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diacope 2

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  1. Cheers
    diacope 2 reacted to Ricer13 in New Mississauga Hounds GM   
    Let’s go! Congrats Ferk!
  2. Like
    diacope 2 reacted to NSG in New Mississauga Hounds GM   
  3. Haha
    diacope 2 reacted to Daniel Janser in New Mississauga Hounds GM   
    Congrats a_Ferk, hope you will not be too shocked by the depleted roster I left you (sorry).
  4. Thanks
    diacope 2 reacted to diacope in New Mississauga Hounds GM   
    hi ferky turkey 
  5. Fire
    diacope 2 reacted to FrostBeard in New Mississauga Hounds GM   
    Finally @a_Ferkis a GM. 
  6. Cheers
    diacope 2 reacted to Dom in New Mississauga Hounds GM   
    Cobgrats @a_Ferk, such a great pick
  7. Cheers
    diacope 2 reacted to Agito in New Mississauga Hounds GM   
    @a_FerkUnbelievable! Back in the game !!!!
  8. Fire
    diacope 2 got a reaction from FrostBeard in New Mississauga Hounds GM   
    My VHL job speedrun is going well
  9. Fire
    diacope 2 got a reaction from jacobcarson877 in New Mississauga Hounds GM   
    My VHL job speedrun is going well
  10. Hmmm
    diacope 2 got a reaction from Shindigs in S85 Draft   
    Have you ever considered just moving to North America
  11. Like
    diacope 2 reacted to Spartan in Vancouver Wolves Press Conference   
    1. Were there really 6 trades that Vancouver made this offseason? I know the first big one were two firsts for Leduc and Cheese, then another trade for Powers. Another trade with Moscow for Wattson Power in exchange for a 2nd. Last major trade was a 3rd in exchange for Anze Miklavz's rights. Then I believe it was a cap dump moving Chicoine somewhere, and maybe another one sending Schmigel elsewhere. Sounds like 6 even if I didn't get all the details.
    2. I'd probably say the first one was the most impactful. Without that one, I don't think the organization moves to try and make the rest happen. Leduc and Cheese are franchise pieces for the future that also opened up the ability for Vancouver to turn into serious contenders if they could get some interest from free agents.
    3. I think Henry Eagles was a fantastic first overall pick, even if it was a little surprising that the team didn't go with the more familiar player in John Jameson. That being said, Eagles has some deep-rooted history with his background and the franchise so it made sense for him to come back and be another core piece of the team's future alongside Fuhr, Leduc and Cheese.
    4. I think that the team could have just waited for Miklavz to hit free agency if they were so certain that he would sign with the team. I think that's what ultimately happened anyways, that Miklavz didn't sign a contract before free agency opened. But I get that the team wanted to show real commitment to other free agents with the early acquisition and I know it caught the attention of people around the league. I do feel strongly that Miklavz and Powers can win a cup here, they're both very talented veterans who haven't gained as much respect as they should have. It's a good team here so I feel good about our chances to win a cup.
    5. Nico is one of the nominees for MVP among other awards, so I think everyone is curious to see why he left Helsinki and chose Vancouver to spend a year on. But his talent is proven and his ability to contribute is unquestioned. At this point, I don't think it's a question if he'll be successful on Vancouver, it's more of "How successful will he be?" In terms of surprise or not, I think people might have predicted him going to DC which was a more established contender with more familiar faces. But Vancouver was putting together all the pieces for a real cup run and Pearce just seemed like the last one that brought it all together.
    6. Clever riddle, thanks for a light question to end it off!
  12. Like
    diacope 2 reacted to Gaikoku-hito in Vancouver Wolves Press Conference   
    Much better then I did when I tried to recount what happened as I think you nailed most of it without going into too much details. I am Impressed.
  13. Like
    diacope 2 reacted to Frank in Vancouver Wolves Press Conference   
    1. Crazy off season with six trades, with I think nine of the eleven players new to the roster this season. (Prospect joining roster included) so the first question to all of you is can you recap all six trades and which players were brought into the team during each trade? (I will be impressed if you can!!)  
    I made the trades and I'm honestly going to struggle through this without looking. First trade two firsts to Riga for Leduc @Lemorse7 and Cheese @a_Ferk , once we got that trade done it sold me on building a better team this season instead of just taking a step forward. Our second trade was with Moscow for Power @Tape-to-Tape, another S81 player so it matched nicely with Leduc and Cheese. Third trade was with Prague we moved out a couple prospects who would be depth players for us and cleared some cap space while acquiring some picks that would help us with the other moves. Fourth trade was with New York we acquired the rights to Powers @JB123 after he agreed to sign seeing the type of team we were building, I'm still freaking ecstatic they chose us. Fifth trade after a little hiccup not realizing Lemiuex was only a 2M cap hit in the Prague trade and having 5M coming in with powers we we're going to be 500k over the cap after we made our other two signings, was able to move a late pick to unload Chico. Last trade we gave Riga a pick for the rights to Miklavz @kelvi which would in turn allow us to end the offseason by signing Nico Pearce @Spartan . I knew this was a lot of work, summarizing it all was a lot of work as well... So happy you're all apart of the Wolves for this season and maybe beyond.
    2. Now that you have tried to recap the six trades completed this off season, which trade stands out the most? Why?
    I feel like the Leduc and Cheese trade was the one that turned the tide. Without that trade we're likely looking at another bottom 4 finish. 
    3. We were extremely luck when the draft lottery was completed and we were able to draft first overall. We drafted Henry Eagles  @Greg_Di.  Did this pick surprise you in anyway? Why or why not?
    It did not surprise me, but then again I'm the one who ultimately decided the pick with discussion with @Gaikoku-hito. I knew right when we won the lottery that Eagles would be the pick. Couldn't divulge that to anyone but maybe Gaiko and Eagles himself, cause that would be no fun. 
    4. Free Agency started quickly for the team as the team acquired Anze Miklavz @kelvi in one of the six trades in a Trade & Sign from Riga. Do you like trade & signs? And it is also Miklavz and Nathan Powers last season @JB123; do you have any confidence that we can get these two a cup in their finals season? Why?
    I'm happy with them, I like that New York and Riga got a couple lottery tickets for two really great players. I hope we can, I can't really guarantee anything but we've given ourselves our best chance this season. We'll know probably by trade deadline how good we really are as @dogwoodmaple @Otaznik and @Greg_Diadd more tpe. I have faith in everyone on the roster to give it their best shot. 
    5. The biggest Fish in the sea left Helsinki and signed a contract with Vancouver during the Free agency period; Nico Pearce @Spartan Do you think this will leave the fish out of water dried up on the beach or successful in the big wide ocean?  Was this a surprise signing? Why or why not? What does success look like for Vancouver this season?
    When I first approached @Spartan  in free agency I pretty much thought we had no chance, but we do have a good relationship, So I figured it was at least worth taking a shot at and giving my best pitch. Once we got @kelvi and @JB123 to sign then I think Spartan had faith in what we were trying to accomplish this season. I was definitely surprised he chose us though, I was freaking so happy when he agreed. This is going to be a fun season regardless of the outcome and I'll do right by all the players we signed. 
    6. And now a more relaxing question since I clearly asked more then six!! LOL!! It is now time for Riddle me this. Okay, simply Riddle is better, right? Either way this week’s Riddle: What do you call a successful mirage?
    I definitely did not cheat, an optimal illusion. 
  14. Like
    diacope 2 reacted to Greg_Di in Vancouver Wolves Press Conference   
    1) I think it was a great off-season for Vancouver but to be honest I wasn't following Vancouver or other VHL trades as I was prepping for the draft and making sure my player was at the best he can be. I do remember the Leduc trade as that one stood out. Now that I am in Vancouver I will definitely be paying more attention to our trades and signings
    2) I think all these trades have been impactful for the franchise. Vancouver went from non-contender to probably the top contender in a matter of an off-season. That is very impressive and shows that management wants to win. It will be an exciting season!
    3) It didn't surprise me too much as I had discussions with Frank a few times prior to the draft. It was interesting though to see all the mock drafts and predictions of who will be 1st overall. With the details not spreading that I would be going first overall it was fun and interesting to see the reactions in the live draft.

    4) I am very confident we can get these guys a cup. They deserve it and Vancouver is setup to win right now. Management has done a great job in building this team for a deep run.
    5) I was excited to see Nico sign here, it really shows the league that players want to come here to win and that top players see Vancouver as a winning destination. Having a player of Nico's quality join will be a big boost to the team and I am looking forward to learning from the best!
    6) I was stumped on this one. Great answer though, I would have never guessed
  15. Like
    diacope 2 got a reaction from Gaikoku-hito in Vancouver Wolves Press Conference   
    1. First question of the day with Warsaw winning the Continental Cup; can we get you’re feeling about them winning and anything you might want to say to them?
    It's weird to see dlamb winning a cup, usually he loses.
    2. Salary cap has been increased today from 40M to 42M; do you think this was the right move and how do you think it will affect the league?
    I'd say it was a good thing. Vancouver was actually able to make moves for Leduc and myself. They were issues with trading in the past because nobody had cap.
    3. Staying with the salary cap increase of 2M, what would you do if you were given 2M to spend freely?
    Probably hold onto it, retention is a big killer later on.
  16. Sad
    diacope 2 reacted to Mui_22 in Ben Stelter dies   
    At age 5 Ben Stelter dies. The Oiler superfan was diagnose with cancer when he was 4.

  17. Very Nice
    diacope 2 got a reaction from Frank in A Free Agency Decision   
    can't beat em, join em I guess
  18. Silly
    diacope 2 got a reaction from Spartan in A Free Agency Decision   
    can't beat em, join em I guess
  19. Fire
    diacope 2 got a reaction from N0HBDY in A Free Agency Decision   
    can't beat em, join em I guess
  20. Like
    diacope 2 reacted to Spartan in A Free Agency Decision   
    When I started on this journey with Nico, I had a few distinct goals in mind. First, I wanted to test free agency at some point in his career, as I've never hit free agency with any player in any sim league. I felt like it'd be a pretty cool experience especially if there were teams with cap space to make it interesting and a genuine tough decision. Second, I wanted to win a championship (or a few). I can be pretty grateful as to have one in every other sim league as a small reward for my time and effort, but the VHL is still the only league where I don't have a cup at any level. Nico was going to be my avenue to always end up on a team that gave me the best possible option to compete.
    After 4 seasons of Nico's career, he and I are still without a championship. While Helsinki had a talented young roster with a lot of great people, it just wasn't working out and it seemed best to part ways. I am grateful to have had a career-best season over there along with the possibility to win some hardware this offseason. That being said though, this was one of the best offseasons to hit FA in due to the plethora of teams with cap space to make moves, and an abundance of quality fellow free agents to make the league-wide moves. I'm happy to have heard some pitches from a bunch of teams and there were some really good ones out there. Thank you all to @Dil, @Enorama, @Dom, @frescoelmo, @Frank, @Alex and @Acydburn for reaching out and showing interest, I appreciate your time and efforts. 
    That being said, I have come to a decision after scoping out where some other FA's have signed and some more trades have been made. I've been really impressed with some of the recent moves of this team and think they have a really bright future under a talented GM. I'd like to now announce that I will be joining:
  21. Like
    diacope 2 reacted to Lemorse7 in A Free Agency Decision   
    Frank winning the GM of the offseason I don’t care he win it without any questions thank you and congrats @Frank
  22. Haha
    diacope 2 reacted to scoop in Jardy's Hecking Podcast, Season 2 Episode 16: A POOPY DESTINATION   
    bro did you just tag me because you said the word scoop wtf
  23. Very Nice
    diacope 2 got a reaction from diacope in VHLM GMs Needed: Philadelphia, Halifax and Maybe More!   
    Wow this applying for GM thing is really good for farming reacts
  24. Haha
    diacope 2 got a reaction from Frank in VHLM GMs Needed: Philadelphia, Halifax and Maybe More!   
    Wow this applying for GM thing is really good for farming reacts
  25. Fire
    diacope 2 got a reaction from UnknownMinion in VHLM GMs Needed: Philadelphia, Halifax and Maybe More!   
    will apply for GM
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