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Everything posted by Beketov

  8. Toronto has had its up’s and down’s. Not the most active LR I’ve ever been in but definitely not dead.
  9. I’ll tell you honestly that I never found that to be the case so maybe I just wasn’t paying attention, maybe I just wasn’t around for your worst, or maybe I just didn’t care as much. Who knows, you certainly know yourself more than I do. I wouldn’t expect some of his antics from you though, even at your worst. In any case it makes no difference now. Interesting opinion piece.
  10. I think it just got buried quickly this morning, morning announcements also don’t get quite as much attention. It’s a positive thing hat will hopefully be really fun during the off-season. Hopefully we can build a whole event around it and get some fun stuff going on to make the all-star game a true event like it used to be.
  11. If you think he has no history you haven’t been paying attention the last 6 months. If you think suspending his players wouldn’t have made him lash out more you don’t realize who you’re talking about. In his mind he was above the law and was going to create a shitstorm about anything and everything that we did; to him or in general. This says nothing about what he has done in the past for the league. As we have said and continue to say we respect what he has done for the league and his contributions are invaluable but that did not give him the right to say and do whatever he wanted. That did not give him the right to shit on every member that crossed his path (old and new). You act as if you’re the same or have done worse: you haven’t. Even at your worst you’re a troll, same with Trifecta. At his worst Boubabi was acting like all he was doing was trolling when in reality he was being a detriment to any and all recruiting efforts we were making. I firmly believe the members we can get or get back without him pushing them away will outnumber the lack of contributions Boubabi was offering. People act like we banned the perfect member he was 2 years ago, we didn’t. We banned the complete nuisance he became. Im done defending that decision. He would have gladly burned the league to the ground, laughed at the fire and then deflected all the blame away from himself.
  12. I’ve akways been against an activity check and still am. How does it benefit the league ant when it’s literally just making everyone post 1 word? Leave it as a VHLM bonus, the big league doesn’t need it.
  13. The only player I’ve ever had that I gave a legit ending to was Beketov. You can freely have any of my others so: Robert Sharpe Alex Young Niklas Kristensen (please kill him in some terrible way) Jason White Evgeni Chekhov Jackson Miller Jakab Holik Feel free to use any or all of them I don’t really care who’s good and who’s bad etc but if you use multiple then try to do a bit of everything.
  14. Tbh I might have also forgotten who you were and just scrolled over you. If you ever want to play and you see me on just send me an invite. Aside from if I’m streaming I probably will.
  15. To be fair I did check but didn’t notice you on at first (might have missed you) and I don’t get notified when people come online because it was getting annoying. I also didn’t play hardcore that long, switched over to war after. Wound up getting 117 kills and 13 camo challenges done in one match.
  16. I mean it was this morning for me but I was on at like 5am so maybe?
  17. The topic has been hidden for now until changes to the program can be addressed in regards to the partner leagues. Hopefully it will return soon.
  18. Welcome to the CoDCast, hosted this week by a homeless man in PJ’s. Not really but close enough to the image. In this episode we continue our quest for gold camos (got a couple after recording) while answering questions from @Beaviss, @diamond_ace, and @Bushito. @DollarAndADream will also be pleased because I (terribly) play some hardcore!
  19. Got you covered
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