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Everything posted by Beketov

  1. Face is a little oversharp but that's not too big of an issue. Red in the text looks solid but I would like to see the colour elsewhere to create some nice contrast with all the green. Text overall is nice and the effects are decent.
  2. Step 1: Get BO3 on PS4. Step 2: Add me on PSN. Step 3: Dual CoDCast Step 4: Profit
  3. I think you went the wrong way with those exposure layers as the contrast is WAY too high. With the contrast menu, move the second slider slightly to the right as a starting point as that plays with your blacks and blends things in better. Text stands out too much and everything feels very over saturated. As I've said before (although you wouldn't have seen so not blaming you) try not putting so much of the render not the canvas as it makes the render look tiny.
  4. The colouring in this are really fine and nicely done. Text is okay but stands out a bit too much, I think if you had blurred it a bit like the section behind it then it still would have been readable but would have looked better. I would like to see the light dot removed from the text as it just sorta feels weird. Overall very good but needs some adjustments.
  5. I would love this if it had more contrast. If the outside parts were closer to black (not actually black but a dark grey) it would really make the render pop. Because of how light they are the whole thing feels just washed out. If you get that contrast to where it belongs this would go from a good sig to a great one as the text and effects look solid.
  6. Text is the major issue. Positiong is weird, effects aren't really working and the fact that it's either blurry or way oversharp seems odd. The glass stock isn't too bad but might be a little too much; try using less of it. I would also like to see some better lighting.
  7. I'm seeing the usual issue I find with your work: exposure. The render is exposed okay but everything else feels very dark and under-exposed. The colouring is okay but doesn't really seem to go quite far enough. Squiggly stocks going on in the BG look a little odd as well.
  8. Render effects are sexy. The extra copies of it spread around look a little weird though, especially the logos on the right. I don't mind the text but its a tad too long so maybe doing it in 2 lines might have been better. Lighting is decent but feels a little off with his face being so bright but his neck being so dark.
  9. Definitely looks LQ, render, stocks, the whole nine yards. Not sure if it's the assets you used or the export settings but something is off. As 701 said the exposure is cranked too much. Render placement is a little high so a lot os being cut off. Text is okay but try some effects on it. Would also be better if it was up higher so that it isn't distracting to the eye.
  10. Render's neck seems kinda broken. I think it's just the image used but it looks funny. Might be better if he was rotated a bit so that he isn't as angled. Text is pretty nice and the stock work is well done. Purple is tough to work with so well done there. Would like to see some stronger lighting though as the text is kinda taking over as a focal point.
  11. The lens flare placement is just so different :P. As usual, it would be nice if you changed things up every now and again but the style does still look good. Solid text, solid lighting, nice use of B&W. Gotta try at least using a different lens flare though
  12. Cheesy effects on the text need to go. In general, avoid that fx menu for text. Some lighting would help and the stock work is pretty basic but you're coming along; keep working at it.
  13. This is pretty nice. Great text, great stock work, great lighting, great effects. My only complaint is that the blue at the bottom clashes with the other colours. I think it would look nicer if it was changed to the green colour from the top.
  14. Contrast is very wonky, try playing around with exposure layers to balance everything out. I also suggest not having so much of your render in frame as it kinda makes it look really small. Text positioning should be closer to the render so it isn't so distracting. Also, try doing something with it so that it isn't pure white as that stands out a lot.
  15. It feels weird to know that I've been in the VHL since that very day. It's been such a long time haha
  16. I would like to see a bit more done. I think you stopped yourself short of something fantastic. The render effects are very nice and the lighting on the render is great but a bit of a source would be good. Text is alright but could use a bit more work. The BG feels kinda dull and I think you didn't go far enough with your stock work. Don't be afraid to throw some things at the canvas and see what sticks.
  17. I think the amount of effects going on are what's giving it that LQ feel so maybe tone some of them down a bit. It is very creative but also a little bit hectic with so much colour and random stocks. Don't mind the text but would like to also see some better lighting and a few exposure layers to really draw the eye better.
  18. I'm with 701. The render effects are okay but they don't blend at all with the BG and blend even worse with the sky thing going on behind the text. Work with exposure and other stocks to get everything playing nicely together.
  19. Render and text are both too sharp and personally I don't care for having half opacity renders, just looks a little cheesy. there are better ways to blend things than lowering the opacity. Nice job working with the purple though, it's a tricky colour to make work.
  20. I seriously want to see this PSD because that text makes me jizz. Not even kidding, that's why I'm tagging you so that you can see this and send it to me. Text aside the effects are nice and the blending is great. I think the render is a tad too dark and the light stripe in the right side is a bit too bright. Aside from those contrast issues this is amazing. @George Costanza seriously give me this PSD please.
  21. You are indeed better than this. The text is quite honestly a track wreck of colours, contrast and poor choices. The render effects are pretty decent but then they don't play nice with the effects or colours of the rest of the piece. It kinda looks like you gave up in the middle and posted whatever was done because this doesn't look finished.
  22. I would like to see a combo platter of texts. I like the colour in #1 but the effects on the text don't work great. Maybe have it split a bit between first and last name and put them on slightly different vertical levels. Anyway the effects are pretty good and the cooling is nice. Render looks amazing. Text is the nay thing holding this back.
  23. I like the effects and how the render creates a nice splash of colour. The complaints from me come from the text. it feels slapped on and unblended compared to everything else. The stroke on the subtext looks very amateurish and the duplicate text on the main text is too far away. The text honestly takes away from what could be a very nice piece.
  24. As 701 said, look at some tutorials and get a feel for the basics. This looks like a pre-made BG, some slapped on text and a render. Nothing is blended, the colours don't work, the render is too small, the text is positioning too far away, there's no effects. Not to sound cruel but this is the first 4 layers of a sig at best.
  25. I don't know what possessed you to take what could be a nice sig and puke green all over it but you should have hit undo as soon as you did it. It looks like there are some nice stocks and effects going on but it all got covered in mountain dew so it's really hard to see anything anymore. Colouring should be WAY more subtle.
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