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Everything posted by mediocrepony

  1. how many ways are there to get uncapped tpe every week? trivia and practice facility, sometimes fantasy zone. i feel like there should be something else, or make the bonuses bigger. tell me if i'm totally wrong edit: not trivia
  2. before anyone votes you should put in an "other" category
  3. lmaooo


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. mediocrepony


      one guy did, the center i think

    3. der meister
    4. mediocrepony


      not center, rw. i hadn't watched the video since last night.

      and "that game was a whole lotta nasty" lmao

  4. this is quite possibly the most important trophy of the year and this man has won it five times in a row A L L S T A R O R Y
  5. youre welcome everyone: https://vhlforum.com/profile/3967-fishy/?status=5765&type=status
  6. why do you want me to name a team after you so much?? @Spade18
  7. here i release my official campaign image and slogan for my campaign for the kekw award:
  8. @gorlab where was @fishy in your graphics ranks huh?
  9. yeah @solas already said this but i've been listening to Punisher basically non-stop it's so good. Other stuff I've been listening too recently is In The Aeroplane Over The Sea, Little Fictions by elbow, and Somebody that i used to know.
  10. In an interview with a leading VHL/M news source, aptly titled VHL/M News, or VHL/MN for short, Newhook talked about the potential of retiring sometime during the next season, his performance and team performance, and looking forward on the Menace. TVN: Today we have an interview with Cole Newhook, a veteran center on the Moscow Menace, welcome Mr. Newhook! Newhook: It's a pleasure to be here. And please, just Cole. TVN: So, how does it feel to miss the playoffs for the first time in the VHL? Newhook: I mean, it's obviously a bummer, but there's nothing we can do about it. We knew we were heading into a rebuild, so it's not much of a surprise, after selling off a bunch of our star guys for picks. TVN: So, we have heard you have been thinking about retiring during next year. Are these rumors that have been circulating true? You could still play a few more seasons after. N: Well, i don't honestly know yet. I've had a lot of fun in the VHL, but the pressure and stress is starting to get to me. I am guessing that I am going to retire at the trade deadline, and provide some mentorship to whoever my recruitment agency recruits next. TVN: So, if you plan on retiring, how do you feel about your career thus far? N: I mean, I haven't been a star by any means, but I think I've had a pretty solid career, consistent at the least, haha. TVN: Newhook had 45 points, 42 points, 48 points, and another 45 point season. How do you feel about the Menace's future? N: I think we have an amazing future and that this rebuild will not last long, because we have 2 of the top 4 picks in this draft. TVN: Thank you for your time, Cole! N: No problem!! I had a pleasure. 318 words
  11. You're welcome! No problem. You're welcome! You're welcome! Oh, did I mention you're welcome?
  12. pin this or archive it or something my god 30+ reactions isnt enough
  13. could somebody copy it here so i can see it please?
  14.  Help me pick my next players name! 


    *cough pls vote campbell so jardy doesn't steal it cough*


    1. NSG


      Sidney the Kidney!

  15. and that was the name i really liked too
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