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Everything posted by Beketov

  1. ROTY and MVP aren’t the same thing and don’t have the same criteria though. Keller was valuable to his team but that doesn’t mean he was a better rookie. “Value” is important for MVP. It isn’t for RPTY where straight stats matter more.
  2. Ultimately I’ll likely end up starting some discussion for others when the ballots go up (just for the sake of covering bases) but yeah; that is kinda hard to overlook. A player being involved in a third of their team’s total points doesn’t happen every season.
  3. Don’t try in turn this into another one of your arguments about having more depth players that few people want to really be. The fact is, the league has run for 58 seasons as a primarily 2 line league. So the awards have always been voted on with that logic in mind. The league hasn’t changed so suddenly deciding that we want to vote on awards based on depth that doesn’t exist makes no sense.
  4. And that argument gets made on occasion; all depends on the season really. An ideal MVP candidate really is a player who does amazing, helps their team win, and has barely any help. However that is rarely the case most seasons. Cornerstone has a case because of how little help was on Helsinki. Personally I would think Boeser would as well but some points were made in here against that. I’m not here to discuss every option really. I’m just saying that MVP, like most awards, doesn’t have a check list of criteria in order to win it. The discussion changes per year depending how things went during the season.
  5. Most Outstanding is an award as well and 100% I think Skye should be up for it because he had great numbers playing on a very weak team. Ultimately though he wasn’t stealing enough games for them to be considered that “valuable”.
  6. Because ultimately his save percentage changed nothing. I’m not saying Skye didn’t have a great save percentage. I’m saying that if he had a shit one it wouldn’t have made a difference; it was a loss either way. Ultimately that makes him not as valuable of a player to the team because his presence more or less changed nothing result wise. Meanwhile when you look at Moon, sure his S% was lower but if you take him out Helsinki doesn’t win those games; period. Therefore he is more valuable to that team. I’ll put it a different way and work from the opposite side. Riga was dominant this season so King had a lot of wins. Does that mean he deserves MVP? Not necessarily because the team likely could have gotten those wins with basically anyone in net. It’s a balancing act with MVP performances by goalies.
  7. Fair enough, that didn’t come off. Your wording made it sound more like discussing anyone but the top 2 was a waste of time because only 1 would win anyway. You’re saying that, at best, Skye would be 4th (if even that) and the others above him are far and away better options so no point bringing him into the fold. Carry On.
  8. The argument really comes down to the wins more than anything though. If Sky had single handedly brought them into the playoffs then yeah, he deserves to be on the ballot as he was vital to his team’s success. However that .930 S% didn’t help his team win; they still vastly lost the majority of their games. Sure he was Quebec’s most valuable player but does that make him more valuable than someone like Moon who won games for his team? Not really.
  9. The point of a ballot is to have multiple candidates be discussed. Only one movie wins the Oscar for Best Picture every year but that doesn’t stop them from nominating 9 different movies? I do agree with you that Moon deserves the nomination over Skye (not sure I’d vote for either but still) but the argument of not bringing any more than 2 people into the discussion really would limit the amount of discussion that can be had and the amount of different ways people could potentially vote.
  10. Incorrect. I had edited the rules after the affiliate welfare changed them but with that on hiatus I forgot to change them back. Because it was on me I allowed it last week but the old rules apply for now. So you as well as @tfong are in the 4 category. @Kyle I have updated the OP. Sorry for making this confusing for you.
  11. Radio has been restored BTW. It accidentally got purged when we were cleaning up the forums and I only just found where it went.
  12. Those shot totals...
  13. I just went 50-15 in a single match of Hardpoint. Thought you might like to know haha

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Beketov


      That’s what I did it in. I loved Hardpoint back in AW but haven’t really enjoyed the mode much since; way too many tryhards normally.

    3. Beketov


      Just went 57-9 on the same map, same mode. I like this DLC haha

    4. DollarAndADream


      I like the new Occupation map. Although I liked it in MW3 too, but I think it fits well in WW2.

  14. Done!
  15. Have at it! You can start getting your GM’s picked and lists created and stuff whenever you wish.
  16. To be fair it’s more images but doesn’t need cutouts or text. So long as articles (or at least their themes) are provided early enough he should have no issues supplying the header images.
  17. VHL Mag Refresh If you’ve been paying attention lately, you would have noticed a long-running section of the VHL site has been absent for the past season or so. I am, of course, referring to the VHL Mag. It was put on hiatus to re-structure after the last editor stepped down but it shall be returning very soon, likely during the off-season. So what is that re-structure? Well, part 1 is a new editor. After showing intense interest in the job, @BluObieZ has officially been hired as the mag editor. His job will, however, be different than it has been in the past because of the further changes the mag is undergoing. The formal “magazine” contained within a PDF and posted on dropbox will henceforth be no more. Instead, the mag will be posted as the news articles within the VHL Portal. @solas will remain on staff to supply the images for the articles which will be posted on a daily basis rather than in a weekly issue. Robbie’s job will be to post the articles as well as edit the content of them for grammatical and factual errors. More changes will be coming in the future but we wanted to officially announce this first in order to share this exciting way we will be using the portal to bring content that has long been on the site back. Job postings for mag writers will likely be going up soon (though former writers are welcome to their spots back) in order to fill some extra spots to keep your eyes peeled for those.
  18. 4 Im the one who screwed up so I’m not going to take the extra point.
  19. Skye is already in from the GM vote as Quebec's representative.
  20. Yeah, that’s fine.
  21. It’s not really a rule, just something that’s kinda known. The Trade deadline is the cutoff between seasons. So a trade deadline (which was last week to be fair so you aren’t missing much) creation means you’ll go into the S60 draft rather than S59. Gives you an extra couple of weeks to earn TPE.
  22. It’s fine. Like I said, I’ll allow it this week because I’m the one that screwed up and forgot to change the rules back.
  23. Ah, right, I changed the rules page in regard to the affiliate claiming but then that was put on hold so that’s probably where these numbers are coming from. I’ll allow them this week since I screwed up but normal numbers will remain in effect for now.
  24. GOAT Also, that there be CGY G1. Not to be confused with CAL G, the actual GOAT.
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