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Matt thunder

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Matt thunder last won the day on June 30 2023

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About Matt thunder

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    at your mom house

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  1. Well i guess it is time to be back on roblox LOL
  2. Review: I am really happy with what his happening with your player player and how is slowly becoming a great player in the league. I really like how your way of writing; and I also like the fact that you are really precise on your player info as it is only an article and not a media spot. Overall this gets a solid 9 out of a 10, keep it up with the good work buddy.
  3. Review: I really like this graphic and I also like a lot how you did the logo swap, it really feels natural. For the colors I know it can be hard to find a team with the exact same colors of malmo, but I think it ended up well even if those are not the "real" colors of the jersey that the player is wearing. Overall the graphic is really well done and I think that it deserve a solid 8 out of a 10, keep it up with the good work buddy.
  4. 1 HELL YEAH, Riga is finally back and I couldn't be more happy 2 good chemistry I think, we have one of the best lockerooms of the league. 3 we will always have some rust to work off 4 I am not holding up to the roseer as I am still on the VHLM 5 Yeah I think that so, and we still have to months to go. 6 I am going to say Mcdavid, as always.
  5. 1 Really good, working a lot on my player, getting as much tpes as possible lol. 2 I mean, it could have been better, but hey it is still better than nothing. 3 Unfortunately no, but I will happly do so as soon as possible 4 Of course I have, I have been drafted by you guys. 5 I am really happy, I am a pens fan and finally my team is doing something good, all thanks to Dubas, of course we will not win the stanley cup right now, but hey, it is still a great start. 6 No, please no, I don't want to come back to school.
  6. What can be said about Sebastian Thunder? the last name that he has already speaks for himselfs, but what if I wold you that Sebastian is a told different person from his dad? Let's start from the mpst important thing, his father, was born in France, while our protagonist, Sebastian, was born in the capital of Latvia, the beautiful city of Riga; because, as many nerds of the VHL might know, Matt Thunder played for a big part of his carrear in Riga. The second difference that he has from his father is that he grew up in some goods hockey countries and cities, Malmo and Riga, not like his home country France; since he was a young kid he used to watch the trainings and important games of Riga and he also had the chance to speak and learn from some of the most important recent legends of the team, like for exemple Zamboni Driver, Cabe Mcjake, Artair McCloud, Isau DaMoose and Linus Zetterstrom. It was only logic for him to fall in love with this incredible sport, but he wanted to change from his father, of course he loved to see players crush into each other or just fight for the puck, but what he really loved was an other thing, he loved scoring and doing it in the best way possible, exulting in front of the opposing team and fans, he finally choosed to play as a left wing, as he was a good skater but also a good shooter. Once his father heard the great news, he immediatly sent him to one of the best junior hockey team of Riga, but of course, as you guys can immagine, it was hard for Sebastian, he had a lot of talent and he showed it, but all that his teammates could see was only one thing, his last name, Thunder. He was on the first line and stealed the place from an other child? well, you already know that it was only thanks to his last name and not by the fact that he could score hat tricks after hat tricks against the best junior teams of the whole country. Of course this wave of prejudice did not stop him, it actually did the opposite, he wanted to show to the whole world that he wasn't just a last name, he will be one of the best future palyers of the VHL, so as the day passed, he spent more and more time on the gym, but also on the ice rink; even if he had to change city due to his father beeing traded to malmo, he did not stop his daily work routine, he even started to double it. Finally all of his hard work payed of as he was finally scouted by a team of the VHLM, the miami marauders, he was so close to achiving one of his first dreams, reaching the VHL, but if he really wanted to reach it, he needed to keep it up with the good work; and keeping it up he did. On his first game with the miami marauders he scored one goal and he also made an assist, assuring an easy win for his loved team. His first ever season in the VHLM went marvelous as in 45 games played he scored 11 goals but also made 16 assits, not bad for a rookie whoplays for the first time in America; but he did not stope there as Sebastian also helped his team to reach the playoff, even if the Miami marauders started the season miserably, his loved team unfortunately did not pass the first round of the playoffs but still, in 6 games Sebastian achived to score 2 goals, let me say it again, not bad for a rookie at his first approach with the playoffs. But now that this season passed, what is next for the great Sebastian Thunder? As I am writing this article Seb was drfated again by the miami marauders in the VHLM draft as the third choice, he was also drfated by the Rome Gladiators in the VHLE draft as the 39th choice, and it dosen't end here, as, FINALLY, he was drfated also by a team of the VHL, now, I guess you are all wondering wich team we are all talking about, let me give you a hint, it was the team of his father, someone can say it is a tradition, someone can say it is pure luck, what I can say is that Sebastian Thunder was drafted as the 27th overall by The Riga Reign. But this time will be different, Sebastian will try with all that he has to win something for Riga, to finally become the best Thunder that has ever worn the Riga Reign jersey. 803 words
  7. Review: Wow, this is really amazing, where should I even start? The logo swap is just incredible, and I love that you also changed the shoulder patches, I know it is hard to modify, but wow, this photo really looks realistic thanks to that. The font and the writing is also good and do not bother the edit in any way. Keep it up with the good work mate, this graphic gets a solid 9 out of a 10.
  8. 1 it was amazing if we think that 2 weeks ago we were dead last. 2 I really don't know, this season i was only focused on the vhlm. 3 Amazing (again) the coaching staff and the team is incredible. 4 The whole team was great, if we made the playoffs it was only thank to us as a team. 5 just better. This team is on the right path. 6 as I said before, just amazong, you two guys are an incredible team.
  9. 1 Incredible, at the start of the season we never belived in it, but now look at us, we made it! 2 probably phili, they have an amazing team this season. 3 I have to say Phili but just because I reply to this interview after the game. 4 In my opinion I did a great work during these playoffs as they also were my first ever playoffs 5 Me, I hope lol. 6 Just amazing, one of the best stories of this season to be honest.
  10. So, before I start, Ihave to say that I didn't have this idea all by myself, while I was reviewing some media spots or articles I saw a lot of new but also old users writing about a day in the life of their players, so I told myself, why not write about that? I am really sure that the life of Sebastian can be interesting, and after all, it is also the birthday of the vhl, so it is cool to write about something related to the league no? So, what are we waiting? let's just dive into a day in the life of the Sebastian Thunder. So the day of sebastian starts at around 7/ 7:30 A.M., he takes a shower and of course, after that, he takes a big breakfast with some milk and cereals, as he needs a lot of energies to keep up with his hard work. (remember kids it is always important to have breakfast as it is the most important meal of the day) At around 8 A.M. he takes the car with his roommate and teammate to go to practice at the miami marauders training camp, to, you guess it, train; but before that, they usually have a video analysis of the next team they will be playing against, this is maybe the most crucial part of the training as here, with the coach and the assistant they will talk about the strategy they will use against the opponent team. It is now 12 A.M, and you know what that means, it is lunch time with the whole team, yeah; the whole team will reunite in a simple resturant, chat, relax, and just working on the team spirit by making jokes or just opening up, just after the lunch Sebastian comes back home with his friend and just sleep and relax for a bit. At around 4 P.M. Sebatian wakes up and he goes to the gym, to work on his body and his muscles, to be in the best shape possible for the next crucial game, as right now, the miami marauders are in the playoffs. Sebastain finish training at around 5 P.M and just gets back home where he can finally take a shower and just relax once more. At around 7 P.M. he finally makes and eat dinner and after that he just relax a bit by watching netflix or insta or snap in the living room or bed room. At around 11 P.M. he is in bed as he needs to be ready for his next day, as it will be hard, just like the one that just finished. That was all, I hope you readers enjoyed it, as this time I tried to do something different than usual; I am used to talk only about myself as a user, but I never actually talked that much about my player, and I hope that this media spot will be different and maybe, who knows, change the subjects of what I write about. 512 words if I am not wrong.
  11. you are just 2 years younger than me? that's crazy
  12. 1 Of course we will make it, we aree the miami marauders, not any other bunter club. 2 We started really poorly, but really poorly, but luckily with the new recruits everything started to get better, and hey, not look at us, we are in the playoffs. 3 Sometimes you just get unlucky that's all, you can't win them all. 4 Really good for me, my first ever season and even if I didn't play that many games I still got a lot of points, and I coudn't be more happy than that. 5 I hope for Houston as we will be playing against Philadelphia. 6 My favorite team is Pittsburgh, love the players, the town, the history, the colors, but I do also like Florida.
  13. Review: I can feel you bro, I do too sometimes forget to do some articles or revews, just because after I write a media spot, I am tired to write something else, so I just postpone and postpone and I totaly forget about it. The article overall is really solid, you can't really talk more in the detail when you are writing an article, so I think it is really well done. In the end this article gets a soli 8 out of a 10, keep it up with the good work buddy.
  14. Review: I really like this graphic, and to be more precise this 60s comic look is really incredible, it really feels like a cover for a new superhero that will go along the spectacular spiderman. The font also goes well with the style. In the end this graphic gets a solid 9 out of a 10, keep it up mate, looking foward to your next graphic.
  15. So as many of you may know, I am now officialy back, and today I am here to reply to one single question (the same question that you can find in the title), how were these 2 weeks back into the VHL? The answer is preatty easy, it was just amazing, getting back in contact with old members with whom I had a good friendship @Spartan @hedgehog337 @Lemorse7, but it was also amazing getting in contact with members with whom I never talked to, @JCV or @Tetricide for exemple. But I have to be honest, there was also a small and sad part, I discovered that many users that I knew and that helped me with the vhl or just with the real life problems left or were banned, wich of course is normal, I did the same, but I really hope that one day we will be all togeter recreating that incredible team that was Riga and maybe, this time, win the title. Now back to my player, what are now my plans? As now I am steady in the VHL I can now focus on my second goal, getting drafted, Yeah, I know, it is easy, but as I said in the past I want this actual player, Sebastian Thunder, to be better than my past players: Matt Thunder and Basileus Jute. This means that I have to work hard and get as many tpes in this short period of time, I know that I joined mid season and of course i have less time then new players, but everybody knows that I love a good challenge and that I never back down. (I really sound like nickeh30 right now) That was all, I just wanted to thank everyone who helped me to get really back in the forum, telling me how things changed and things like that, I tried to tag everyone but of course I am human and I make a lot of errors so don't get mad if I forgot to tag someone. And this is all, I hope that everyone enjoyed this media spot wich was like a small update of my past media spot, wich I thought was necessary. Right now I am also working on the biography of my player so to get more lore about the thunder family but also to get some more sweet tpes, wich is never bad (everyone can agree on this one), so I hope to see all you guys also there as I am trying to make it really interesting, just like the biography of Matt thunder. 502 words, If me and wordcount are not wrong.
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