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Everything posted by Beketov

  1. Can't code the element into the link in the same way that you would normally code an image tag?
  2. You know, I was with them last time around so it really would be best if all three just came to Seattle. I mean it would only be right to bring all 4 of us together again.
  3. I said this in the other one since there are 2 discussions on this going on but it seems relevant here haha: I'm not sure if anyone is arguing it here but, anyone saying that it's disrespectful to veterans who fought so that he could stand and respect that flag needs to realize that those veterans fought for his right NOT to stand and respect the flag. Fact is, they fought to keep the country free which means free choice to do and think what you believe in. Protesting the national anthem isn't spitting in the face of veterans, it's respecting what they fought for. He has every right to protest any way he see's fit and if it does something then great. God knows the US needs some major change regarding race relations right now.
  4. Have you even bothered to look at that guy's Wiki Page if nothing else? "Kaepernick was born in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, to Heidi (Zabransky) Russo, a 19-year-old white woman who was single and destitute at the time. His birth father, an African American, left before he was born. Russo placed her son for adoption with Rick and Teresa Kaepernick, a white couple who had two children—son Kyle and daughter Devon—and were looking for a boy after having lost two other sons to heart defects. Kaepernick became the youngest of their three children." Adoption may not be cheap but you can bet your ass that if that family is raising three children in a small wisconsin town (the town there he lived has a population under 45 000) they aren't exactly in the 1%. His wiki page also points out that he was given a scholarship to attend Nevada. Don't claim to know everything about a person's background if you can't even be bothered to do the smallest amount of research. Also, I'm not sure if anyone is arguing it here but, anyone saying that it's disrespectful to veterans who fought so that he could stand as respect that flag needs to realize that those veterans fought for his right NOT to stand and respect the flag. Fact is, they fought to keep the country free which means free choice to do and think what you believe in. Protesting the national anthem isn't spitting in the face of veterans, it's respecting what they fought for. He has every right to protest any way he see's fit and if it does something then great. God knows the US needs some major change regarding race relations right now.
  5. Plenty of time this week to get those questions in so let me have them boys! The last CoDCast was great and I believe this one can be better. @eaglesfan036 @Shaka @ADwyer87 @boom @der meister @Victor @YEAH!stlemania @Phil @tfong @ChrisF @George Costanza @Molholt @Mr. Power @Draper @Banackock
  6. This Having the banner not be clickable doesn't make a huge deal on the computer but getting back to the main board on mobile is way harder with it like this. It's very simple coding to have the banner redirect to the main page so it shouldn't be hard to implement at all.
  7. Clearly I need to TPE whore more, I'm way behind haha
  8. Check your last retired player's page. My old players listed at the bottom all had their TPE numbers added. That's how I figured mine out.
  9. I'll bring the scotch!
  10. Done. I'll take those free points.
  11. Well now you've gotten me all curious. I may have to go and check how much I have. Is there a thread somewhere where someone has done the work for me or do I have to go find all my old players? I will say, I'm probably close if I haven't passed it. While I haven't been a TPE whore enough to get 1000 on a player I have had like 7 or 8 players. Edit: I did the math. Interestingly enough as of my last update I am at EXACTLY 4000. I mean sure that's 4011 now that I updated again but it's still cool that I was dead on it when you tagged me in this haha. Probably would have gotten it a season sooner if it weren't for unfortunate things in S1 but oh well.
  12. Double OT, Game 7. What a way to get the three peat. Well done Toronto.
  13. Whatever, I enjoy it. Was like 9ish days played for 15 prestiges which is actually pretty fast. More people playing it thus better chance at a good connection. I thought of that as soon as I said it but didn’t want to back pedal. I more mean like round out a top 3. My High school had specialized math courses like that, probably just less intense. Mine definitely did. Courses could be 1 three hour course any day of the week, 2 1.5 hour courses (Tues / Thurs) or 3 1 hour courses (Mon / Wed / Fri). Not very many were three hours but I still had probably 6 of them over 4 years. Well that’s your fault for majoring in fucking math then #fuckmath No one ever seems to remember it but Xbox bros love bringing up that the PSN got hacked. They both went down from the same group at the same time. Mind you XBL was back up earlier because they didn’t bother fixing their security. I just did some googling and found the average humidity level in Missouri is the low 80’s (percent wise). I woke up this morning and checked online, the humidity today is 93%. So rather I would say that I don’t want to hear it! Clenching is basically squeezing the controller too hard; the sticks specifically. I tend to do it in tense gunfights. On XBL it would usually be considered a 1000 gamerscore I think? PSN gives you a trophy (a platinum, compared to the usual gold, silver, and bronze that indicate rarity) for getting all the other trophies. Not all games have them but there is usually one for the harder games to do it in. @ADwyer87 because I want you to see this.
  14. Could you clarify? I'm not sure what you mean. Also, call for questions, this includes you @Victor @eaglesfan036 @Shaka @ADwyer87 @der meister @YEAH!stlemania @Phil @tfong @ChrisF @George Costanza @Molholt @Mr. Power @Draper @Banackock
  15. I have other thoughts on the review by my big one is this haha. I meant AK47, not sure why I said unassisted.
  16. Gonna need some processing time as this is a long one. Only had questions from @Banackock but he certainly kept me busy with quite a few of them.
  17. Nothing? Come on guys, don't make me go steal questions from @ADwyer87's podcast.
  18. Current plan is to record either Saturday or Sunday so hit me u with your questions! @eaglesfan036 @Shaka @ADwyer87 @boom @der meister @Victor @YEAH!stlemania @Phil @tfong @ChrisF @George Costanza @Molholt @Mr. Power @Draper @Banackock
  19. What about goalies? Or is this just for skaters? We arguably have 6 major categories with 1-2 lesser ones. I have 500 TPE and am not at over 90 in any category.
  20. You could have at least mentioned us *sniffle* Seriously though, why haven't we had a NS VHL meetup yet? There are at least three of us here that I know if, I'm sure more than that as well.
  21. Best looking belt the WWE has ever had IMO.
  22. I'm in Halifax too but you only wanted to visit Draper and Higgins
  23. You're playing with lines in an interesting way with that dots and lines stock as well as the lighting but I would like to see more of it. You blended them all in a lot instead of really trying to do something special. Text for me is a major issue as well, it sticks out like a sore thumb and takes all the focus away from the render.
  24. No real blending to speak of and contrast is all over the place. Colour Burn is a major no-no and overall the contrast could really use a toning down. Curves and exposure layers are your friend, use them.
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