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Prof. Zach Enron

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Everything posted by Prof. Zach Enron

  1. Lol come on. How is a movie poster about hockey any different than a hockey poster. It's neither anyways, it's a graphic lol.
  2. I feel like layouts like these are underrated, they're such a throwback. Reminds me of like stuff that would be in hockey books.
  3. Super clean jersey swap, logo swap. Whatever you wanna call it, obviously I think it could probably be a little more artsy but like that swap is very clean.
  4. Dang that purple looks sick, logo pops especially.
  5. Fraud is a deliberate act (or failure to act) with the intention of obtaining an unauthorized benefit, either for oneself or for the institution, by using deception or false suggestions or suppression of truth or other unethical means, which are believed and relied upon by others. 


    Welcome to the VHL.

  6. Hey man sorry I'm so late, is there any chance that there's still an opening on Philly? Would love to join the program.
  7. Player Information Username: dart Player Name: Amiens Brillant Recruited From: Returning Age: 28 Position: LW Height: 70 in. Weight: 165 lbs. Birthplace: Canada Player Page @VHLM GM
  8. Makes sense that the onion would have layers. You kill the first knight and the next one just comes right back out. Leave me alone and stick to kissing up to 'IR'.
  9. Excuse me lol? No fucking shit it was, I literally just said that process went A - Okay, but hey come in here and be a myopic hypocrite who provides nothing but however many KBs it takes to keep your shitty response on the servers.
  10. Oh oh no no, I'm sure every process was followed to a T because that's the only fucking way you get the actual role, thanks for playing stupid and again showing everyone truly who is the white knight apparently guarding the helm that is Houston. Strong army lol. What I'm saying is everything else is a lie, every little detail you tell everything you tell to brag yourself up they're all lies always, you're manipulative. Can you please tell me how Rico is the one in the wrong for blindsiding these guys? Is it literally not their job to know what is going on, again blindsided is pure ignorance, you wouldn't be blindsided if you opened your eyes.
  11. Nah you're 100% one of the scummiest people I've known, you know you've lied haha I'm sure you grinded but it wasn't in the way any of us expect, it was your ass back up to whatever GM would listen begging for their attention, hey man you got it good for you. Are you going to continue to be an attack dog for inactive LR? Blindsided, again continue to plead ignorance if it gets to this point it's your own fault.
  12. I'm not shocked that yet again you continue to white knight or dick ride any incident you come across and pretend to be mister goodie two shoes, you've lied your way top. And if I were a GM no I wouldn't care because I wouldn't be grabbing what I believe is the lowest of the low and throwing them at the issue trying to defend it, if I were a GM I wouldn't let this shit happen in the first place because I'd actually be in my LR. Plead ignorance more for them more please.
  13. It's a little ironic to see you commenting about shadiness don't you think? I guess GM's are the immortal god children of VHL and should never ever be called into question, asking for a trade or privately messaging his GM's will 100% make the locker room not a wasteland you're right!
  14. Player Information Username: dart Player Name: Lorgo Pompronkimishkonov Recruited From: Returning Age: 19 Position: C Height: 80 in. Weight: 220 lbs. Birthplace: Christmas Island Player Page @VHLM GM
  15. I don't mean to be negative, but this quite possibly might be the worst string of edits I've ever seen, the bar at the bottom is cool but its like 30x40, you didnt even try for your logo swaps and it's really unfortunate you did that to these fine NHL players, overall not impressed. 1/10
  16. I think this is a good idea, the WJC is supposed to be a somewhat big deal and alot of players only get to go once if at all so winning an award is kind of a bigger deal
  17. Skip Bayless of VHLM over here, I'm not even a center lol. My utilization rate is just better, that's why I'm first.
  18. Hey man, I know you probably didn't use any logic when posting this but like.. if I'm averaging more points with lower minutes wouldn't that make me the better player? If I were getting doubleshifted would I not be scoring more than the people who are being double shifted?
  19. When I was 13 I think I was just starting to get into following real hockey like hardcore, around that age I think I had finally convinced my parents to like buy the garbage little overpriced NHL package from Shaw so I could watch the Ducks play. Why did I have to be a Ducks fan.
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