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Everything posted by Beketov

  1. Sexy. A little confused by the H being white like the first name but whatever.
  2. Colours are a little out there and honestly really confuse my eyes as to what I'm looking at. Render is kinda cool to have so large but doesn't really fill the space as much as it should. Lighting on it is okay. Text is a major flaw. The font is weird at best (wouldn't really fit most pieces) and it just sticks out awkwardly.
  3. BG is lacking a bit of depth IMO, seems to drop off to nothing really fast. Render effects are a little crazy and the contrast is kinda going all over the place. Text fits the piece. Overall I would think you need to get some control over it. All the elements are there but they are a bit scattered and don't really feel as if they flow well together.
  4. This is definitely something different, going at a sig without using any stocks. I like the idea. The render looks amazing IMO, the effects and the lighting are perfect. BG I'm a bit iffy on, I agree with Jack that maybe blurring instead of those lines would have been better. Maybe the lines could work if they were just toned down a tad. I don't mind the text but I also don't think it fits the piece perfectly either.
  5. Right side kinda disappeared into pure black a little too much for my liking. I know it was to get the focus where you wanted it but there are other ways aside from making it look like they turned the lights off in that part of the arena. Font is kinda fun, could use a simple grunge texture clipped to it maybe to give it some depth but it's fine as is. Lighting is pretty good. Render feels a tad bit too sharp so maybe just add some sharpness to certain parts (his face for example) and let the rest be normal.
  6. A great example of a clean sig. Simple lines, good (not not overbearing) stock work, simple text. I agree that it's a bit under-contrasted so getting your blacks up to a slightly higher level could help. I'm actually backwards from Jack on the text. I think the Humbert font matches the style much better and the Thaddeus font is a little too out there for a clean sig. To each his own I guess.
  7. A little too much going on for me personally. Some blending, lighting, or depth work could have really helped to bring the eye toward the render. Right now it goes straight to the text for me because of how bright it is. Overall, everything goes well together and blends well, it's just all a tad distracting. A few curves or exposure layers could balance everything out beautifully. Amazing stock and text work BTW.
  8. This grungy style of yours is really progressing quickly, it's good to see. Render is a little on the under-staturated side for me personally. Either go with a desaturated face or leave the colour in tact. This is sorta an odd in between. Lighting on the render looks amazing but the lighting source could be a tad brighter to allow for such stark contrast lighting. Agree with Jack about making the black text slightly lighter to not stand out so much. Overall though, very well done.
  9. Jack covered most stuff. The BG being so black really gives the whole piece an odd contrast and lack of depth so try to not make things quite so dark. Not sure if the render you chose was out of focus or if something happens to it but render should definitely be in focus. Text is pretty good but is taking the focus point away from the render because it's brighter. Work on your lighting I'd say and this could be a lot better.
  10. So this is unfortunately going to have to be postponed again. I got the first set of questions recorded, went to do @Ahma’s big list and it didn’t record. Set it to go again, did the entire set of questions (and got Diamond Assault Rifles during the recording) and then it said my SD card was corrupt so it didn’t save. I have another card but both my batteries are dead so I can’t record again. Sorry guys.
  11. In b4 Yukon loses the rest of the season's games because DT can't be a team player
  12. Shutouts in both games today, I will gladly take that.
  13. Gonna retire again if not?
  14. Much better! I'll try and record this on Saturday I think when i have awhile.
  15. I see how it is, we made you guys look foolish last game so Higgins had to reach into his bag of tricks and make sure Dadonov felt better about himself.
  16. Holy shit, there's a name I haven't seen in a long time.
  17. Holik > Dadonov
  18. I continue my streak of good in Singles matches but not getting it done in multi-man fights. Good match still though, had a few moments where I was close to taking it. Mark my words Conseco; put me against you 1 on 1 and I'm coming for that title.
  19. Strong game boys
  20. Much better game, this is what I like to see.
  21. Shitty game on my part but at least we won.
  22. Probably going to want to do more than 1 vote per group though. If 1-2 sigs are far better than the others (somehow) and you don't do 1 vote then you may end up with a lot that are tied for last, making eliminations a challenge.
  23. I'm liking the overall look you are working with here, it looks pretty cool. Good use of B&W to match the render but subtle colour when it's needed. Duplicated render and text work really well. Lighting is okay but the dot is a bit too strong and the left side of his face (our right) is a bit too dark which is creating some weird contrast and making the text come out a bit as the focal point which is no good.
  24. Definitely got my ass kicked for most of the match but pulled it out when it counted at least.
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