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diacope 2

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  1. Haha
    diacope 2 reacted to SweatyBeaver in Houston Bulls Ready to Brave Rebuild with Alcohol   
    After 4 games in the early VHLM Season the Houston Bulls are 0-3-1 with a -28 goal differential. Are the players and management of the Bulls already distraught and lost in this young season? "Hell no!" an unidentified player yelled at a reporter asking that very question after The Bulls lost 5-4 in a nail biting shootout against the Saskatoon Wild.
    Instead of spending the teams money on team building events or morale boosters each player is given unlimited tabs at the local bar that the team frequents. "It is going to be a long season with a lot of soul crushing moments so we want to make sure that our boys can drink their sorrows away" GM Sonnet told reporters. Experts are split on if this will be an effective method of coping for this team but no one on the team seems to care. After the latest loss every member of the team was seen at the bar in varying states of euphoria and drunkenness. The team kept on repeating the same song on the jukebox and singing along with it in a very off pitch manner. "It is painful and annoying having these guys in here every other night but hey, a profit is a profit." Bar owner Lee Goody told the police officers sent to breakup a bar brawl between the team mascot and a 70 year old senior citizen.
    234 Words
  2. Like
    diacope 2 reacted to Mr_Hatter in Town of Salem - S71   
    exactly. For the record Rayz, it was McWolf not omg that called out Josh as vamp/framer/jester
  3. Haha
    diacope 2 reacted to Rayzor_7 in Town of Salem - S71   
    yup, forgot to re-add when my chrome crashed and I had to redo it, I'll get yelled at if I edit it soooooo
  4. Like
    diacope 2 reacted to diamond_ace in Town of Salem - S71   
    Well he could be hung, but that would be a whole different thing, and I would prefer not to know.
  5. Angry
    diacope 2 reacted to McWolf in S71 VHFL Group 8 - Complete   
    Domkey skipped again. He's DQ'd
    His team gets
    F - Henrik Zoiderberg
    F - Mat Tocco
    F - Shawnomir Jagr
  6. Like
    diacope 2 reacted to Mike in Town of Salem - S71   
    This guy gets me.  I was on the Salem App on my phone first game I was a medium.  No idea apparently I can talk to dead and I just sat there until I died a few days in.
  7. Like
    diacope 2 reacted to Gustav in Town of Salem - S71   
    The sun comes up in Salem, and something's not right. Paranormal activity? Criminal involvement? Something just feels...off.
    "I couldn't sleep last night," says @Sebster03, and half the town nods in agreement.
    "I couldn't find my hat this morning," yells @Mr_Hatter, revealing a large bald spot on top of his head.
    The entire town then proceeds to erupt into an unintelligible mess of panic. It's like being caught in a fast-moving river--grab on to a few words that you notice and hang on for dear life, but get swept back in and drowned out by the others. It's mayhem, nobody can tell what anybody else is saying, and everyone knows their life is in danger, though nobody knows how or why.
    A general sense of those involved is given here:
    13x TOWN (includes 1 Jailor, 2x Town Protective, 2x Town Support, 2x Town Investigative, 1x Town Killing, 5x random town)
    6x MAFIA (includes Godfather + Mafioso)
    5x NEUTRAL (includes 1x Neutral Evil role)
    Those playing will be listed below, in order of sign-up:
    Day 1 starts now.
  8. Like
    diacope 2 reacted to DMaximus in YUK/MIN; S71   
    While I agree that this is a horrible trade, it makes a little more sense when you look at the previous trade between them, https://vhlforum.com/topic/77719-yukmin-s70/
    This trade is basically YUK getting their original pick back and YUK paying MIN a penalty for changing their mind and wanting their original pick back.
    I think the only time a trade should be veto'd is if someone is blatantly trying to throw the outcome of a season or if there were rules broken in the trade. I don't think that is the case here, so it should not be veto'd. 
  9. Like
    diacope 2 reacted to Jubo in YUK/MIN; S71   
    I'll offer my two cents, take it for what you want. When it comes to a players the VHLM, first round picks are very temporary advantages at best. The VHLM is capped at 250, so 2nd and even 3rd round picks can cap out by the playoffs, and if they dont, you have them for the next season as well and can continue to be competitive. This is a fantastic trade for Minnesota and I'd even venture as far to say should be considered for veto.
  10. Like
    diacope 2 reacted to Mr_Hatter in Town of Salem - S71   
    Jesus you scared me with that ping
  11. Fire
    diacope 2 reacted to Gustav in Town of Salem - S71   
    Day 1 comes to an end in the town. People are still confused, and @Mr_Hatter's hat is still missing.
    "Nyko did it!" yell eight people for no reason.
    "Philliefan did it!" yells Philliefan for no reason. A couple people agree, also for no reason. Eventually, the town decides not to do much of anything. Everyone is still alive at the moment, but after a few role claims, will that change?
    The bell in the church tower goes off with a mighty, reverberating strike of power that makes even the toughest townies around uneasy.
    It's time to go to sleep...or is it?
    List of those alive:
  12. Like
    diacope 2 got a reaction from Mr_Hatter in Town of Salem - S71   
    In my will I need to conserve word count, but on here I won't use abbreviations
  13. Fire
    diacope 2 got a reaction from McWolf in Saskatoon Wild press conference   
    1. I'm excited to play in my first game for the team. I hope we win.
    2. I'm going to be optimistic and say we win 4 - 3
    3. I re-tape my stick before every game. Other than that, no rituals.
    4. My favourite pump up song is The White Stripes - Seven Nation Army
    5. My goal is probably somewhere around 30 - 40 points this season. We look better this season and we had 5 guys with 40 or more last year, so it's achievable.
    6. I think we should make Gary Neal our captain. He has the most TPA on the team, seems active and has played since 2019.
  14. Like
    diacope 2 reacted to Jessehockey88 in (S72) C - Jesse Bardownski, TPE: 30   
    Thank you so much for the Offer wolf I am truely Honoured to say that i acept this contract and look forward to play in Saskatoon in front of a bunch of amazeing fans and great city 
  15. Like
    diacope 2 reacted to Jessehockey88 in (S72) C - Jesse Bardownski, TPE: 30   
    Player Information
    Username: Jessehockey88
    Player Name: Jesse Bardownski
    Recruited From: Other (PS4 livestream)
    Age: 18
    Position: C
    Height: 65 in.
    Weight: 140 lbs.
    Birthplace: Canada

    Player Page
    @VHLM GM
  16. Like
    diacope 2 reacted to dasboot in S71 VHFL Group 8 - Complete   
    Hunter Hearst Helmsley
  17. Like
    diacope 2 reacted to Gustav in Town of Salem - Sign Up   
    Rules can be found here. Please give them a look. Anyone can play, the more the merrier. All I ask is that you consistently check the game thread and participate however you're able to.
    If you've got any questions, please let me know. 
    List of signed-up players:
  18. Like
    diacope 2 got a reaction from McWolf in Timothy Brown Press Conference   
    1. I'm a Saskatchewan native, so naturally I wanted to play for a Saskatchewan team.
    2. I'd say Kailer Yamamoto. He's small but he lays the body and is vicious on the forecheck.
    3. I really like Helsinki's logo, it looks sharp
  19. Fire
    diacope 2 got a reaction from McWolf in (S72) RW - Timothy Brown, TPE: 30   
    I have decided that I will be accepting the Saskatoon Wild's offer to join their team. Thank you to Mexico, Halifax and Houston for showing interest.
  20. Like
    diacope 2 got a reaction from DoktorFunk in (S72) RW - Timothy Brown, TPE: 30   
    Thanks lol
  21. Like
    diacope 2 got a reaction from Fire Tortorella in (S72) RW - Timothy Brown, TPE: 30   
    Thanks for letting me know about the draft and timeline for next season, I wasn't sure who to ask. With the NHL season over someone posted a link to VHL on r/hockey so I joined up. 
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