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Everything posted by Beketov

  1. Are any of your sigs not sexy? Render effects are sick, text is well done. BG might be a tad bit too sharp for my liking but hey, that's just me. I'd also like to see your darks brought down a tad bit more to give just a little extra contrast, especially in the render. Could really make him pop. Very well done as usual though.
  2. I like the idea of the clipping mask splatter but I'm not sure on the brush choice. Makes the money seem to fade away a little oddly. As Boubabi said as well, maybe get it in the theme of the rest of the sig somehow. Maybe on the text? Speaking of which, get the text down lower and over the render a bit more to keep your focus in the right spot. Lighting could also help get the focus on the render where it should be instead of bringing the eye all over the place as it does now.
  3. Love the render effects and the stat sheet kinda thing in the BG is cool and original. Overall I actually find the effects are well done with the exception of the text. Something about it looks slapped on to me. Maybe it's a lack of blending, maybe its that the effects look cheesy. I'm not really sure, I just know that it doesn't flow well with the rest of the piece which makes it stand out like a sore thumb.
  4. Definitely need to darken this up a bit too get some contrast, everything just looks a little too bright right now. I do think the lighting is very well done, there's just no darks to contrast it. Also, I love the render, there's a lot of good passion going on with it, but what's up with the cutoff bottom? Sometimes cutting a render off can work but I think style wise it doesn't fit this sig and just stands out as odd.
  5. Definitely agree on the weird colour combination. Maybe try getting that green to be a light shade of blue or something and tone down the orange a tad, could work. I love the effects on the render but the lighting could be a tad stronger. In a similar vein, I love the effects on the Sleeman text but the John seems slapped on and unnecessary. Overall, this piece looks very well done but a tad unfinished. A few extra layers could have really made this thing pop.
  6. Contrast is a little on the weird side here. The lighting is done beautifully but the BG is so dark that the exposure is a bit off. As Boubabi said, add some offset and it should be good to go. Love the text work and always impressed when people can make Davos colours work. Jersey might be a bit oversharp, especially around the logo, but it's not the biggest problem in the world. Overall, very well made sig.
  7. Feels great to retire Miller with a second cup, not sure I've ever won two with one player before. It it was a roller coaster of a season for me. Was great to finish off my career where it started and help Helsinki break the curse.
  8. I've been invisible against my old team but I'd rather get the wins. GG
  9. Claim for this week. Will post loot later
  10. Back in my day we had reason to accuse people of rigging, now it's just a fad! #oldmanVHL
  11. You suck at reminding me, I almost left again without uploading this. Ho Ho Ho motherfuckers! http://www.mediafire.com/download/38qs212gmyi7fdr/Koponen_collab.psd
  12. Salty much?
  13. Hey look, I'm doing things! 3-1 looks promising but we all know that with STHS that's the most dangerous lead to have.
  14. If it were a clipping mask of say an image onto a text layer or something only the top image would apply. However, adjustment layers are infinite. You can add as many as you want. For example, to help my lighting I clip two curves layers to my render. One to brighten, on to darken. I then mask them based on what is needed. Also, as a general hint, you can apply clipping masks by holding alt and clicking the line between the layers you want clipped.
  15. We can't be letting them over double us in shots, I can only do so much.
  16. And I faced 16 shots extra. I'll take it.
  17. Just a note while I'm thinking about it BTW. If you ever have a cut with that annoying line around it where the cut was just a little off. Go to layer->Matting-> Defringe and set it to 1px. That'll get rid of it. That's why my version doesn't have that annoying outline.
  18. That's what I do. Except I usually type the text out first and then highlight it before clicking link. Whatever you typed will fill automatically in the name field. Not sure why I like that order more though.
  19. Yeah, that's rough.
  20. I have failed you #alwaysblamethegoalie
  21. It isn't your fault that I'm just too good, don't worry
  22. Remind me in like a week? I did it at home on the iMac but had to come back to my parents for work.
  23. Curves and blur my friend.
  24. My usual system is a little topaz and a lot of lighting.
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