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Everything posted by JigglyGumballs

  1. What happened to "Trade the picks trust the process"
  2. Don't mind the old yellow, nice reminder of the old logo. Thanks for the updated banners btw!
  3. Thank you @thadthrasherfor the easy talks and a big thank you to both @Erik and @Minermonkey for being a part of the team. You're both going to a strong SDM team in the future and I wish you both the best of luck. As for @Jericho, welcome to the team that's run by a weeb! The perfect fit for an anime protagonist.
  4. Also ...huh?
  5. Claiming Week (2/3)
  6. Claiming Week (1/3)
  7. S77 LAS VEGAS ACES TEAM AWARDS Welcome ladies and gentlemen, to the first Las Vegas Aces Team Awards Showcase! With the offseason for Las Vegas having already begun, it's finally time to take a look back at the accomplishments made by the team, and players during this past season. I know I can waste a 1000 words just describing our season, so I'll just keep it short. Las Vegas coming into the start of last season, definitely had some moxie to them. As we came off a draft that saw some rather bold moves made by me. With another bold trade early in the season, Vegas became a dominant team in the first half. We were able to put up a good fight against the bigger teams, and despite falling off our stride come the middle and back half of the season, Vegas still held firm with a 35-27-10 record. Then came the postseason where we upset the dominant Saskatoon Wild in 5 games, but ultimately got swept by the Miami Marauders. During that time, the motto of "TRADE THE PICKS TRUST THE PROCESS" was born, and with that motto, it gave this team a distinguishable identity...in the LR that is. Anyways, with that short description out of the way, it is finally time for the awards!! (Note: The Awards, with player stats particularly, will only involve the player's time as a player of LVA. So if they came late via trade or signing, then the games they played with us and the stats put up during that time will be counted towards the stat related awards. Also @Spartan is going to kill me with the image formatting, but fuck it.) MIKE SZATKOWSKI III TROPHY - TEAM MVP First up is the Mike Szatkowski III Trophy! The trophy, who's namesake is the franchise leader in points (VHL Portal wise). A name fitting for the Team MVP. This person has been with the team for quite a while, and has had a long history with the Vegas franchise. They have shown great dedication to the franchise that even predates both my AGM and GM tenures. Although they may have a rather vulgar tongue, this person has not only stuck with us all of this season, but has been the face of Vegas for the past two seasons. Truly worth of the award. The winner this season's Szatkowski trophy is none other than... ANGEL WACHIURE AWARD - BEST FORWARD Up next is the Angel Wachiure Award! Given to the best forward this season, represented one of the longest serving LVA forwards, @inflastud!! The term "best forward" is quite vague, I'll admit that. However, that vagueness is part of the magic that comes with it. The best forward in the team doesn't exactly mean they put up the best points. They can put up great defensive numbers as well, or maybe a mix of both. The loose term of "best forward" allows for a wider range of people available for this award. So moving on, this player had a very short stint with us in Vegas. As they were acquired close to the trade deadline. And despite the decent offensive stats put up in the remainder of the regular season, the playoffs is where this player truly shined. Their performance during the playoffs allows for this player to be deserving of this award, along with the stellar season in general. The winner of the Angel Wachiure Award is... ALEX LETANG TROPHY - BEST DEFENSEMAN Following up the best forward award is none other than the Alex Letang Trophy. Which is the trophy given to the best defenseman this season. The trophy's namesake is none other than former GM and LVA player @Spartan, who sits 13th in franchise scoring with just 144 games played with Vegas. The winner of this award came into Vegas via trade. A rather big blockbuster at that. However, this player had in fact played for Vegas previously before this season. Yes, this player was initially a waiver signing a couple of seasons ago, who was taken by a different team come the dispersal draft. Only for them to be reacquired by the team this season. This player, in his second coming in Vegas, was an offensive powerhouse. And yes, not every defenseman puts up a huge amount of points. However, if it wasn't for this player, it would have been very hard for Vegas to have the kind of powerplay and offensive production it had this season. The winner of the Letang Trophy is... GARY RUSH AWARD - MOST GOALS Next up is the stats based awards. Starting off with the Gary Rush Award! @G_Rush during his time in Vegas displayed what it meant to score a shit ton of goals. As he currently sits 5th in franchise scoring. Defining the term "offense" for the modern day Vegas. A player very fitting for the award for most goals. Now this person has already won an award previously. Again showing why this player was the face of Las Vegas this past season. The winner for the Gary Rush Award is... RHYNEX ENTERTAINMENT TROPHY - MOST ASSISTS Next is the trophy who's namesake complimented the namesake of the previous award by defining what it means to be a playmaker in modern day Vegas. This is the Rhynex Entertainment Trophy. Awarded to the player who had the most assists this season with Vegas. @Rhynex Entertainment was the center of a line that was probably one of Vegas's most offensively gifted. That line, which I personally called the "Tripe R Threat" was dominant during their time. All three of those players are within the top 15 in franchise scoring. Rhynex in particular being 9th. A center who exemplified what it means to be a playmaker and who was the unsung hero within the trio. Truly deserving name for this award. The person who won this award, has also won an award previously. This time a defenseman, this player is the playmaker behind Vegas's offense. A true powerplay quarterback. The winner of the Rhynex Trophy is... CHRIS REYNOLDS AWARD - MOST DEDICATED To finish off trio comes the Chris Reynolds Award! The Award given to LVA's most dedicated player. @Crstats23 to me, was one of the biggest contributors to the LR. Someone who I found was quite dedicated to the team he plays for. This award is given to those who exemplifies the same amount of enthusiasm for the team and the VHL in general. Of course I could've named this trophy anything, but with Rhynex and Rush already the namesakes of other awards, it felt right for me to finish the trio that defined Vegas in their time. This player came into Vegas via the Dispersal Draft. Being an ever present locker room presence. This player has also been active in the VHL main discord and has displayed a great amount of enthusiasm/interest in the league. A person who is actively looking to contribute even more by acquiring a job in the VHL. The winner of the Reynolds Award is... LOCKER ROOM ACTIVITY AWARD So as the 2nd last award in this showcase, we have the Locker Room Activity Award! Given to the player who displayed a great amount of locker room activity. So before I announce the winner, what's the difference between this and the Chris Reynolds Award? Well the Reynolds Award is given to the most dedicated player in the league and Vegas overall, this is just solely locker room activity. This person has again already won multiple awards in this showcase. This person also had an ever present presence in the locker room as well. Providing the LR some much needed activity. Helping both me and others engage in conversation. The winner of the Locker Room Activity Award is... AGM AWARD Last but not least is the AGM Award! An award just for my AGM @Emi. Despite not having rights, I felt as though that I should at least recognize my AGM for the contributions to the team. Whether big or small. Sure we make fun at AGMs for not having rights and all that, but the AGM is a key member of the LR. As they provide the team with activity, help the GM if they aren't available, and most importantly, provide the players with a weekly presser, allowing for them to earn quick and easy TPE. All I'm saying is that AGMs can be big contributors to the team as well, and I wanna thank Emi for that. Well that's that! The end of this season's Team Awards! For those who didn't win anything this season, don't be sad or worried. You've all contributed to the team one way or another, and I wanna thank you all for a great season with us. I'm very proud of the team we've fought as during the course of this season, and I'm glad that each and every one of you were a part of the team. So again a big thank you to this season's Aces, for having a great season with us. And now to ping the entire fucking roster as thanks: @Jakefufu@Wolverine@Devise@glass@Minermonkey@DreMin15@Hank@Erik@Charlie@LT.CHICKEN NUGGETS@hess30@Giles Rigel@I'll change this later@Slick@GoldGear88@Coldex@Cédric Goulet@BeastTakeover
  8. 1. I think we did pretty well in all honesty. Of course I would've love the chance to not get swept in the second round but I think we did well. Couldn't be disappointed. 2. TRADE PICKS AND TRUST THE PROCESS 3. The fact that we were able to beat Sasky in just 5 games is quite a feat in all honesty. Pretty happy about that. 4. He he... Uh... Well... 5. I think we have a pretty good chance at making it again, a good chunk of our core is staying for next season so I think we could do it again. 6. Are you talking about the pressers? Or with the team moving forward? Uh well if we're talking pressers, just do whatever you please lol. I've liked the questions so far so keep up the good work!
  9. So...uh I did have an article idea for today, that being a preview of LVA's upcoming team award ceremony. However, this bastard known as Simon T just happened to slap me in the jugulars and hit me twice in the balls with a steel baseball bat. In other worlds, LVA got swept by Miami. Adding insult to injury, I'm still considered an AGM in the Miami LR so... uh... yeah. Anyways, this isn't an article to vent my frustrations or anything like that. Miami deserved the win and we put up a good fight. However, this is a bit of a recap of LVA's playoffs and my first season as a GM. There will be an award ceremony next week for LVA, but let's get on with it. So coming into the playoffs, LVA had just lost it's last two games of the season, and then we were graciously granted Saskatoon Wild as our first round opponents. If you didn't know, finished 2nd this season in league standings in the VHLM. Was I concerned? A little. To me, playoffs are an even playing field. Literally anything can happen. That includes the potential upset. I remember literally changing my lines every fucking game or so to keep the roster fresh. I really don't know if that worked or not. However, as Vegas does, we put on a show in that series. We would finish off Sasky in just 5 games. Finishing the series with the 2nd best powerplay and the best penalty kill amongst the contending teams. Confidence was high for me, and probably the team as well. After that, we basically had to wait for a few days as a couple of series's were still not done. However at the end, we would end up facing Miami. Miami and Vegas has fought in a series before during my time in management. We've lost to them in a game 7, in this very same round in the playoffs. Miami would then go off and win a championship there. So there was a bit of a playoff rivalry going on. However in this series, things were different. Right off the bat, we were down two. The PK went from first to shit, and although the powerplay kept us afloat, we couldn't depend on it. This was completely understandable in all honesty. The powerplay wasn't going to carry us to the finals. So with that in mind, I ended up changing up the lines once more. In hopes of giving us some time to bounce back. Unfortunately, this is where Simon T hits me in the balls twice with a steel bat. We outshot and outplayed our opponent in both games, only to lose in overtime. Adding insult to injury was that both OT goals were scored in the powerplay. Thus ending our season. It was over, we fought hard, but ended up still losing. Of course looking ahead, there's still an upcoming draft, and despite only having late round picks in a decently questionable draft, I'm still looking for a chance to improve on the team. Get them to hopefully a better position come next season. We have some key pieces moving forward and I hope we can come back here next season. Other than that, I'm honestly very proud of the team. You guys in LVA have just been great. Sure most of my trades were questionable and I definitely traded too many picks, but in the end, this season was more than satisfying. I'm sorry we couldn't get you the cup, but I do hope you had a great time with us here in LVA this season. Thank you.
  10. Sigh... A hard faught match in the end. Nevertheless I'm very proud of this Vegas team this season. Best of luck to @InstantRockstarand Miami moving forward!! GG.
  11. GG @Doomsday!! WE'RE MOVING ON!!!
  12. This game is telling me to recreate as a goalie when I retire
  14. We might just have the best powerplay in the M right now lol
  15. Congrats @dlamb!!
  16. Forgot about the recruitment TPE eh?
  17. 1. Well I personally think that the purpose is to create a community based on a shared interest. Now I certainly think that sim leagues are a bit of a niche in terms of interests, but it definitely provides that video game feel of creating a player and becoming a legend. 2. Adding on to that, I think the simple desire of making a player, joining a team and playing against/with others is the main draw. For me at least. Your fantasies of one day running a team or becoming a star is a great incentive in terms of joining a sim league. Maybe even make some friends along the way with the shared interest you have in the sim league. That's what I think at least. 3. Win a single award for something. Anything. I've been nothing but meh my entire career so far so hopefully something happens. 4. VHLM GM stats. I don't feel like doing the work for that. 5. @Sonnetand @Spartan 6. Well I found it via my irl friend @PatrikLaine. He thought I'd like the VHL and he was damn right.
  19. To catch them is my real test, to train them is my cause?
  20. Welcome to the team! Sending you a contract soon
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