    Word Count: Like 1.2k, 2 weeks
    Edit: Link to sheet if you want
    Edit 2: Fixed the ADP and # Groups table to sort the ADP better
  18. Like
    diacope 2 reacted to Frank in Lachlan Summers SZN   
  19. Haha
    diacope 2 reacted to JardyB10 in Dil n cow adventure time   
    That’s cultural appropriation 
  20. Fire
    diacope 2 reacted to MexicanCow123 in Dil n cow adventure time   
    You could before, but now you have evidence to support it.
  21. Like
    diacope 2 got a reaction from MexicanCow123 in Dil n cow adventure time   
    so you're saying that now I can make fun of dil for not being able to skate?
  22. Haha
    diacope 2 reacted to JardyB10 in Dil n cow adventure time   
    Everyone’s complimenting Cow’s hat but completely ignoring Dil’s. 😔
  23. Haha
    diacope 2 reacted to MexicanCow123 in Dil n cow adventure time   
    Get hyped for tomorrow's arcade adventures 🙌 
    Hopefully tons of content coming your way, make sure to hit that follow button so you don't miss out!
  24. Like
    diacope 2 reacted to fromtheinside in Dil n cow adventure time   
    this isnt youtube you little fuck
  25. Like
    diacope 2 reacted to Beketov in Updater Job Opening's   
    Lots of amazing applicants in here, you guys don’t like making it easy on us.
    For now we’ve chosen to add @Gustav, @v.2, and @a_Ferk but if we know we need other updaters in the future we know there are some great options in here. Thank you everyone for applying.
    To the three new hires, I will get all your new permissions sorted shortly.
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