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  1. Ugh
    fishy reacted to Jack Johnson in roe v wade   
    I would like to come out and say I was dared to do all this for $25. I actually think this was really bad
  2. Like
    fishy reacted to KaleebtheMighty in roe v wade   
    I’ll pop in here to give an example of an abortion, and why deeming it wrong completely is wrong in and of itself.
    My wife and I lost a baby in term at 17 weeks. It was absolutely gut wrenching for us both, and spun us into an awful mental spiral. When we received that news, it was the hardest I ever cried in my life.
    At that point, we had only two options with how to proceed. The first option was a D&C. For those of you who are unaware of what that is, the doctor opens up the cervix of a woman with a tool and then either uses suction or a scraping tool to remove the fetus from the womb. It can be extremely painful. While the option of sedation is used, having to put a woman through that pain and trauma just after being told her baby died is unthinkable. It is soul crushing, pure and simple.
    Our other option was to induce labor with a drug to deliver my son, so that we could have a chance to see him before we had to let him go. No tools would be used to remove him in pieces. And afterwards, when he would arrive, we could hold him and tell him how much we love him, even though we would only get one chance to see him. 
    We chose the second option. And in that dark and stormy time in our lives, I got to hold my son, tiny and frail as he was. But you know what? He came out and had the best smile on his face, even though he had passed. I got to hold him close and tell him how much I loved him. And I will never forget, even in the moments of tears and weeping between my wife and I, the special moments we had with our son before we had to let him go.
    That second option was an abortion. We had to have an abortion to be able to see my son. And because it was an abortion, our insurance didn’t want to cover it. So we had to pay that bill completely, which here in the US, was a big bill. Each month, we had to be reminded of what we went through until it was paid off.
    And now it’s illegal where I live. While most people think of the simple cases where this can affect them. Now women and families where it’s illegal don’t have the option like we did to see their child in a similar situation.
    That realization to me is just as soul crushing as that night was for me. There shouldn’t be a blanket ruling that makes all abortions illegal, it is inhumane.
  3. Like
    fishy reacted to Daniel Janser in roe v wade   
    It is funny to observe that a lot of 'pro-life'-ists have no issues whatsoever with the death penalty though
  4. Like
    fishy got a reaction from Rayzor_7 in roe v wade   
    the right to an abortion is a human right, not just a woman's right
  5. Like
    fishy got a reaction from mediocrepony in roe v wade   
    the right to an abortion is a human right, not just a woman's right
  6. Fire
    fishy reacted to Dil in What random things are you learning/doing   
    ur mom
  7. Like
    fishy reacted to Lefty_S in roe v wade   
    tbh when one side wants to remove human rights there really can't be a middle ground
  8. Like
    fishy got a reaction from eaglesfan036 in roe v wade   
    hi vhl,
    i really want to talk about the overturning of roe v wade and gen chat is not the place for it. so here i am
    roe v wade was a case that legalized the right to abortion in the united states. the supreme court has overturned this ruling, which means that states are now allowed to ban abortions
    i ... don't even know how to describe what i'm feeling. i'm angry and really, really scared. the ruling effectively said that they're going to try to go after other rulings of similar import (e.g., legalizing same-sex marriages and relationships, contraceptives, etc.).
    as a queer person with a uterus it's so scary to watch as the people who are supposed to protecting me are actively stripping me of rights right now, and people are.. happy about it? i'm 23 years old, and i feel like there's no hope for me to gain any rights in this country, let alone even maintain them. it's horrifying
    i saw the ruling this morning and i had no idea what to do with myself. i can't call my parents, who are both anti-abortion and certainly not avid supporters same-sex marriages and relationships or contraceptives. my friends are at work, my partner on vacation, and i just felt so trapped. it's terrible
    so yeah, i'm opening up this space for other people to be pissed and scared
  9. Like
    fishy got a reaction from axtron in roe v wade   
    hi vhl,
    i really want to talk about the overturning of roe v wade and gen chat is not the place for it. so here i am
    roe v wade was a case that legalized the right to abortion in the united states. the supreme court has overturned this ruling, which means that states are now allowed to ban abortions
    i ... don't even know how to describe what i'm feeling. i'm angry and really, really scared. the ruling effectively said that they're going to try to go after other rulings of similar import (e.g., legalizing same-sex marriages and relationships, contraceptives, etc.).
    as a queer person with a uterus it's so scary to watch as the people who are supposed to protecting me are actively stripping me of rights right now, and people are.. happy about it? i'm 23 years old, and i feel like there's no hope for me to gain any rights in this country, let alone even maintain them. it's horrifying
    i saw the ruling this morning and i had no idea what to do with myself. i can't call my parents, who are both anti-abortion and certainly not avid supporters same-sex marriages and relationships or contraceptives. my friends are at work, my partner on vacation, and i just felt so trapped. it's terrible
    so yeah, i'm opening up this space for other people to be pissed and scared
  10. Like
    fishy got a reaction from Rayzor_7 in roe v wade   
    hi vhl,
    i really want to talk about the overturning of roe v wade and gen chat is not the place for it. so here i am
    roe v wade was a case that legalized the right to abortion in the united states. the supreme court has overturned this ruling, which means that states are now allowed to ban abortions
    i ... don't even know how to describe what i'm feeling. i'm angry and really, really scared. the ruling effectively said that they're going to try to go after other rulings of similar import (e.g., legalizing same-sex marriages and relationships, contraceptives, etc.).
    as a queer person with a uterus it's so scary to watch as the people who are supposed to protecting me are actively stripping me of rights right now, and people are.. happy about it? i'm 23 years old, and i feel like there's no hope for me to gain any rights in this country, let alone even maintain them. it's horrifying
    i saw the ruling this morning and i had no idea what to do with myself. i can't call my parents, who are both anti-abortion and certainly not avid supporters same-sex marriages and relationships or contraceptives. my friends are at work, my partner on vacation, and i just felt so trapped. it's terrible
    so yeah, i'm opening up this space for other people to be pissed and scared
  11. Like
    fishy got a reaction from mediocrepony in roe v wade   
    hi vhl,
    i really want to talk about the overturning of roe v wade and gen chat is not the place for it. so here i am
    roe v wade was a case that legalized the right to abortion in the united states. the supreme court has overturned this ruling, which means that states are now allowed to ban abortions
    i ... don't even know how to describe what i'm feeling. i'm angry and really, really scared. the ruling effectively said that they're going to try to go after other rulings of similar import (e.g., legalizing same-sex marriages and relationships, contraceptives, etc.).
    as a queer person with a uterus it's so scary to watch as the people who are supposed to protecting me are actively stripping me of rights right now, and people are.. happy about it? i'm 23 years old, and i feel like there's no hope for me to gain any rights in this country, let alone even maintain them. it's horrifying
    i saw the ruling this morning and i had no idea what to do with myself. i can't call my parents, who are both anti-abortion and certainly not avid supporters same-sex marriages and relationships or contraceptives. my friends are at work, my partner on vacation, and i just felt so trapped. it's terrible
    so yeah, i'm opening up this space for other people to be pissed and scared
  12. Like
    fishy got a reaction from Adrest245 in roe v wade   
    hi vhl,
    i really want to talk about the overturning of roe v wade and gen chat is not the place for it. so here i am
    roe v wade was a case that legalized the right to abortion in the united states. the supreme court has overturned this ruling, which means that states are now allowed to ban abortions
    i ... don't even know how to describe what i'm feeling. i'm angry and really, really scared. the ruling effectively said that they're going to try to go after other rulings of similar import (e.g., legalizing same-sex marriages and relationships, contraceptives, etc.).
    as a queer person with a uterus it's so scary to watch as the people who are supposed to protecting me are actively stripping me of rights right now, and people are.. happy about it? i'm 23 years old, and i feel like there's no hope for me to gain any rights in this country, let alone even maintain them. it's horrifying
    i saw the ruling this morning and i had no idea what to do with myself. i can't call my parents, who are both anti-abortion and certainly not avid supporters same-sex marriages and relationships or contraceptives. my friends are at work, my partner on vacation, and i just felt so trapped. it's terrible
    so yeah, i'm opening up this space for other people to be pissed and scared
  13. Like
    fishy got a reaction from Lefty_S in roe v wade   
    hi vhl,
    i really want to talk about the overturning of roe v wade and gen chat is not the place for it. so here i am
    roe v wade was a case that legalized the right to abortion in the united states. the supreme court has overturned this ruling, which means that states are now allowed to ban abortions
    i ... don't even know how to describe what i'm feeling. i'm angry and really, really scared. the ruling effectively said that they're going to try to go after other rulings of similar import (e.g., legalizing same-sex marriages and relationships, contraceptives, etc.).
    as a queer person with a uterus it's so scary to watch as the people who are supposed to protecting me are actively stripping me of rights right now, and people are.. happy about it? i'm 23 years old, and i feel like there's no hope for me to gain any rights in this country, let alone even maintain them. it's horrifying
    i saw the ruling this morning and i had no idea what to do with myself. i can't call my parents, who are both anti-abortion and certainly not avid supporters same-sex marriages and relationships or contraceptives. my friends are at work, my partner on vacation, and i just felt so trapped. it's terrible
    so yeah, i'm opening up this space for other people to be pissed and scared
  14. Like
    fishy reacted to der meister in roe v wade   
    I've been fuming. It's a staggering collapse of democracy when 6 people can make whatever ruling they want regardless of what the American people want. A Republican hasn't won the popular vote for President since 1988 and yet 6 of 9 justices are Republicans, 4 of whom have lied under oath during their bearings about this. This nation is well on it's way to becoming a theocratic police State. I'm ready to burn it down.
  15. Like
    fishy reacted to Daniel Janser in roe v wade   
    I was surprised that the supreme court felt the need to overturn their own previous decision. It just does not make sense to me. I like the regulations we have in Switzerland where abortions are legal (and covered by your health insurance which in Switzerland is mandatory to have) until the 12th week with prior consultation of a doctor. It is possible to abort after the 13th week but then there need to be medical reasons (danger for the pregnant woman if she keeps the child (physically or mentally) or if the child would be disabled or suffering under irreversible, severe conditions).
    I think that is a fair approach, but of course I do not have a uterus and hence my perception is of limited relevance.
    All that the SCOTUS did with its decision is to give rise to shadow clinics and to criminalize women who are already in despair and/or medical personnel trying to help such women. If they thought they are preventing any abortion they are mistaken. They will just deny women the access to safe, hygienic abortions. I could imagine that desperate pregnant women will resort to pre-1973 methods to get control over their body and the prices of wire coat hangers will increase (sorry for the black humour, this is my way to deal with this bullshit, if I gave anyone offence with this statement, I sincerely do apologize, this was not my intention).
    I understand your frustration that some old farts (who are well-to-do) decide what a woman faced with an unplanned pregnancy can or cannot do with her own body (six of them being men any way). My personal opinion is, that one can do with their body what they please, as long as it does not hurt me.
    Again, in Switzerland the regulation is good imo as the public does not have to pay for the abortion. Which rules out the argument 'Why should I pay for the consequences of someone else's sex life?', i.e. if the public has not to pay for it, they cannot reasonably argue that it should not be allowed.
    If you want to vent your anger, I am happy to 'listen' to your justified ranting via DM. 
  16. Like
    fishy reacted to Enorama in roe v wade   
  17. Like
    fishy got a reaction from jhatty8 in roe v wade   
    hi vhl,
    i really want to talk about the overturning of roe v wade and gen chat is not the place for it. so here i am
    roe v wade was a case that legalized the right to abortion in the united states. the supreme court has overturned this ruling, which means that states are now allowed to ban abortions
    i ... don't even know how to describe what i'm feeling. i'm angry and really, really scared. the ruling effectively said that they're going to try to go after other rulings of similar import (e.g., legalizing same-sex marriages and relationships, contraceptives, etc.).
    as a queer person with a uterus it's so scary to watch as the people who are supposed to protecting me are actively stripping me of rights right now, and people are.. happy about it? i'm 23 years old, and i feel like there's no hope for me to gain any rights in this country, let alone even maintain them. it's horrifying
    i saw the ruling this morning and i had no idea what to do with myself. i can't call my parents, who are both anti-abortion and certainly not avid supporters same-sex marriages and relationships or contraceptives. my friends are at work, my partner on vacation, and i just felt so trapped. it's terrible
    so yeah, i'm opening up this space for other people to be pissed and scared
  18. Like
    fishy got a reaction from Tyler in roe v wade   
    hi vhl,
    i really want to talk about the overturning of roe v wade and gen chat is not the place for it. so here i am
    roe v wade was a case that legalized the right to abortion in the united states. the supreme court has overturned this ruling, which means that states are now allowed to ban abortions
    i ... don't even know how to describe what i'm feeling. i'm angry and really, really scared. the ruling effectively said that they're going to try to go after other rulings of similar import (e.g., legalizing same-sex marriages and relationships, contraceptives, etc.).
    as a queer person with a uterus it's so scary to watch as the people who are supposed to protecting me are actively stripping me of rights right now, and people are.. happy about it? i'm 23 years old, and i feel like there's no hope for me to gain any rights in this country, let alone even maintain them. it's horrifying
    i saw the ruling this morning and i had no idea what to do with myself. i can't call my parents, who are both anti-abortion and certainly not avid supporters same-sex marriages and relationships or contraceptives. my friends are at work, my partner on vacation, and i just felt so trapped. it's terrible
    so yeah, i'm opening up this space for other people to be pissed and scared
  19. Like
    fishy got a reaction from Ledge in roe v wade   
    hi vhl,
    i really want to talk about the overturning of roe v wade and gen chat is not the place for it. so here i am
    roe v wade was a case that legalized the right to abortion in the united states. the supreme court has overturned this ruling, which means that states are now allowed to ban abortions
    i ... don't even know how to describe what i'm feeling. i'm angry and really, really scared. the ruling effectively said that they're going to try to go after other rulings of similar import (e.g., legalizing same-sex marriages and relationships, contraceptives, etc.).
    as a queer person with a uterus it's so scary to watch as the people who are supposed to protecting me are actively stripping me of rights right now, and people are.. happy about it? i'm 23 years old, and i feel like there's no hope for me to gain any rights in this country, let alone even maintain them. it's horrifying
    i saw the ruling this morning and i had no idea what to do with myself. i can't call my parents, who are both anti-abortion and certainly not avid supporters same-sex marriages and relationships or contraceptives. my friends are at work, my partner on vacation, and i just felt so trapped. it's terrible
    so yeah, i'm opening up this space for other people to be pissed and scared
  20. Sad
    fishy got a reaction from Ricer13 in roe v wade   
    hi vhl,
    i really want to talk about the overturning of roe v wade and gen chat is not the place for it. so here i am
    roe v wade was a case that legalized the right to abortion in the united states. the supreme court has overturned this ruling, which means that states are now allowed to ban abortions
    i ... don't even know how to describe what i'm feeling. i'm angry and really, really scared. the ruling effectively said that they're going to try to go after other rulings of similar import (e.g., legalizing same-sex marriages and relationships, contraceptives, etc.).
    as a queer person with a uterus it's so scary to watch as the people who are supposed to protecting me are actively stripping me of rights right now, and people are.. happy about it? i'm 23 years old, and i feel like there's no hope for me to gain any rights in this country, let alone even maintain them. it's horrifying
    i saw the ruling this morning and i had no idea what to do with myself. i can't call my parents, who are both anti-abortion and certainly not avid supporters same-sex marriages and relationships or contraceptives. my friends are at work, my partner on vacation, and i just felt so trapped. it's terrible
    so yeah, i'm opening up this space for other people to be pissed and scared
  21. Like
    fishy reacted to Arce in roe v wade   
    I am so sorry you, and anyone else who will be impacted by this has to go through this. I myself am very angry, and I have been since they leaked this a few weeks ago. This is not progress, this is what you call regression. I have always looked at it as even if you personally would not get an abortion, why would you not support someone's right to if they need it? It is not impacting your life in the slightest. I fear for my daughter's future and what she may have to grow up in. I feel so deeply for my wife. Even though we are in the Northeast and our states will still allow abortions, it gives no peace of mind. I can't believe we are still in 2022 and still fighting social issues like this. An old, backwards way of thinking is what this is. I do not understand how these people do not understand this doesn't stop abortion, it makes them more dangerous and makes people more desperate. If you, or anyone here is in need to talk, my DMs are always open. You are not alone, and many feel the same way you do fishy and rightfully so.
  22. Like
    fishy reacted to CowboyinAmerica in roe v wade   
    My wife's a pediatrician who also does a lot of public health work in maternal and child health. And being in Minneapolis, she gets a lot of people from the Dakotas in particular because healthcare protection for women's and reproductive health there has already been stripped to the bone. This ruling will ratchet that up to 11. And for many people who can't easily drive 4 hours just to see a doctor who can legally see you, especially the heavy indigenous population out there, they're absolutely fucked. It's an instant public health crisis for absolutely no good reason (or less charitably, shitty fringe evangelical reasons), in the middle of a completely separate ongoing pandemic.
    Realize: Today's ruling won't prevent abortions. Today's ruling will prevent safe abortions, where people can see actual doctors and learn the options that are best for them. All the Supreme Court is doing is limiting help that can be given to people who really need it in the most vulnerable times of their lives.
    I'm glad you were able to get out being pissed and scared, being pissed and scared right now is we should be. But I do take some comfort in seeing just how many people realize this is bullshit.
    (North Dakota's only abortion provider in Fargo had already made moves to set up shop across state lines in Minnesota in anticipation, but they haven't completed the move yet. If anyone wants to help, here's their Twitter with more info.)
  23. Haha
    fishy reacted to Enorama in Most likely GM's to step down?   
    i claim pension ONE time because i thought my graphic wasn't good enough to claim and this is what i get
  24. Like
    fishy got a reaction from samx in DCD Donation Drive   
    I’m really excited that I remembered this
    Here’s a breakdown of how totals were calculated.
    Dividing the stats between forwards and defenders like I’d originally planned left me with the following (this is for regular season + playoffs, not counting any bots):

    Forwards     Goals 109 $2.18       Defenders     Shots Blocked 329 $3.29 Hits 380 $3.80           $9.27  
    I was a bit unsatisfied rounding $9.27 to $15, so I combined the forward + defender stats to get the following:

    Goals 184 $3.68 Shots Blocked 665 $6.65 Hits 1316 $13.16           $23.49  

    … and that felt much better.

    Taylor Mourning finished the regular season with 420 shots (nice), more than any other player even combining regular season + playoffs (yeah… all four games). That means that @scoop chose where this season’s donation went to.
    scoop decided on The Trevor Project. For those of you who aren’t familiar with The Trevor Project, here’s a description:
    Over the last two decades, The Trevor Project has become a world leader in LGBTQ youth suicide prevention, and is the country's only LGBTQ organization to operate—and innovate—at the intersections of LGBTQ youth mental health, suicidology, and crisis intervention. Today, we serve more than 200,000 LGBTQ youth annually through our 24/7, free, and confidential crisis services via phone, chat, and text, while our suicide prevention programs work to end suicide among LGBTQ youth by shaping a more inclusive and accepting world.
    Our suicide prevention programs provide a digital community for peer support for LGBTQ youth called TrevorSpace, lead impactful advocacy efforts to protect LGBTQ youth from local and national laws that aim to harm them, offer innovative education programs to increase awareness of the support LGBTQ youth need, and conduct a research program leading the charge to provide peer-reviewed data on the experience of LGBTQ youth today.
    I’m very happy that the first donation is going to this cause, especially since it’s Pride Month. With that, $23.49 have been donated (plus the processing fees):

    @Dom your turn!
  25. Haha
    fishy reacted to Dom in Dom's late night rushed article   
    Hey its me doing a late night article 2 hours before the deadline. So this won't be well written or formal or anything, it's just me rushing something quick before bed.
    So, we made a lot of moves during this off-season. It is sad to see Mason Jones leaving the team but the future of the team looks good with the picks we have and all the young players we have.
    We are not yet ready to to compete but we are progressing in the rebuild and we should be back in action soon.
    I think Davos will be way better than what some people expect. They made a lot of trades and they are in position to compete.
    Gosh, it's impressive how just 150 words can feel like it's huge when you're barely awake. I need to sleep and I'm probably at 150 words. Let's verify.
    nope, 147 words but with that last line I'm clearly over it so bye!
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